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Everything posted by Vanil

  1. I managed to snag a pre-order when it went up on Wal-Mart. I was waiting for it to go on Amazon, but honestly I'm not taking chances. So I just nabbed it now. Knowing my luck it would have gone up on Amazon while I am at work.
  2. I really don't mind romancing the students, since as pointed out. MU seems to be around the same age as the students, and it's a military school of some sorts. As for it they bring back kids. Uh well I don't know. Maybe it would be like the PPG and we just make them in a pot via potions or some silly crud.
  3. This is the same Niles as I shared earlier, however I updated his set after the merge/new weapon update.
  4. I was hoping for some red stones so I could get NY Camilla or Winter Tharja. I just got Green and Colorless however, went for green and got Summer Tiki. Uh well I didn't have her before, so I will take it.
  5. Well regardless she is still winning. So there's clearly enough people who don't care about how many alts she has.
  6. Camilla clearly sells despite what the like/dislike ratios on YT show though. Though not everyone voting for her likes her that much. I have two friends in a discord server I am in who claim to be voting for her, solely for "the Reddit salt".
  7. I saw the Midway results when I got off work, guess I'm abandoning my votes for Niles and going all in on Awakening Anna. I wouldn't mind if she won. Miccy I wouldn't mind either but her fans can probably keep her in the top two.
  8. I probably will vote for Niles eventually, but I doubt he will win. Regardless though, Day 1 vote went to Hel.
  9. Finally got my last merge for Niles. No Kinshi Hinoka, but a +10 Niles instead. So, hey. I'm good.
  10. My priority is Niles>Myrrh>Mia>Kagero. I honestly would love to just +10 Niles since he is one of my favorite units and I've been waiting for a Halloween alt. I do get paid soon after all. Being in the top 2 most popular non-royals for men and losing out on a Halloween CG in Fates was disappointing, so this makes up for it a bit. (Unless I don't pull him, then rip. >Jk) As for units who could have been replaced. Just Kagero for me since we already had Spring Kagero. It was the same deal for NY Camilla and Summer Camilla. Like sure for their fans I guess, but I'd prefer them to limit seasonal alts of a single character to one a year. For Hoshido an easy pick would have been Oboro I suppose. Since she had a Halloween CG? Regardless though I won't complain if I pull a Kagero. Love the banner really! The seasonals this year have been amazing.
  11. I was hoping for a Halloween Niles alt since year 1. This 3-1 banner is acceptable for once! If only I could whale a +10 Niles.
  12. Correctamundo. Well if Niles loses the first round I'll just join team Nina I guess. Not expecting Niles to win anything though.
  13. Picking team Niles. Managed to pull 2 Niles' within 4 pulls though. So he is sitting at 40+9! Just one more and my first plus 10. Anyway. Uh no hard feelings Nina, but you don't exist in my file along with Kana. Sooo, not my kid.
  14. I used the same team as usual. Niles, M!Corrin, Bridal Tharja, F!Grima. Actually making use of Harsh Command is always fun!! Anyway stats/skills/supports are in the description again.
  15. Took me a few tries to get it down, also had to give Niles and F!Grima some new skills for the map. However I managed to clear the Infernal difficulty! My unit setup/breakdown is in the description.
  16. The only new unit I pulled going for the YT Banner was Ares. I immediately foddered his Brazen Atk/Def off to Alfonse. Getting ready for his refine, though definitely not going with the TA refine. As for units I already have, I pulled another Lucius. Pain+ fodder is always good too I guess.
  17. I wouldn't mind promotional characters being a thing if they are a one time thing or something like that. If they do add non-FE characters though, then I would prefer they add characters that look like they belong in the world. Or at the very least nothing that feels too out of place.
  18. While pulling for the Sketchy Summer banner I pulled: 2 Sully's, Nowi, Florina, Mathilda, L'Arachel, Oscar, Lukas, Gwendolyn, 2 Shigure's, 2 Cain's, Beruka, Peri, Ogma, Lilina, and Female Corrin. I was pity broken twice during this. First was from Ninian who I just merged off. The second pity breaker was from Ishtar.
  19. I am not really surprised that there is no punishment for this exploit either. For reasons already stated. Anyway the exploit is making training the units I haven't bothered with much easier. Takes awhile getting enough SP for skills that are costly, especially after skill inheritance normally. So cutting out that time for a large amount of units does help.
  20. Masked Marth being ran another time certainly is a shame. Even though I dislike the idea of seasonal units being TT+ locked I would much rather have IS lock another one here. However more merges never hurts anyone I guess. Plus the seals look good and free orbs + other materials.
  21. Even though it's another 3-1 banner, I may actually try for this one. I actually enjoy all these characters. May try for Camilla first however! :)
  22. I'm hearing Camilla, Linde, and Miccy the most so far. All options would be nice, though I would prefer some male seasonal units. Not a fan of the 3-1 banners. However if it is another 3-1 or all female banner then I guess that's fine. I'll just roll for whichever unit looks cool, it any.
  23. This BHB was rather easy. I finished it on my first try, though I do admit I forgot the exact way I finished it the first time. So it took me like two or three tries to replicate it, since I had to get the correct positioning for my units. Sorry that there is no sound. The recording app I use doesn't allow internal sound recording.
  24. The Legendary Banner is looking rather good, however I am not sure if I will pull on this all that much. A third Axe Armored Hector isn't really doing it for me and I already have Brave Ike and Myrrh. So I may skip out on green (unless I get 5 green stones ofc) if I do pull. I don't have any of the blue units and LA!Lyn was a unit I was aiming for when her banner was around. So pulling aiming for Lyn sounds fun, I wouldn't mind a Morgan or an Ephraim either. Both Elise and LA!Roy are units I am missing and want, so Colorless is up for consideration. Finally for the red units being featured I have Legendary Ike from the Xenologue. Leif is a unit I wouldn't mind getting, but he isn't someone I care for exactly. Christmas Tharja is the only unit I want from the reds, but the other two units being featured are there. Perhaps I will cave and spend some F2P orbs on the banner, but as of now I will do just a free pull and hope for the best.
  25. I am saving my orbs for Summer2 or CYL2, but I used my free summon going for Noire. Instead I pulled a Def/Spd (regular) Innes. Well, uh I guess I will take that.
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