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Posts posted by Deltre

  1. 40 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Now that you have me thinking about it, boat chapters were a latecomer to FE, only appearing for the first time in FE7.

    I'm not sure if you've played Gaiden, but


    Celica has enough boat maps to cover the quota for FE1 to FE6 tbh.

    I do remember this map being quite a bit trickier without BEXP!Marcia though. Effective damage only being x2 really hurts on this one, since in theory Soren could otherwise be really useful here with a forged Wind spell. 'Cia and Jill can still run interference though if you give them a vulnerary or two, which should at least buy some time to handle the rest. 

  2. 17 hours ago, BodaciousBard said:

    Sorry for responding so late, I was busy last night. I have forgotten to change the title of the topic to more clearly fit what I was asking ( I tend to proofread/retype what I write on here to more closely fit what I want to ask) I had meant to ask about beginner mistakes I should avoid as well as any cool tips that you may know of. I apologize if the title is misleading.

    Two small things to make your life easier:

    1.) Back-up your file often. Want to add a new animation? Great! Back-up your file before doing so. You never know when something unexpected might happen.

    2.) Only do one thing at a time. Make sure it works before moving on to the next thing. This makes it so much easier to troubleshoot.


  3. 1 hour ago, Tequila said:

    They don't? Are you sure about that?

    I'm fairly certain, though I haven't tested it as extensively.

    Using this patch, I can tell you for sure that Enemies using classes past 7F function properly (working Map Sprites, correct class data), interact correctly with the skill patch in question (loads the proper skill list, learns skills at the correct levels), and don't malfunction from Suspend/Resume. Mind you, I only tested on the Prologue map, but from what I can tell it seems to work. 

    I didn't test Allied units, admittedly, although I suspect they work in a similar fashion. Player units are definitely a no go though. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Tequila said:

    Only 7 bits in the class number byte are saved, so only 0x7F classes are allowed. I've had some ideas on how to change this (basically by exchanging it with another byte in save that that doesn't need all the bits) but haven't gotten around to it yet.

    Ah well that's a bummer. Well thanks for replying, at least I have a plan of attack now. Since allies/enemies don't seem to have this problem I'll just shuffle the class list around a bit.


  5. So I just added a bunch of classes into FE8 and the table seems to be working just fine. I can set characters to the new classes and they load just fine, have the correct stats, etc. However, whenever I try to change the Class Number value in Nightmare, the game heavily glitches/locks up whenever I go past the default max (7F). Ordinarily, I'd just piggyback off other class ID Numbers, but with this now being a thing, I can't do that here since it seems to check against the set Class Number to determine what skills to give to what unit. I can 100% confirm that it's not the patch that's causing this either, as the game glitches when I do the same on a newly expanded class table with no patch.

    Any ideas?


    EDIT: So I feel kinda dumb, but I forgot to change the Standing Map Sprite/Moving Map Sprite tables. I did that, but now when I hover over a unit set to class 0x80, it displays the wrong moving map animation and when I promote it goes to the wrong class. 

  6. To be honest, I blocked that part of Revelation out of my mind completely since at that point I was over it. I remember having Ninja!Corrin though so I was able to cheese that one since Corrin with Locktouch can basically solo. PoR isn't nearly as bad and the guard patterns are more sensible, but damn if it's not still tedious trying to figure out every specific move you need to make for 20+ straight turns. On Maniac that BExp is just way too nice though.

  7. The Stealth Mission is definitely worth it on Maniac, since CExp is lessened and you get to pick and choose how you use the BExp freely. Hard and below probably not worth it if you can't be assed. The thing is though, once you know how to do it you can do 100% reliably every single time. 

    So I promoted Marcia this map, before she even fought a single battle for me. I've never really done the whole "dump everything into one unit" thing before so hopefully it pays off. This chapter was pretty fun though, if a little tense because of You-Know-Who showing up eventually. Not that hard though, really. 

    Also Brom does about as well as I expected. I dunno what I'm gonna do about that one.

  8. The way I see it with Jeigans there's really only ever two possibilities.

    1) Balance the earlygame around the fact that the player might not want to use their Jeigan, which ultimately makes for a really easy earlygame if you decide to use the Jeigan or

    2) Balance the earlygame around the fact that you have a Jeigan which can allow for a decent challenge.

    MM went with #2 and I honestly prefer it that way. If you're going to give me a superpowered unit at least give me something to do with them. FE6 had the right idea too as far as I'm concerned, but I know that a lot of people think it's too much. 

    So my editing software is pretty terrible, and for some reason I couldn't render the first 7 seconds of this video, or any of the introductions for the new characters on this map (which is a shame since Oscar/Kieran is pretty funny). Also lost about 10-15 minutes of gameplay where I explained the map. Not too big of a deal if you've played the game, but if not then I imagine this map could be a little bit confusing.

    Essentially, ending the phase in range of any enemy unit will trigger reinforcements, and also make the enemies aggressive towards you. That's right, it's a stealth mission! Completing the map without being detected earns you a nice chunk of BEXP (worth more than fighting easily) and also the title of Big Boss. You can (and should) engage the boss at the top left because he and his unit do not trigger the reinforcements. Finally, the biggest change is that in order to actually recruit Neph/Brom/Kieran, all three must escape the map. Anyone left behind will NOT be recruited on Maniac Mode. This fact alone makes recruiting everyone while simultaneously completing the Stealth objective pretty tricky. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Augestein said:

    Absolute no-nos? Difficulty spikes where the enemies are too strong in the next area and force a grind, but the gap between the enemies that you last fought are too weak, and the ones in the next area are too strong. Grinding is not fun in my opinion and forced grinding is the worst. 

    I came in here to say this, basically.

    Fortunately, very few games actually force grinding these days; there's almost always a better way to do things especially when it comes to bosses and not just random goons. When games actively include level as a part of your overall power (looking at you SMT) it can get a little irritating though. It's not the 80's anymore, you can make a game longer without resorting to padding in the form of forced grinding. 

  10. On 4/16/2017 at 0:32 AM, Cornguy said:

    Bummer, Zihark made it, but no Nephenee or Mia? If single-weapon units are gonna be used, at least use waifus. Too late now though, at least Zihark can support Brom and use that earth affinity.

    Love PoR, but I never understood the point of single-weapon units with no crit bonus. Also bizarre that Halberdiers missed this amendment in the US release. Its strange in general that these units are mostly locked to a single range and weapon, no horse, while mages get full triangle access, and get staves later. Fighters only add to this mystery by getting bows on promotion. 

    Anyways, aside from my saltiness on Zihark weasling his way in over hotter characters who are just as handicapped, love this playthrough so far. My gal and I are both subscribed, but we tend to watch these together, so I apologize that it kinda bilks you on the likes we leave on the videos.

    You know, I thought for SURE Nephenee would be requested as one of the first units, but here we are haha. It is bizarre for sure that they don't get the bonus, but at least Nephenee gets Wrath, so there's that I guess? What really weirds me out is that there are NO crit bonuses at all in JP. 

    As for Zihark>Mia(?). . .hey man maybe the ladies love Zihark? Honestly I have no idea, maybe your girl could weigh in on that :p I'm glad you're both enjoying this, and it's pretty awesome that you watch it together. Don't worry about the likes bro, Youtube cares about those a lot more than I do. 

    Anyways hope everyone had a good Easter (if you don't celebrate Easter than I hope you had a good Sunday) and the next part should go up tomorrow whenever my subpar internet decides it wants to finish uploading. 

  11. 1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

    Yikes, it's kinda surprising to see your 1 minute video get like 10 times the views as the actual parts of the playthrough.

    Otherwise I suppose I don't have a lot to say this time. Other then leaving Titania to dodge several attacks on 10 HP while wielding that 20 wt Hammer was absolutely reckless but I suppose that goes without saying.

    I did try using Mia on my Maniac playthrough but it just didn't work out. Well, technically I did keep using her but I eventually decided to just give her a 255 crit Slim Sword so she can at least deal a little damage.

    The internet works in mysterious ways. 

    I'll be honest, I wasn't thinking about the weapon weight when I had her stand there. FWIW, the Javelins clock in at ~33 Hit, putting the rest of the Armors at ~43 Hit with a Steel Lance. Technically it was in my favor, but this is Fire Emblem haha.

  12. 13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Shinon looks like he is hurting without that +15 critical bonus mono-weapon promoted classes got in PoR international. Gatrie on the other hand is a standout, second only to Titania. Oscar and Ike are basically Eliwood-level deadweights, with Boyd and Soren amounting to even less than that.

    And I just noticed that forging costs are double that of the international version in Japan. Meaning a max-forged Light tome should be over 50k. Hand Axe and Javelin forges are still relatively affordable though.

    I think Shinion's still pretty alright considering he's probably one of my best tanks right now. If anything, at this point I'm glad he doesn't have that +15% Crit because it just messes with my strategies. It's definitely not doing him any favors later on though, that's for sure. 

    Holy crap on that 50k Light tome though. I knew there was a reason I didn't like Rhys as a unit, and now I know why.

    Anyways, here's part 4. Chapter 6 is kinda annoying like always, and if I were to do it again I'd probably just send Titania to the south with a Hand Axe/Javelin and watch the world burn. Doing it the intended way is pretty boring because you have nothing but empty movement for the first ~7 turns or so, and it's not really any easier to be honest.

    I like Chapter 7 though! Getting the chests is a little bit silly since you need Titania to either A) One shot the Thieves or B) survive several rounds knee deep in enemies to be able to 2RKO them which means that no matter what you need a little luck to pull it off. Pretty fun map though, that one small nitpick aside. 

  13. On 4/13/2017 at 3:29 AM, BrightBow said:

    Yeah, killing the boss would not have ended the chapter. It's totally worth it though. Not for the Ashera Icon but because of a nameless Daein Soldier who doesn't take it particularly well and starts getting illusions of grandeur:

    In other news, I noticed Titania is carrying the Paladin Ring but she didn't actually have it equipped. Fortunately those rings are absurdly inconsequential, so even if she had gotten a level, it would have been unlikely to have made any difference.

    Not only do Angelic Robes not fill up the HP during the map but the same thing even happens if you use them on the Battle Preparations Menu or in the Base Menu. I'm surprised that an error like this did not even end up getting fixed in the international version.

    There was music during this chapter but it was oddly quiet.

    I really like that scene at the end with the characters getting ready to make all sorts of preparations before leaving. It's completely inconsequential to the story but it helps to make the player feel the weight of these events, how the life of our characters has been completely turned upside down.

    There are some neat details there too. Like when Elincia casually mentions sword fighting and riding among a list of skills that she has. Or that brief moment where Elincia is taken by surprise by Ike nonchalant sending her off to help out the others with their tasks, as if she was just some random girl. Even Mist was able to recognize how awkward it is for a princess to help her packing, which shows just how little awareness Ike has for the importance social class. A very brief moment that nevertheless hints on topics that will get very important later in the story. God, the script in this game is always such a joy to reread.



    The next map is going to be an Escape chapter. Since this isn't Thracia and you don't loose any units that don't escape, this isn't much different then Seize. But you do get some Bonus EXP for every character that escapes before Ike.





    I had to go back and replay Chapter 5 (I needed the Hammer that I left on Gatrie :/) and I can confirm that scene with the soldier is hilarious. Sadly I wasn't recording so I can't show it off. I also forgot to mention, but the scene with Petrine and Davoka (or w/e the boss of C5s name is) changes slightly if he's dead. It's really the little things, ya know?

    The writing in this game is definitely a strong point. The Greil Mercenaries in particular manage to all get some pretty strong characterization compared to the typical FE. Other characters, not so much sadly. Still, it's a cut above what you'd normally expect in FE that came before, and probably every FE that came after as well.

    On 4/13/2017 at 2:43 AM, Mage Knight 404 said:

    That is indeed a rather fun team - emphasis on fun regarding Bastian, oh boy. He's gonna be a riot to raise up. |D

    You're telling me :l on the bright side before all this is over I should be able to make Bastian shank someone, which is funny if nothing else.

    6 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    As for your bad luck with Boyd, if it makes you feel any better, it can't be worse than my luck with Jill, which is beyond awful...

    Actually, it kind of does. Does that make me a bad person? Sorry about your Jills bro, she's good I swear

    Anyways, since these videos take the better part of a day to render/upload I'm probably gonna shoot for every other day on these from now on. It doesn't help that I probably went a liiiittle overboard on this one, because I wanted to do a map that mattered. Long story short, I did both Chapter 6 and 7 because 6 is probably my least favorite map in the game that I can distinctly remember and I didn't feel like I had really progressed after beating 6. It's just kind of 'bleh' to play. So Part 4 is uploading now, but probably won't finish until tomorrow because my internet is phenomenal. In the meantime, here's...whatever this is

    Shoutouts to everyone who's ever been on the edge of their seat for the better part of EP, only for the game to crush your soul and all your dreams along with it. 

  14. Assuming you're looking for free software, OBS should be alright. It's not too demanding so it should work okay on your PC and you can pretty easily lower the settings if need be. As long as you don't try and record anything that strains your system then it will get the job done. 

  15. 16 minutes ago, The_antithesis said:

    I've noticed a lot of people are suggesting that flanking be a penalty to avoid. The only issue I can see here is that, because most units will be flanked about 3 times in normal gameplay, it would boost everything's hit rate beyond 100. This would render all the mechanics that affect hit/avoid useless. However, a quick fix for this would be to nerf the hit rate of all weapons to about 50.

    The reason why I suggested a penalty to all stats was to a) make sure it actually makes a difference and b) we don't get an extreme case if both sides have a high flanking bonus.

    Either way, this is becoming quite the interesting discussion.

    I disagree, in practice on Player Phase it would be a reasonable boost and nothing more unless you're going out of your way to take advantage of the boost and baby a low-hit unit or something. On the Enemy Phase, it's only an issue if you're leading with a unit that can't ORKO the units that would be attacking them on that turn. If you do ORKO, then the enemies die before the boosts have a chance to add up so it becomes less relevant, unless I'm not understanding how you want to introduce this. 

    If I were to introduce this feature, I'd probably un-nerf dodgetanking formulas so you'd be encouraged to use dodgy guys to draw smaller/weaker groups of enemies when there's favorable terrain and tanky guys who don't mind taking a hit when there's large numbers on enemies/no terrain. 

    With the avoid penalties it could probably even work in both a GBA style FE and a Fates style FE despite being so different. GBA style would encourage you to make sure that you can ORKO enemies before rushing into a huge group or risk getting KO'd as enemy hit rises, and Fates style has lower enemy density so the enemy placements could be even more deliberate to account for flanking (I.E several weaker guys that could surround you followed by a much stronger guy with a powerful but inaccurate weapon).

    For bosses, I think it's great ESPECIALLY if they're more GBA syled (I.E almost always planted on a throne). With a generous but fair avoid penalty, you could mitigate some of the luck without completely nerfing the boss into oblivion as would be possible with actual stat penalties.

    EDIT: I just realized that you also had 2 Range units give this "flanking bonus" as well. In my mind that wasn't there, so just cap it at a maximum of 4 units in my example (for a total of -30 Avo)

  16. It's a pretty interesting idea and could work if done correctly. If I were calling the shots, I'd probably just make it a scaling avoid penalty (-10/20/30 if surrounded) and leave it at that. Flanking itself isn't really a bad idea really, but it needs to be simple to understand like most FE mechanics if ever introduced. 

  17. The 3D models aren't even that bad to be honest. They are a bit worse on an actual GC from what I remember but it's a pretty good first try when you think about it. The map animations are definitely great too, and speaking of which. . .

    Would anyone care if I turned off animations for enemy phase? I'm uploading part 3 right now and C5 enemy phases took a loooooong time and I imagine it will only get worse from here. I'll keep them on for player phase because I do like them and they're fun to look at, but good lord, there's a lot of enemy units in this game. Definitely an EP centric game.

    I actually had no idea that Marcia was an area trigger. I don't think I've ever not moved forward immediately, at least with Gatrie haha.

    Chapter 4 was definitely tricky, but actually I quite liked that one. I like that it actually accounts for the fact that you have three really powerful units in your group, and makes you use them if you want to win. A lot of FE titles tend to give you a few powerhouses early on, but the enemy make-up is such that you can just stomp the maps with your weak units anyways, so there's almost no point. I also really like that the Daein soldiers are a higher level because it really makes them feel more powerful than the pirates and bandits you'd been fighting up until then. 

    I also asked the reddit guys for some suggestions on units to use. Right now the roster is looking like


    Ike, Oscar, Mist, Titania, Kieran, Zihark, Jill, Astrid, Marcia, Stefan, Makalov, Calil, Soren, Volke, Boyd, Brom (!), and Bastion. Things are going to get interesting!


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