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Thinks Their Own Way

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Posts posted by Thinks Their Own Way

  1. I think Eliwood's Mode, Birthright and Conquest have the perfect amount (Low 40's). It doesn't feel overwhelming like Radiant Dawn or Revelations (I like that both Hoshido and Nohr join forces and become friends but fuck is looking after two armies a handful) for someone like me who likes/wants to use everybody. Sacred Stones feels to low but it satisfies the part of me that likes/wants to use everybody. 

  2. The trainee units are fun to use (I like how they automatically heart seal themselves at level 10 (their max level), in the next chapter when they are at that level so they aren't dead wait). I wish future games brought trainee units like this back. With the exception of Fog of War (I'm glad this shit is sort of gone), the game is pretty fair (I still need to get pretty far myself, Chapter 10 on Eirika's route and Chapter 11 of Ephraim's route). Ephraim might be my favourite lord in the series. Healers are a bit tedious to level up and try not to worry about supports on the first play-through. 

  3. Elise passes down a class that can use tombs (Strategist) and as a Sorcerer; Elise!Ophelia has better growths in Magic, Speed (but Nyx gives her a better speed cap) and Res the 3 primary stats for a Sorcerer; as well as very good luck growths for what it's worth. I feel that Nyx can be better used else where (Forrest, Nina, Dwyer)

  4. I don't buy orb, thanking they've been kind with handing out orbs in the special maps lately. 

    I just pulled:

    3* Virion (who cares)

    4* Oboro (she's good)

    4* Maria (I finally have a good healer)

    Both 5* Genealogy of the Holy War characters

    I'm happy (loving using Julia so far) 

  5. I like Flora, she's very... LIT. But she can be very COLD... ICY even.

    Hector has an... AXE to grind.

    Henry's spell's are DEATHening.

    Peri has that KILLER instinct. But this isn't much of a REVELATION

    You can catch these SACRED STONES.

    Conquering THE CONQUEROR counts as a successful CONQUEST.

    My puns are TYRFING... they can be found in the BOOK OF NAGA.

  6. I'm in the camp of it's just a game. What I do in real-life is different from what I do in a video game (I've played GTA)

    The pairing the game heavily push are cousins (I know cousin marriage was ok during those times, but it's still cousins marrying each other). The rough notes in the art-book talked about Leo having a crush on Camilla. Camilla and Xander might as be wearing a fuck me sign honestly. The game makes the Avatar x Royal pairings easy to do (fast to the S) so it's not like the game discourage you from doing it. Characters can marry a fox and a wolf in this game (rabbits in awakening) and not question the pseudo-bestiality nature of it (I had a file were Corrin married Keaton).  

  7. Flaming chainsaw sword. It's a sword that's a fucking chainsaw on fire. I want one as much as the flamethrower guitars from Mad Max: Fury Road. Fuck a Rapier, fuck a Falchion. The +4 in Strength, Speed, Defense and Resistance is nice and all; but it's a sword that's a fucking chainsaw on fire.

  8. This route is more about resource management then Conquest is tbh, in terms of difficulty; enemies don't have weird skill combos much like Birthright but their levels are similar to Conquest. Their are gimmicky maps (which I'm grateful for after playing Blazing Sword recently)

    Some revelation exclusive pairings I like:

    Charlotte x Kaden

    Azama x Effie

    Camilla x Male Hoshido Royal

    Oboro x Benny

    Niles x Setsuna 

  9. From the games I've played:

    Chrom- To me he's what everyone complains about Corrin being, without the circumstances regarding upbringing. It was not very hard for Lucina to overshadow him; you can say because later on he's much less the focus.  But even when he's the main focus, he's boring honestly.

    From watching play-troughs and reading supports:

    Soren- He just personifies negativity to me. His interaction with the laguz in Chapter 8 broke the straw on the camels back for me. It's the only time I wanted to see someone die. And reading up on his back story does not help me like him. In his supports with Ike, the back story comes off as contrived emotional manipulation honestly. 

  10. Thankfully Cherche is good as a Wyvern Lord, Tana is good as a Falcon Knight and Miriel is good as a Sage. If one option is significantly better than the other, I go with the better option.

    For example, in Birthright, Elise says how she disguises herself as a maid to seek to the underground (I believe this is also mentioned in her supports with Effie). She can promote to Maid, but Strategist is easily the better option of the two for her stat build. Therefore I never once promoted her to Maid. This might not be a great example but it's the first thing that popped to mind for me. 

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