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Thinks Their Own Way

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Posts posted by Thinks Their Own Way

  1. Favourite:

    Saber, he's a cool dude.

    Delthea, mainly because seeing her putting in the work against Berkut and what's his face  was utterly hilarious.

    Least Favourite:

    Reina  Rinea, the fact that I had to look up her name should give you a clue. Most of the new characters in general do nothing for me. I'll give Faye this... out of all the new characters, I can remember her existence. 

  2. 23 hours ago, I'm a Spheal said:

    So far the good news is that even on my older system (2DS) it does run well, no lagging so I'm happy, I just recruited Clair so as of now... I like it better than Awakening. When I say I don't care about story in video games, I really don't care about story in video games... characters are fine, not spectacular... I like them enough, no L'Arachel's so far (my least favourite FE character ever). My only problem from a gameplay perspective is that it's really easy if you know anything about Fire Emblem (especially normal mode). If I had to rank it so far it's:

    1. Fates
    2. Sacred Stones
    3. Shadows of Valentia
    4. Awakening 
    5. Blazing Sword


    I retract that better than Awakening statement, summoner spamming alone is making me down grade my opinion of Echoes; they just drag this shit out for no reason; it's not fun to battle against and it's adds nothing in terms of difficulty. 

  3. So far the good news is that even on my older system (2DS) it does run well, no lagging so I'm happy, I just recruited Clair so as of now... I like it better than Awakening. When I say I don't care about story in video games, I really don't care about story in video games... characters are fine, not spectacular... I like them enough, no L'Arachel's so far (my least favourite FE character ever). My only problem from a gameplay perspective is that it's really easy if you know anything about Fire Emblem (especially normal mode). If I had to rank it so far it's:

    1. Fates
    2. Sacred Stones
    3. Shadows of Valentia
    4. Awakening 
    5. Blazing Sword
  4. I thought you could get Eliwood as a 5 star because he was a focus during one of the grand hero battles; guess they changed that. I don't think F!Corrin is happening because she's a free hand out to Android users (a free 4 star is pretty nice tho). I think the system of special focuses during GHB is the way you'll get these characters as 5 stars.

    1. When were you introduced into FE? 2016
    2. How did you get introduced? A let's play of Conquest on Youtube
    3. What was your first FE game? Conquest
    4. What is your favorite FE game? Fates as a whole
    5. How many FE parts have you played yet? 4 (Fates, Awakening, Sacred Stones & Blazing Sword)
    6. Have you played any other games which represent FE characters (Smash Bros, Project X Zone) A little bit of Smash
    7. What makes you like FE so much? Game-play and Casts
    8. What’s your favorite theme? Alight
    9. Who’s your favorite boss? I don't know, I enjoy beating the crap out of Hans and Iago
    10. What’s your favorite chapter regarding on map design / mission objective? I love the Opera House
    11. Who’s your favorite character gameplaywise? Hector
    12. Who’s your favorite character personalitywise? Charlotte
    13. Who’s your favorite character designwise? Julia in Heroes
    14. What’s your favorite class? Thief/Outlaw
    15. What’s your opinion about avatars? They are useful in battle (except Fe7's); their for I like.
    16. Would you like to see a return of berserk staves? I never use them; so I don't care.
    17. Your opinion of weapon weight? I still don't understand Weapon Weight.
    18. Which FE part has the best weapon weight system for you? I don't know
    19. Was capturing in FE5 a good idea? Sure.
    20. In which FE part does staves work best for you? Later games where they gain actual experience
    21. Have you any ideas for new weapons a / o staves? No
    22. Should movement become a gainable stat? No.
    23. Was it a good idea to decrease the movement of mounted units in indoor chapters? No.
    24. Does FE need more stealth chapters? No, I've never liked stealth missions in general. 
    25. Do you like Corrin? Sure, I like anyone who is useful to me. I just feel bad for them in game. 
    26. Should dragon veins return? Yes
    27. Who’s the real Mary Sue / Gary Stu of all FE lords? D) All of the above,  Ephraim mainly because of his introduction chapter.
    28. Do lords need a rapier weapon? Depends on the unit
    29. Can you beat Gharnef? Fuck no
    30. Do you like Micaiah x Sothe? I do actually
    31. What was the biggest WTF moment in all your FE playthroughs? Look at answer for 42
    32. In which difficulty do you normally play a FE game for the first time? Easy/Normal, I like to get familiar with the game before I play on higher difficulty 
    33. Which part is the hardest in the lowest difficulty? Conquest
    34. Which part is the hardest in the hardest difficulty? Conquest
    35. What’s your opinion of the „Jagen-archetype“? I don't mind them, 
    36. How often do you use prepromoted units? Depends on the situation
    37. Did you ever start to cry due to a certain cutscene or an other event? Elise and Azura's death on Birthright and Ryoma's death on Conquest
    38. Have you ever used Wendy till the end? Never played.
    39. How do you face Rinehart in FE5? Never played.
    40. Does FE need a multiplayer modus? Post game sure; main game no.
    41. What was the highest hitrate your ally missed? 98%
    42. What was the lowest hitrate you got hit? 4% from a Berserker on Mozu when she had a katana equipped. 
    43. Are you excited for Echoes? Not really
    44. In which part do you have the most deaths? Conquest late game on hard (sans Chapter 24)
    45. Who kills the most? Camilla
    46. Who has been got killed the most? Vanessa
    47. Classic or Casual? Both
    48. Olwen or Eyrios? Olwen (because of Heroes)
    49. Nohr or Hoshido? Nohr
    50. Story or gameplay? Gameplay
    51. When do you use status boosts? Desperation 
    52. Do you use arenas? Yes
    53. Do you save stat-abuse? No
    54. Funniest line in any conversation? Deal with it
    55. Any villains you wished they were playable? Not really
    56. Opinion about same gender S-supports? I like them, I wish you could at least get Nina.
    57. Do you like ninjas? Yes I do
    58. Any mechanics you would like to see returning? My Castle 
    59. Any mechanics you never want to see again? Fog of War (*horror flashbacks to Battle before Dawn*)
    60. Have you ever made thoughts that Ashnard and Ashera begin with the exact same three letters? Don't care
    61. What’s the best version of the weapon triangle for you or do you have an own idea? Fates
    62. Have you learned vocables of other languages by playing FE? Nope
    63. Have you learned sth. about the nordic mythology? Nope
    64. Which stat is most important for you? Speed, Offenses and Skill.
    65. Which class do you use the least? Knights
    66. Does FE need more remakes? Depends if I like Echoes
    67. Do you find that FE5 has made the biggest change / jump in FE in terms of gameplay? Never played
    68. Are multiple lords ok? I prefer a focus on one single person tbh. 
    69. Have you done a draft (focussing on very few and rather bad units) yet? Not really, i try to use everybody anyways
    70. Do you use second seals? More than Master Seals in Awakening, not so much in Fates
    71. Which FE game is most balanced? Fates
    72. Have you played romhack(s) yet? No
    73. Which part has the most aesthetic graphics? The 2D portraits of Echoes
    74. Do you buy DLCs? If I like, I buy.
    75. How would you describe your playstyle? I'm happy as long as I get all the items and no one dies
    76. What’s a good difficulty for you? Depends on game
    77. Opinion about infinite weapon durability? I like it because the other system was starting to show it's age. Awakening made the old system ridiculous tbh.
    78. And new class(es) you'd like to see in future parts? Flying Archers
    79. Do you care for tierlists? No
    80. How would you describe FE in three words? Let's do it
    81. Hardest chapter in the series? Chapter 21 of Conquest on Hard
    82. Opinion about bexp. system in the Tellius games? Fine for a game without grinding.
    83. Opinion about the exp. gain system for healing? More like the newer and less like the GBA games
    84. Sigurd = Sigod? Never played
    85. Do you think FE has focussed too much on fanservice lately? Oh honey this is nothing compared to other sources. I also think some of the complaints about the fan service is far more sexist than anything being shown. I hate the idea of a woman not being considered respectable because of what she's wearing.
    86. Does it bother you that FE shares Hitler's birthday? Elitist Master Race, a lot of people have birthdays on April 20
    87. Do you think that FE could die out very soon? At it's "height of popularity", no
    88. Do you like personal skills in FE14? Yes
    89. What would be a good skill system for you? Awakening and Fates for it's customization
    90. Do you think disabling the enemy's movement and attack range could be a customized option? Sure, I'm never going to disable it.
    91. Have you ever destroyed things due to anger happened in playing FE? *Horror flashbacks to Battle before Dawn*
    92. Should dismounting return? I don't what situation someone would want to dismount.
    93. Do you think that FE stories became worse and worse lately? Stories are fine, plot was something that never remarkable to be honest.
    94. Opinion about FE10's 1x1 support system? No
    95. Do you grind? When I feel like it.
    96. Do you think FE is too brutal in the one or other scene? No
    97. Most memorable moment for you in any FE playthrough? Camilla!Velouria dodging everything and landing all the critical hits on the enemy phase in Chapter 23 of Conquest.
    98. Which question did you miss? I make sure to answer everything.
    99. Your feedback of this questionnaire? Fine
    100. Would you like to see a questionnaire for an other bigger videogame franchise again? Sure, I nominate Pokemon.

  5. I like that all 3 routes feel like different games, even when they would re-use maps; they would more often than not play differently. 

    I like that every skill is useful in their own way.

    I like the Japanese inspired designs for Hoshido and want future games to incorporate different cultures into their designs.

    1-2 range healing and Live to Serve should be the new standard for healers from now on.

    With re-classing and inheritances, I like that the marriage partner also benefits from the pairing.

    I love characters like: Charlotte, Niles, Elise, Takumi, Effie, Azama, Laslow, Setsuna, Felicia, etc... even Iago is entertainingly campy to me.

  6. I'm going off people I already have:


    • Sword: Ike
    • Tomb: Leo
    • Dragon: N/A (I have an Adult Tiki, I just never use her)


    • Lance: Catria/Effie/Ephraim
    • Tomb: Olwen
    • Dragon: F!Corrin


    • Axe: Camilla
    • Tomb: Julia
    • Dragon: N/A (I have no green dragon)


    • Bow: Takumi
    • Dagger: Felicia
    • Staff: Clarine
  7. 27 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Did you accidentally double type that pair of 1's in the middle?


    They're probably still experimenting with the system and probably want to see how the multiplier affects match-ups where there's a clear winner. (At least, that's exactly what I'd do if I were a game developer and testing things in production.)

    I did apparently, my apologizes. 

  8. Avatar: 10

    Utility is the reason why, you can make them whatever you want them to be. Even classes you can't normally have access to on Conquest. Even in their base class, Yato is a great personal weapon, access to tombs as a Nohr Noble and the Dragonstone is useful for magical damage and defense bonuses (which get better with the upgraded Yato you get on Conquest).

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