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Thinks Their Own Way

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Posts posted by Thinks Their Own Way

  1. On 5/6/2017 at 3:09 PM, I'm a Spheal said:

    Update from a while ago:

    1. M!Corrin (promoted)
    2. Camilla
    3. Julia (MVP and my icon in game)
    4. Seliph
    5. Sanaki
    6. Ephraim
    7. Olwen
    8. Priscilla
    9. Jaffar (Merged)
    10. Lucius
    11. Ogma
    12. Easter Chrom
    13. Ike
    14. Takumi

    I have a ton of 4 stars ready to promote, I just don't know who to promote.


    15. Leo (+Speed, -Res; funny enough in the same banner (male mages) earlier in the day, i got a 4 star Tharja)

    16. Felicia (Promoted, from a little 2 star to now a mighty 5 star; if their was ever someone who has ascended. They grow up so fast.)


  2. Story wise: Thief/Rogue/Assassin/Whisper; the reasons as to why we have people in these classes in our group, I find to be more interesting than the typical heroic classes. I like Jaffar and Niles the most.

    Game play wise: Dancer/Songstress/Bard; the ability to allow someone to move again is always useful, it's like having Galeforce as a unit (but less broken than Galeforce in Awakening). I like Tethys the most.

  3. I find it funny that a game that's trying to be as old school as possible; the main thing they takes from the newer games is the thing that makes people pay more money.

    1 grinding set is enough (this includes items and gold), 2 is pushing it. Having an over-class in general is rather pointless considering their isn't any Apotheosis or Online PvP; if it's for Chapter 6, then that just highlights a bigger problem. Even the story DLC ; it's basically a playable version of some of the base conversations if my memory is correct, so it's not telling us anything we didn't already know.

    It comes down to having to pay a lot for very little content.

  4. I prefer (from games I've played mostly):

    Marth x Caeda (Default)

    Alm x Celica (Default)

    Eliwood x Ninian (Default)

    Hector x Lyn (None of their other pairings excite me in the slightest and I like their dynamic)

    Eirika x Lyon (I don't care if it can never happen)

    Ephraim x Nobody (I like Tana but she comes off as annoying in their supports and I hate L'Arachel in general)

    Micaiah x Sothe (Doesn't bother me in the slightest)

    Chrom x Olivia (Being rushed is still significantly better than his other options)

    F!Corrin x Xander (It's certainly interesting in a good way)

    M!Corrin x Charlotte (I like their dynamic)

    More often than not in this series, the canon pairings are ones that bore me personally; it comes off as the game telling me to like those pairing instead of giving me a reason to like them. The ones that excite me are the ones that have dynamics about them that elevate above the more traditional ones.

  5. I don't think a movie studio in their right mind would green-light a Fire Emblem movie, especially a Hollywood studio. Not high profile enough to attract big name stars; the most units sold for this series I remember reading was around 1.9 million; while great for this series, just a small fraction compared to franchise like Pokemon, Warcraft or Assassin's Creed. 

    Personally speaking I feel that this series doesn't lend itself to movies well. And whatever elements that can lend themselves well to movies have already been well in other movies. They are both two very different forms of entertainment. You can't replicate the gameplay experience (the most important part of a video game) in a movie without something being lost in translation. 

  6. Cordelia is the one who proposes to Gregor if you're doing that pairing, Camilla and Tharja still act the way they do even if the avatar is female (I find it often in these discussions people forget the avatars can be female). I'm just disappointed with Faye (despite feeling like she was only added to avoid criticism of Alm's group being one large sausage party in the beginning like in the original Gaiden); I'm just tried of the whole childhood crush cliche and the childhood friends to lovers cliche in general. I wish she was more crazy to be honest.

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