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Posts posted by 47948201

  1. Something I've been wondering, since I was trying to speed up staff animations in my game until I thought, do I even need them? Did anybody really miss staff animations in the DS games, and like to keep them on in the 3DS games? How much do you feel you're missing out on by not having them, or are you glad they're togglable because you find them a waste of time?

  2. Graphics are super easy to replace at any point in development, no problem if you end up submitting a new version every month (like one person did for a few months)

    Not that I'd put all of them in but it's easy to grab the last one so yeah

  3. Yep, it's definitely vastly unfinished with a lot of missing features, but it's still a good tool for drafting if your game involves features that are too hard to hack. (If not though, hacking is probably faster and easier, especially once the the FEGBA-FEXNA converter exists)

  4. If you don't need FEXNA for major game systems required for your project to run (lots of emphasis because it's easy to overestimate what a project needs versus wants), now is as good a time as any to start up a FEXP project or hack. Sadly FE8 hacking seems to have overtaken FE7 recently, while the last I heard of the GBA-FEXNA converter was FE7-only, but I'll leave that up to what your project is.

    (I mean that as in, you make it as a sort of prototype in another engine so you can easily port it to FEXNA later instead of starting from the ground up at that time)

    would it be possible to do a path split at like the prologue


    then have those paths converge at Chapter 9 or so.


    With one path having a Gaiden chapter.


    Also once the battalions converge would they be able to separate again


    would you be able to chose which units go into which battalion, like not the programmer, but the player.

    yes... But I can't guarantee the interface to do so would be intuitive. There may be a menu that exists eventually, but if not, I wouldn't count on someone else building it unless you ask--it's an idea I think several people would want to use, but I'm not sure. In the worst case, you can have an intermission chapter where you arrange your units in boxes or halves of the map or something to determine which battalion they go in, then event it so you remove every unit from both battalions, then check every square in the selection boxes to add whatever player unit is there to the battalion for that side. Just a thought of a workaround if there ends up being no menu.

    EDIT: better version of that is just have the intermission chapter let you pick from the entire roster what units to deploy, then those units instantly go into one battalion and those leftover go into the other.

  5. Day/Night can be evented pretty easily, but somewhat tediously maybe? You'd have a variable for time, and each turn it goes up by 1 and if it's less than an amount and more than another amount it's night and if it's 25 set to 0 or whatever yeah you can do a lot with that.

    Repairing weapons I think exists in 7x?

    That style of Reclassing is something Klok wants, no word on if it'll be officially implemented. If not, it'll be somewhat hard to code but not insane.

  6. Yaaay looking at the typable stuff I'm not sure what exactly was going on but it looks like it works now :D

    The picture was hosted on like lightshot or something but the url semi-broke when I converted it to code something idk but whatever it works so *rolls away*

  7. Huh, did I put this in Introductions? I didn't mean to, whoops lol

    @Glaceon: you mean like what I have in my sig now?

    @Slade: Yeah that's how spoilers work usually, but for some reason they're acting weird with the quotation inside them in my sig or something.

  8. (Unsure if this is an undesired spoiler, but I'm pretty sure there is a recruitable Zweihander in FE7x, or at least a recruitable character whose class is its promotion.

    This game will also have a recruitable Zweihander! If I end up allowed to use the class, that is...)

    Remember, submissions are officially closed, but depending on what you've got (*cough portraits*) I may still accept one or two more. I haven't really implemented any skills in the current version, but the majority of things on the skills list I've decided shouldn't be too hard to add.

  9. Don't worry, nothing too earthshattering has happened, I just updated my engine and evented a couple more chapters. I hear Yeti's going to (internally) release a new animation tool, not that it affects much else but that's going to be cool, once it happens I'll probably focus on adding classes for a while.

  10. In a separate post because wow that previous post also it's not quite related to the same train of thought I was using that music throughout |D

    As for not allowing the player to replay chapters, I'm looking at Scene_Worldmap.cs and it doesn't seem terribly hard, though I could be wrong. It'll take some know-how, but it's much more doable-looking than adding grinding.

    EDIT: so it turns out Classic mode disables replaying chapters from the map select screen in general, it just skips that whole worldmap scene and goes straight from chapter to chapter.

  11. whoa whoa erm no not at all

    here bloop

    Here, I think an example might help:


    Here's a linear chapter diagram, AKA the type that most FE games would use. With this, save data follows the line: you complete Chapter 1, and all your battalion (the units you've recruited), convoy, ranking, etc. data carries into Chapter 2, and so on. If you replay Chapter 1, you can overwrite your Chapter 1 data, allowing you to use that data the next time you play Chapter 2.

    However, say you wanted to do something like Lyn Mode, where Chapters 1-4 use different units than 5+, and the earlygame's units join in Chapter 7. You could mark Chapter 5 as Stand-alone, meaning no data carries over from previous chapters--however, then you would set Chapter 7 to be dependent on data from Chapter 4 and Chapter 6, which would make it load those earlygame units' data--on subsequent playthroughs of chapters, if the player wanted to change their earlygame units, they would have to replay chapters 1-4 and then 7+ to make them load in correctly. Compare the alternative solution of loading unit data into every following chapter, where the player would have to replay chapters 5-6 as well to do this.


    Here's a diagram with a Gaiden chapter, Xenologue 1. It's unlocked after completing Chapter 5, where the player can then see both Chapter 6 and Xenologue 1 in the chapter select screen. If they go straight to Chapter 6, their data carries into it like normal; if they play Xenologue 1, even after they play Chapter 6, then whatever additional units/items/levels are gained there can be loaded when replaying Chapter 6, or playing it for the first time of course.


    Here's a route split. When you clear Chapter 5, you unlock Chapter 6 and Xenologue 1 (obviously you can rename them to whatever you like, as long as some technical stuff that doesn't show up ingame isn't the same) When starting Chapter 10, unlocked after you complete either Chapter 9 or Xenologue 4, it will load that chapter's data--if you've completed both, I'm pretty sure you'll be given the option of which chapter's save data you want to load into it.


    Here's an interesting one that takes advantage of the Battalion system: when you complete Chapter 4, you unlock Chapter 5 and Xe1; Chapter 5 will continue along with Chapter 4's units, but Xenologue 1 uses a separate battalion--but you still have to complete Chapter 4 to unlock it. Then, Chapter 6 requires both Chapter 5 and Xenologue 1 to be completed, and can load units from both battalions. This is a bit of a freer route split, sorta like FE2's.


    Now, here's the problem with skirmishes. Say you unlock a skirmish for each outdoor map upon completion, which you can play at any time. However, if you complete Chapter 5, then Xenologue(Skirmish) 1, then Chapter 6, the data from the skirmish won't carry into Chapter 6--if you make it so that it does:


    This is basically the Gaiden system. Starting Chapter 6 allows you to use data straight from Chapter 5 or from Xenologue 1, but there's no way to backpedal--if you want to complete Chapter 6, then play Xenologue 1, you'd have to define Chapter 6 as a potential prior chapter to Xenologue 1, which results in:


    a cut-off error. Uh yeah I guess the text will be fixed, but the point is, chapters can only be played in an ultimately linear fashion (that is, Birthright-style grinding is also a no-go) at the moment. It's possible it'll be expanded sometime after release, but that might have to be done by a third party since it's not in FEXNA's current plans.

    (I actually didn't know any of this before, so I can only 99% guarantee it's correct--I learned a lot today, but prior to now I've never used anything beyond a linear chapter structure so I'm definitely no master on the subject)

  12. ^yes

    the world map is more Fates style but chapters don't disappear from the list when you complete them. There's not really any feature for skirmishes--you could pseudorandomize enemies on chapters, but the way the chapter select is set up, exp/items from those battles won't carry into other chapters...I think? There might be a really creative way to make the chapter tree, but I don't have a ton of experience with that.

    You can make a single chapter 6 battle maps in a row without preparations or entirely scene maps or anything inbetween.

    (I don't mind questions, it gives me something to do for a couple minutes as I procrastinate on other stuff |D )

  13. Yeti just came out with a new internal FEXNA release, so I've about 90% ported to that. I might show what it allows for in a later post when I add some stuff, but yeah that's about it.

    EDIT: Just sent off the first pre-release build to a couple testers, it has rough chapters 1-10. Once they get back, I can start on 11-15, then I'll make an actual progress report post.

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