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Thinks Their Own Way

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Posts posted by Thinks Their Own Way

  1. If I wasn't on this forum, I would forget Berkut and Fernando's existences, I was doing this as I go through the game as well. I think the royal siblings on the side you didn't pick make for some pretty good villains, Garon might as well be name Simon von Sinister for how obviously evil he is, Iago is so over-the-top... I actually got some enjoyment out of because his V.A.'s performance was actually really good. Hans is a Frozen reference because Japan loves Frozen and the Awakening are all interchangeable to me.

  2. I now have 20 in total:

    1. M!Corrin (Promoted)
    2. Camilla
    3. Julia
    4. Seliph
    5. Sanaki
    6. Felicia (Promoted)
    7. Ephraim
    8. Olwen
    9. Priscilla
    10. Jaffar (Merged)
    11. Lucius
    12. Ogma
    13. Easter Chrom
    14. Ike
    15. Xander (Promoted)
    16. Takumi
    17. Leo
    18. Azura
    19. Lucina (New, +Speed/-Defense; I was thinking about who to promote next to 5 star and realized I didn't have anyone from Awakening (Easter Chrom counts as a Heroes only to me) and I pull Lucina).
    20. Cain (New, +Speed/-Res; I love the Weapon Triangle Focus)



  3. I vastly prefer having a shopping base over shopping during a chapter; it makes zero sense and in FE 8 you can go back and shop afterwards. I like the GBA arenas, especially for training pre-promotes (I use Isadora, Innes and Seth a lot); but I feel that in a game with off chapter grinding they feel redundant.

  4. It's fine, cheesy and sometimes unintentionally funny but it gets the job done; although their's some stuff in here that really rubs me the wrong way. I don't like it or the characters enough to justify the horrid gameplay (playing through it feels like a form of punishment once you get to Act 3 of Celica's route). I just recruited Tatiana and did one swamp chapter on Act 4 and never want to play the game again. I rather have not so great stories but fantastic gameplay over games like this.

  5. On 5/11/2017 at 6:57 PM, I'm a Spheal said:

    Update from a while ago:

    1. M!Corrin (promoted)
    2. Camilla
    3. Julia (MVP and my icon in game)
    4. Seliph
    5. Sanaki
    6. Ephraim
    7. Olwen
    8. Priscilla
    9. Jaffar (Merged)
    10. Lucius
    11. Ogma
    12. Easter Chrom
    13. Ike
    14. Takumi

    I have a ton of 4 stars ready to promote, I just don't know who to promote.

    On 5/11/2017 at 6:57 PM, I'm a Spheal said:


    15. Leo (+Speed, -Res; funny enough in the same banner (male mages) earlier in the day, i got a 4 star Tharja)

    16. Felicia (Promoted, from a little 2 star to now a mighty 5 star; if their was ever someone who has ascended. They grow up so fast.)



    17. Azura (+Attack, -HP; no other comments, I'm just grateful for another 5 star and one that refreshes as well)

  6. Range means nothing if you can't hit anything; imagine if Takumi's personal weapon had 1-5 range. I've found Leon useful so far, I like the skill the Iron Bow learns that improves hit rates. Archers highlight the problem with emphasis on terrain bonuses in this game, to much emphasis on luck for my liking. So Archers are good when they can actually hit something. I made Tobin a Merc, I like having a unit with a 100% hit in this game.

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