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Everything posted by ThatGuyDownTheStreet

  1. Hey Matt Snow, it's me, GrandScythe2. Welcome to the Serenes Forest forums.
  2. Was going to enter this one into the FEShrine Splice Competition, but then I couldn't get the body to work so I just went with regular splicing
  3. Edited my personal portrait. I took ArchAngel's advice, referenced off of Amelia's Sarka portrait (the one that's in her sprite gallery) for the shading and outline of the cloth mask thing, and I referenced off of CrushCrushCrush's Assassin!Serra portrait only for the nose.
  4. I think if you hit the reply button of the post that has spoilers, it should be visible. Make sure you don't reply to the post if you don't mean to reply to the post though. Test it out:
  5. Nice to see this. Sorry I couldn't help out with this, but it's good now that you got portraits going. But yeah, like the new maps and portraits, can't wait to see more.
  6. Sorry I haven't been updating. I was on vacation for the last few days. So what I've decided is that if someone really wants to take my place in this draft, as I know there were a few people who wanted to and were too late, I won't mind giving that person my position, but if no one asks to, I will complete it myself.
  7. Okay so about a couple of minutes ago, I realized that I was getting at my hack from the wrong perspecitve. I was following a more direct way when I should've thought of what I was actually trying to compare to. (I know this makes no sense, but if you knew what I was working with it would, at least I think it would.) Due to this, I'm going to have to scrap what I have so far. I thought about just changing what I was going to do for FEE3 from being screenshots to sort of just a teaser note, since I could get some planning done from now until July 18th. However I realized that a teaser note would be out of place. So, I've decided to take my submission out. Sorry for all this.
  8. Well for turncounts it should probably be P- Ch.8, Eirika route, Ephraim route, Ch.15 - E, Valni, and Lagdou. Also my other question was on stat-boosters. Are there any limitations towards using them or are tehy free to use?
  9. I just have two questions I'd like to ask, since I don't think they have been answered anywhere on this thread. 1) For doing both both Eirka's and Ephraim's route, I'm assuming that both turn counts calculated. Is that correct? 2) Green Units never count against even if they are recruitable. Is that correct? I forgot another question I had, I'll ask it if I remember it.
  10. Oh, I didn't realize that Horace had picked him, I thought he was just pointing out that he wasn't on the list. How about Sage!Lute.
  11. I've decided to switch to screenshots for my hack. The edited post can be found here: http://serenesforest...dpost&p=2010009 Edit: read the post below.
  12. Hero!Gerik. Sorry for the wait guys, I thought this wasn't going to start until today so I went to sleep.
  13. Hmm, I'd like to try this out if possible. Seems interesting.
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