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Everything posted by Vanil

  1. While I am a fan of Noire, I may just do the free summon for now and wait until Summer 2. I am a little upset that we keep getting 3:1 banners, but of course I get that female characters probably sell more. I hope for Summer 2 that we get more than 1 male character. If nothing then I will try to save up for CYL2, but knowing me I will cave in and summon on one of the banners.
  2. I had Ayra and Hardin pity break me on the Bridal Blooms banner, and Delthea pity break me on the Bridal Blessings rerun banner. All from free orbs too, I eventually got my bride units but those were units I didn't mind pity breaking my odds.
  3. Just got my army win feathers. Alfonse to round 3!! :)
  4. Let's see, some characters I would like to be in Heroes are: Tellius:. Rhys, Laura, Ilyana, Heather, and Vika Awakening: Maribelle, Brady, Miriel, Yarne, and Noire Fates: Non-seasonal Charlotte, Forrest, Nina, Ophelia, Ignatius, Sophie, and Dwyer SoV: Kliff, Python, Silque, and Cipher DLC peeps. There's definitely more people however I am drawing a blank.
  5. I haven't been collecting flags as much as I should have. However I have about 1,100 flags saved up for round 3. I joined Team Alfonse when this all began, so I am glad he made it to round 2. : ) If anyone wants to add me my FC is "3971860005"
  6. So far: Summoner/Niles Niles/M!Corrin Lachesis/Linde Lyn/Priscilla Clive/Berkut Gray/Sonya Alfonse/Sharena Ephraim/Eirika Valter/Lucius Beruka/Saizo Supported Niles since he is my favorite character and paired him with Corrin too because that's the only S rank I have been doing in Fates despite meaning to finish my support log. Whoops. Beruka and Saizo were paired only because I noticed in the C support units had a "..." speech bubble. So paired them because of their C-Support in Fates and sent it to a friend being all memey or whatever. As for the rest, they were paired more or less based on the teams I had.
  7. Avatar: Vanil Castle Name: ยง:Skills Castle Address: 00218-51574-58531-16997 Boon/Bane: Speed/HP Secondary Class: Archer Last Skill Equipped: Warding Blow (I have all skills available for MU so I can change it if anyone wants anything specific for their Bond Unit) Version: Revelation Region: NA Resources: Meat, Peaches, Crystals, Coral
  8. Updated my Castle with the following: Corrin: Poison Strike, Savage Blow, Demoiselle, Death Blow, Shurikenbreaker Niles: Lethality, Astra, Luna, Counter, Countermagic Shigure: Grisly Wound, Even Better, Better Odds, Evenhanded, Odd Shaped Anna: Counter, Countermagic, Death Blow, Poison Strike, Savage Blow Hayato: Counter, Countermagic, Gentilhomme, Inspiration, Renewal Nyx: Counter, Countermagic, Good Fortune, Renewal, Astra Charlotte: Axefaire, Counter, Poison Strike, Savage Blow, Rend Heaven and there's a Candace hanging around if anyone wants to recruit her!
  9. Candace keeps her Adventurer model when changed into another class. I posted some pictures of my tumblr a bit ago actually. http://valla-king-vanil.tumblr.com/post/146629625428/i-wanted-to-see-what-happens-which-i-hacked
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