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Everything posted by Hasnbaakoajsbakaiaja

  1. So I have a couple of questions on the Paragon skill and Pursuit skills in Genealogy. 1. Does the Paragon Band and Lex's Paragon skill stack? (I'm guessing no, since that would be broken, but then again there is a lot of broken this in FE4 so...) 2. Is it worth marrying Lex and Sylvia or giving Claude the Paragon Band to pass to Corpul? 3. Is there another Pursuit Ring besides the one Arden obtains? Or would I have to have Noish buy it from Arden?
  2. Yeah, well Lousie's bases aren't to great either. And Rebecca's "weak" period is mostly during the easiest part of the game. She grows fast and will probably be around Lv 5 Sniper with an S rank and proper supports by the time you recruit Lousie, who will be only slightly inferior. But, since Rebecca has the better growths, the gap between there stats will widen VERY fast. The promotional item isn't to much of a problem anyway, since Orion's Bolt aren't too scarce in FE7 and the only competition for Rebecca to receive it is Wil, which I'm sure we both agree is much worse that Rebecca.
  3. "- If you have a particular aesthetic trait that sets you a part from your peers, I will home in on you. - Give me a character that looks good on the battlefield, and there is a 99.99% chance that I will try to use you even if you might be straight doodoo butter. - I like units that I can baby and they grow into monsters with enough care. Mozume, Donnel, Amelia and Ross are my precious cinnamon buns." ​​Basically, If I like the look and the personality I will most likely use you. Example, I am currently in a Shadow Dragon Run and I am using Caesar and Radd even though they pale in comparison to Ogma and Navarre. But I like their look more. And tbh, I really enjoy Radd so far, Caesar sux tho.
  4. Really? They join about 12 chapters earlier than Louise. If they arent promoted by then for you, then I don't know what to tell you. Imo, she is just worse Rebecca that comes later with bad stats for her level and mediocre growths. All she has going for her over the other Bow users is her built in A support. Also, sorry. I completley agree Dorothy should be below Igrene and Klein, sorry about that.
  5. My current team(1st playthrough): Norne Marth Caeda Abel Barst Merric Lena Caesar Radd Roshea Linde(NR Maria(NR) Est(NR) Minerva(Not Recruited) Any of these guys underused? I am guessing Roshea, Norne, Radd, and Caesar are all pretty underused since imo they are bad so far. Also, can someone tell me what happened to my Lena? Class: Cleric Lv: 20 HP:22 Str: 0 Mag:13 Skl:12 Spd:11 Luk:​20 Def:3 Res:15 She has pitifully low growths. How did this happen?
  6. This makes me laugh. But mine probably goes as follows in terms of character: Rebecca>Wolt>Innes>Klein>Neimi>Igrene>Wil>Dorothy>Louise Imo for stats: Innes>Neimi>Rebecca>Wil>Louise>Klein>Igrene>Dorothy>Wolt
  7. So apparently, the Avatar in Heroes of Light and Shadow has a canonical pairing? It says in the wiki on Wolf is one of the potential canon pairings so the Avatar. What evidence supports this?
  8. I agree. I don't like he is the worst. And I don't particularly hate him, but this basically sums up how I feel about Ike. --- Alright here are some more of my unpopular opinions: Sophia is my favorite character gameplay and support wise in Binding Blade. I dislike almost everyone in Fates. Especially Nina. I don't know why people like Leo so much. Pre-promotes aren't enjoyable for me to use. I enjoy Awakening's Story, to an extent. TMS#FE is one of my favorite games of this year, maybe even Game of The Year. I really don't like Louise or Pent. I enjoy using Ests. I enjoy the big maps in Geneology. I HATE RED KNIGHTS!!!!!!! (They always end up as horrible units every time I give them a chance. Noish, Kieran, Kent, and Alen.) Awakening characters are some of my favorites. (This is a bit irrelevant, but...) I would have rather had been the recently announced FE Manga be about Peri or Nyx. As I feel they are the characters that have the most potential in growth in FE Fates. Birthright is my favorite of the three routes.
  9. Here are the list of my Gen 1 pairings: Sigurd x Deirdre(Required) Quan x Ethlyn(Required) Jamke x Adean Dew x Ayra Noish x Raquesis Claud x Sylvia Lewyn x Ferry Lex/Azel x Tailto Holyn x Briggid Unpaired: Finn Lex/Azel Alec Arden Beowolf Now, I would like to hear everyone's opinions on these pairings and if they are not found optimal to you, possibly recommend a better pairing to me. I could really use help on who to pair Tailto with, since I would like her to be paired with Lex or Azel. Same goes for Noish and Raquesis. I don't know if this pairing is good or bad, since I have heard both from multiple sources. Also possibly considering Azel for Raquesis, so Nanna will have some magic. ​Alright, thanks for the help everyone. I think My final pairings will be: Sigurd x Deirdre Quan x Ethlyn Midayle x Adean Holyn x Ayra Noish x Raquesis(I would like this one to remain the same for personal reasons, and since no one called it blatantly bad.) Claud x Sylvia Lex x Tailto(Give a little uniqueness to the pairings) Dew x Briggid(In regards to the grossness with my prior pairing with Dew, my headcanon is Dew is a lot older and taller than his portrait leads on.)
  10. It is i have OCD. Plus, I like to maximize their potential.
  11. When Moulder promotes Natasha will prob be at 10-12. By now, she will have B/C rank and will catch up fast. She will have better stats upon promotion and it will stay that way unitl 20/20 even with a 3-4 level margin she will be superior in the stats that count except spd. Also, I am proud to be in your signature lol
  12. Lilina didn't even show up in the credits. She never died.
  13. I beat Idun. Lilina didn't even show up in the credits. She never died.
  14. He does beat Natasha in Bulk. But compared to other units its not much. The Bulk is more of a useless pro. While Natasha is squishy, she wont get hit. I guess this balances them a bit when it comes to attack speed, since Moulder has higher CON but Natasha has better Mag, I would say their attacking presence is about even. Warp and Rescue are very situational. And you wont need Fortify until late game. Natasha will have Fortify by then. Moulder will have it prior to. But that's when you don't really need it.
  15. Wait before we continue can you help me? I just got to the end of FE6 and had an A support with Lilina and Roy but didn't get their ending. Was something else required?
  16. Well, I doubt you will be using Fortify until late game, which is the point where Natasha can wield it. You got me with Barrier and Physic. That is useful. But the other staves aren't that useful. Warp and Rescue I find useful only for LTCs. 65% Hp and 25% Def? Significant is a bit of an over exaggeration. The CON issue for Natasha is fixed by Luck. Natasha:Better Avoid+ Higher Mag/Res/Luk > Moulder:Mediocre Offensive/Bulk+Utility
  17. Palla, Catra, and Est. If only one, Est.
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