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Excellen Browning

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About Excellen Browning

  • Birthday 08/13/1990


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    The new Narga

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  1. I'm not autistic imao. Told you already.

    But hey, thank you.

    1. ♠Soul♠


      Like, I know you've asked me before, and I also never really understood. Then again, the way I come across online can be pretty quirky, and especially on my old account.

      No, I'm not autistic. And I'm pretty sure about it, because my parents would have known by now, let alone the fact I've been through multiple psychologists throughout the years (for reasons I won't get into).

      I found that a little offensive, but it's not like you meant it that way.

    2. Excellen Browning

      Excellen Browning


      There's 3 classic tells that you're autistic in that thread of yours alone. The first is that you feel disconnected, the second that you're weird about eye contact, the third that you have difficulty understanding others and their motivations. 

      As for your parents and psychologists, I've no idea what their credentials are, but it's unlikely they know something about autism and it's diagnosis.

      I was diagnosed at 25 after spending years in therapy, after finally running into a psych who actually knew a thing or two about it, and very quickly asked me to do a diagnostic test. I can't count the amount of people who I know who went through the same thing.

      Also, since you seem to be working under this assumption, autistic people are not retards, and they're not assholes.


    3. ♠Soul♠


      Thing is, it's not that linear. Just having those traits alone doesn't mean you're automatically autistic. It'd be like saying I don't have it just because I never had trouble understanding things like jokes and just general "normal" interactions. When I say that thing about not understanding others in their motivations, it runs in a different way that's more different to explain.

      Lastly, I don't actually think that. It's just very heavy handed to assume that, and especially given all the negative implications about it. If you're assumed to be autistic on an online forum, it's hardly a positive connotation.

      Anyway, sorry I'm making it seem this way.

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