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Posts posted by 47948201

  1. I have no further information on this but the skills given as examples in the OP imply it's personal skills that can stack, meaning if you got an army of bond units with Rallying Cry, that might work...?

  2. Fliers generally just get the Flight skill because it's a great skill but this seems like a reasonable exception, with locktouch. IIRC skill icons are smaller though so maybe I can fit in bird's eye view as a second personal? Maybe not, not sure.

    and mk sure lol

    I like the recruitment conditions, though since there are 3 possibilities I think it's reasonable to not highlight them ingame lol. I think this should be able to work yeah sure

    As for colors, here are a couple alternative sets, though mixing and matching from them might not be a bad idea, the shading is definitely weird... Also the face shape looks different, I may have an outdated version of the Nickt collection, I dunno


    As for the rule of skills, I wonder if I could make it so that a unit has a skill that lets you choose one (or rotate between them) and they act as rallies? I might try that, it sounds interesting.

  3. (this isn't dead i've just uh summer is a thing)

    Sure they all sound good, nice and detailed and have some interesting ideas :D

    (Yeah Viridem's skin can use some touching up but I can handle that no problem)

    Mooost of the skills sound not too bad to code, the stuff about extra movement or automatic movement sounds too troublesome but otherwise yeah, except, each class only gives one skill. Based on apparent ease of coding I'd say

    (You choose between duelist's blow and intuition for duelist, i might say intuition because myrmidons get duelist's blow, but the class is called duelist so lol your call), line of death

    flight+locktouch...? or is that not what you mean by pegasus thief lol, bird's eye view (or flight+bird's eye view, relief? relief is a little weak for a t2 skill, it's that or the falcoknight skills, either buff resistance of nearby units or deal extra damage when moving 8+ spaces)

    (you choose between on the run and touch of nobility, if the latter i'll probably nerf it a bit but yeah), facing sunrise (never surrender doesn't sound terrible to code, but facing sunrise sounds really cool. It'd probably either restore half hp or be player-phase only, idk which)

  4. IMO one of the most important edits Blaze made was to the leg positioning, where both legs are angled but only slightly. Currently since his left leg is straight and the other one isn't it gives the impression he's leaning way to the left (the scarf emphasizes that even more), but nothing about the sprite looks like it could make for a particularly good counterbalance that would make that a reasonable fighting stance.

    I will say though comparing to your older stuff it's much better, and you do seem to have animation smoothness down pat, so yeah keep at it and stuff

  5. lol looking at the hand yeah that's super wonk lol if i ever bother to fix that up i'll definitely look there but more likely i'll just try and keep his hand offscreen |D

    Yeah the third color on faces is something I noticed a long time ago and so just kinda blocked in whenever I used a FE6/7 face (since I always use FE8 colors), but since you mention it and I look at the hair, yeah I definitely see what you mean with the FE8 hair having way more shadingness, I'll try something messy with that later

  6. what fine k


    not going to do any more of these though probably the degree to which i care is just a liiittle bit too low i'll be back when i have something i actually want help with so now *rolls away*

    EDIT: oh also did a couple little things to this dude but like w/e these are just me lazily getting back into things


  7. been a while

    i have no clue what you mean by fe8 shading :v






    i got this



    okay back to disappearing forever

  8. Yeah believe it or not there's not really a reason to double post, it doesn't need bumping because i'll see it eventually even if it seems like i didn't sometimes i just don't have much to say on a certain thing so i don't want to make a whole post to it.

    The chest ideas are cool, maybe i'll put them in a map with lots of teleport switches? Unfortunately teleport maps are not natural for the UI but i can probably do something

  9. Yeah I haven't put a ton of thought into staves yet, they're not 100% all coded so I'm waiting on seeing what I can do before I plan out what all I'll include.

    Ballistician as a finisher rather than a primer? Hmmm, interesting... I could easily make one of each differentiated by skills, but I'm not sure what else a finisher ballistician wants to be more useful than a finisher pegasus knight...

    Hmmm, the multiple-paths-to-multiple-bosses idea is interesting, but specifically the end states...


    yeah I think I can work with that alrighty

    The quiz chapter also sounds really cool, it sadly needs the dialogue prompts now infamous within fexna beta but maybe if it takes too long for those to be implemented i'll just add that as a bonus postgame chapter |D
    (no more word on postgame than that though, can't promise anything anyway)

  10. I'm not positive about this, but it seems there's only one thrown axe animation used across classes. Here it is with berserker colors, ripped by BwdYeti:


    Of course, instead of an S motion it moves like a backwards C, but yeah.

    Javelins however, there are a whole bunch of different ones in the GBA engine but I personally don't remember if they were all hardcoded to be class-based? It should generally just be whatever lance sprite that class carries though, probably.

    (also cute display pic)

  11. That said, it's completely sufficient to have one such weapon. Subject to change, I'm saying a bow with very poor stats that gets 3x on armors, horses, and dragons, but not fliers in general (so it doesn't turn to 9x) since bows don't have any other effective coverage. This way it's still preferable to use a dedicated slayer weapon if you have an appropriate unit, but it expands the situations archers in general can tackle.

    ...It just felt kinda natural to go and explain that so I'm going to eat now.

  12. I may be reading Overlord Aura wrong, but the way I'm reading it is...actually kinda cool, for a player unit. I'll think about what to add to them.

    What, you don't mean it wasn't super obvious that I'm totally only ever super serious~?

    Rally Ring seems like a nice simple name sure

    I agree that there's no need for upgraded versions of the slayer weapons--however! Triple Threat...actually honestly sounds really cool, for both the player and the enemy. Furblaze also sounds like someone I know would appreciate it (or specifically not, teehee)

  13. Enemy control glitch is highly unlikely to exist officially, but you're welcome to add it if you really want.

    Both of what Augestein said should be possible, the Again staff really doesn't sound too hard. Mind control sounds definitely tougher but I'm imagining it not being too out there.

    Statuses that freeze or debuff are pretty easy, disarming, stat-swapping, and counter don't sound too hard, but fear I'm less sure about. I vaguely remember some AI routine of that sort existing but it's not its own mission so it'd take some doing but I'm not sure how much.

  14. I uh don't get the name, @Large Ham, but the idea of boosting rally range is neat. I might make it an item, though, considering the relative rarity of rallies.

    Ragnarok sounds cool but I'm not sure if I can do it. Tempo I think I can do, it sounds cool, as do the rest of those really. Though Momentum is probably less useful than it sounds because I wouldn't put it on an Astra unit meaning the only way to get it more than once is Adept which is RNG, so I'd probably balance it around that yeah

    Deranged Dance as an alternative to Charge, sounds very interesting, but...

    Yes, some bosses will definitely have Nihil, but I really don't like how in RD most bosses have Nihil, especially towards endgame. Skills are such a big focus throughout the game, so for them to suddenly not matter at some of the most important points in the game is kinda dumb IMO.

    Unless of course I give the player multiple Nihil held items which eeehhhhhhh maybe idk will cross that bridge when arrived at

    Headbutt as a name might work for some characters but yeah if Shove gets implemented I think that would be a very useful skill.

  15. one of the bandit groups attacking during fenrir hunt sure~

    Actually Burst Breaker sounds pretty cool but it's way too situational. Making it trigger for any adjacent enemies, even if you're not surrounded, could be neat, if shove gets implemented, which I'm not sure it will be... Definitely hoping though!

    Yep, Rallies exist! However, they're passives rather than commands: allies within 2 spaces get the bonus, all the time.

    "sword pirate"
    >joins with steel axe

    I have made a sword pirate but I don't particularly see the harm in another one, with higher resistance and stuff. Sadly there's not a lot of piratey sprites in GBA for quick edits, but *shrug*

    "Is ____ this ____ in the docs?" Maaaayyyybe~

  16. Blegh c:

    gonna add all these to the sheet now

    Hmm it could be like they join in the chapter where you're hunting Fenrir and if after you beat it they're both alive then they get married during the ritual or something

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