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Posts posted by Deltre

  1. The reason the Thief Swords didn't work is because those bummy Myrmidons couldn't even touch Vega haha. I think the first one was a fluke tbh. He did a pretty good job of tanking Devil Lances with his face though, regardless of there not being a weapon triangle.

    Ya know, I should have seen it coming that Kreiss and Arkis would be trash. Really, it's only Cain and Abel that break the game in half, and even then only in FE1. I guess Luke to an extent but he flies solo. Finn too I suppose, but there's only one of him sadly. 

    Yeah you're absolutely right, we've seen Nosferatu several times now. Probably would have made a bigger impact if the first time I saw it the Dark Mages didn't get mopped up by a group of Greenies. Still, that was definitely a mistake on my part. Here's my Fire Emblem Fan Card, I don't deserve it :(


  2. Gonna edit this later when the next part finishes uploading, but thanks again you guys for really helping out with the somewhat cryptic stuff in this game. Also, I forgot to mention it, but that Order -> Move command was clutch in sorting the armies.

    I'm still convinced that first scene with Shigen was an oversight, but honestly, Holmes is so out of it sometimes I could believe either or. Still, something makes me think that Kaga just got lucky with that one, because if it were with literally any other character, I'd be 100% sure it was a mistake.

    I'd basically have been screwed in this desert chapter without that map. Why did they make the triggers 1x1 areas :( It's also a bit weird to me that they don't really indicate a route split on this map, especially considering they did a similar thing in Thracia, only they made it pretty clear that choosing one path over the other would lead to a different result. 

    Glad you're enjoying it Mage Knight :D and I have to admit Meriel is pretty hype. Not sure if I should be upset with Kaga for having a Bridge Key drop at the end of that last map, or glad that he gave me a map nuke right before it. It's a very love-hate relationship with this guy haha.

    Speaking of hate; Chapter 26. This game is trolling me at this point, I'm sure of it. 



  3. 1 hour ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    I never said I don't like him, so don't put words in my mouth. And why the hell are you singling me out when I'm hardly the only one who thinks Silas has speed issues?

    I'm not singling you out for saying he has speed issues, something I brought up as a possibility from the start mind you, I'm doing it because asking me to play through a 20+ hour game and record benchmarks to prove myself is a ridiculous request when you haven't done anything to refute the fact that it's a non-issue early game. I've been saying since the beginning that he has a possibility of falling off late game. I mistook your intentions and I take responsibility for that, but it really feels like you're arguing to argue here, that was more my point.

    I just checked and I do happen to have a save file at C9 Lunatic on hand so let's look at some numbers since I don't have to go out of my way really. 


    L8 Silas- 22 HP 12 STR 0 MAG 11 SKL 9 SPD 9 LCK 12 DEF 6 RES

    Bold = Above Average

    Italics = Below Average

    With these stats he can ORKO every Archer on the map (who have 8 SPE each) with Speed Tonic + Arthur Pairup, a feat that no one else can claim besides Corrin and Jakob if reclassed. Similarly, he's the only unit you have that can take a Spear Fighter hit, take the Defense Seal, and then take another hit if you give him an HP tonic, once again excluding Corrin and Jakob. Effie can as well, but she demands both Pair-Up and Speed Tonic if she wants to face the paired-up Spear Fighters, since they'll double her at less than 9 Speed, and at the very least a Speed Tonic/Pair-Up to take on the single Spear Fighters.

    Basically, besides your God units, he's really the only one who can get anything done on Enemy Phase in the early game. Effie is worth mentioning too but she demands more resources (in this case, a pair-up in order to simply survive) or slower playstyle to make it happen, hence Silas is the better unit. 

    I didn't even bring up Elbow Room, but that basically makes him 3-12 points stronger than most of your other guys depending on the situation. In the early game, that can be up to half of an enemy's health right there, without even factoring in Silas's own strength and weapon power. It snowballs very, very quickly if you have a good Silas, and remains very useful even if you only have an average one. 

    TL;DR He's good during a time when most of your units suck. He might fall off late game but by then Xander and friends are rolling over everything so it doesn't matter and even then he's still pretty aight. 

  4. 22 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    I don't know about that, because you have no statistical backing. Also, getting back to his personal, I'd rather not have to twist and bend my game to make Silas's personal skill seem "useful". As for Silas himself, I personally found him more worthwhile on Birthright.

    You're being absolutely ridiculous. Everything you've typed can be construed as "I don't like him" which is fine, but doesn't have any bearing on statistical fact. If you're really going to make me go through the game and point out how many instances Silas is capable of doubling, then I really don't know what to tell you other than to possibly re-evaluate your own abilities at this game. If "attack with Silas before I heal" is too complex then it's honestly a personal issue.

    The three ways I outlined are very organic in nature and are going to happen whether you plan for it or not, end of story. If you're paying even slight attention to Corrin's health, and Silas can safely attack something, then you can use his skill. 

    Furthermore, even if I was wrong about his speed (which I'm not considering you're the only one still on this point), it would be up to you to provide proof that he isn't, not the other way around. Either way, my "statistical backing" is the game itself, which I assume you must have access to as well as I if you're really this insistent on arguing this. Turn on the game and do the math. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Gustavos said:

    Even weirder, why do we call them cavaliers? Cavalier describes a type of personality, not a rank or type of knight.

    Cavaliers actually can be defined as a person riding on horseback, so it's not much of a stretch. I'm fairly certain there's at least one definition that refers specifically to the type of thing you'd see in FE, actually. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Not sure where you're getting 6 damage from - this IS the same Silas who has ass for a speed base, and thus I wouldn't expect him to double, like, ever, unless he was attacking an enemy that was using a hand axe, etc.

    He doubles everything he needs to through Chapter 10 with a Speed Tonic on Lunatic. It's really a case of "the developer thought of that" to the highest degree.

  7. I'm actually really surprised people are arguing that Peri>Silas if we're talking best of the best. She's just not under any condition unless 1) Silas is dead or 2) you didn't use Silas. I'm really, really, surprised that people are saying Corrin under 50% can't take a hit which is factually wrong. Not even trying to be an ass here, that statement is just incorrect, no two ways about it. Again, this is not a late game skill. 6 HP of Damage and 3 Defense in the early-mid game is really broken. Go ahead and do the math on the early game Lunatic and count how many times you say "Gee, if only I did a little more/took a little less." 6 HP of Damage (best case) and 3 Defense in the late game is a nice bonus at best. Even without actually strategizing around the fact that this skill exists, it's still really easy to use it by

    1) Moving Silas before you heal Corrin 

    2) Doing the math so that Corrin won't be killed by all the enemies that attack him, and heal her up next turn before she needs the health but after Silas has moved 


    3) Attack with Corrin so she gets below half, then use Silas. It's really that easy.

    Compare that to Peri, which while certainly easy to do without thinking much, means that you have to use Azura's turn on Peri. If you're only using the best units, then Azura will always have someone better to dance for unless you made a mistake somewhere along the way. 

    Not understanding how to use Silas is fine but at the end of the day he's still the best objectively and there's really no arguing around that. He has the best availability, the best personal, and the easiest time getting experience out of your other options. Not to mention the fact that he doesn't even cost a deployment slot until Chapter 11 (Chapter 10 but let's be real you'll bring him even if you're not using him long term). I didn't say that any other non-Xander ponies are unusable, just harder to use which can't be argued around. If I've overlooked something with that, feel free to correct me. Just saying that he isn't good isn't really an argument though.

  8. Yea I tend to go balls to the wall a lot in these games. I think it's because the older games punish you sooooo much more for taking them slowly, Thracia and FE6 in particular hate you whenever you decide to slow down. I kinda regret not leveling Juni because that sounds like fun, not even gonna lie. 

    I think I like Katri so much because of her interactions with Holmes and this headcannon I have where she's kinda just a ding dong. The game never really corrected me on that so I just rolled with it haha.

    This game is trying to kill me, I know it. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Erm, what's with the sudden pronoun change? Anyways, I find Silas pretty iffy as a unit, and an impractical personal skill doesn't do his already flimsy case any favours. Personally, I've been better served by Peri or his daughter Sophie.

    Lack of proofreading :p

    Silas's skill isn't impractical in the slightest though. Again, even on Lunatic Corrin is capable of taking a hit or two even below half health with a Dragonstone, and most certainly at least one even without provided you've used tonics. +5 HP + 2 DEF also makes it quite easy to trigger Vow of Friendship, so activating it is really, really simple if you know how to do it. If Silas's skill is impractical then I'm afraid Peri's is outright useless since she can't even make use of it on Player Phase without Azura, and can't take hits on enemy phase well enough for it to matter. The exception would be Magi, but she can't retaliate on those reliably so it's kind of a moot point. 

    If we're strictly talking about the best of the best then Silas is hands down the best cavalier in the game since he's got the better personal and much better availability. Personal biases aside (since I actually prefer Sophie), he's already rolling by the time Peri or Sophie show up (and Sophie will only exist if you're using Silas) so there's really almost never a time that Silas won't be better unless you deliberately choose not to use him. He's a bit prone to speed screwage in my experience, but if that happens it's really not a big deal since of we're only talking about the best, and not "just for fun", his main role is to bridge the gap between Jakob and Xander stomping everything and he'll always be able to do that even if his growths don't play along. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    I kinda disagree on Silas's personal - I find it hard to get any real mileage out of when far more often than not, I want Corrin healthy and in the thick of the action.

    If you use a Dragonstone, Corrin tends to be stupidly beefy unless you choose -Def or -HP or something, so it's pretty easy to get him below half while keeping her (let's be real you want Jakob 1 if we're talking "best units") in the thick of things. The only time I find it to be no more than "okay" is when Silas gets a bit speed screwed, which can happen pretty easily mind you. If he's not, then it's effectively +6 to his damage output which is pretty insane. The defensive boost is still enough to turn 2HKOs into 3HKOs, 3HKOS into 4HKOS and so on. Now, this ability does fall off later in the game where keeping Corrin too low becomes much riskier, but until Chapter 16 or so, it's amazing, doubly so if Silas decides to play along. 

    3 hours ago, joshcja said:

    I still do not get Jakobdin and Ninja Corn. Tonics are very cheap.

    Edit: Odin is an early male, Odin is good.

    Edit again: VoF is legit overpowered.

    Paladin!Jakob is so good that he literally sets the pace you complete a chapter simply by existing. If Jakob can reach the boss in 5 turns, then you can rest assured that you can beat the map in 5 turns. Chapter 8 is a great example of this. He also makes Corrin stupidly hard to kill in the early game if for whatever reason she needs the help. Now, he's only particularly broken until about the point you get Xander, but after that he's still able to hold his own until the very late game, and has utility in Beastslayers which automatically make him decent for the maps where that is relevant. Chapter 20 would be a good example of extra Beastslayers coming in handy, assuming you don't just bumrush Fuuga right off the bat. 

    Ninja!Corrin is more preference, but the +1 Mov pairup is great and it's the only class that can both use the Yato and has access to reliable 1-2 Range all the while. It's pretty alright, and the 1-2 range really helps in Conquest where almost no one who isn't a mage or Xander can do that and actually kill things. 

    Edit: To be clear, I'm talking about Lunatic Mode here

  11. From where I'm standing, it's pretty much Ninja!Corrin, Paladin!Jakob 1, Camilla, Xander, Azura, Elise, Kaze, and Niles followed by literally everyone else. Silas gets an honorary mention, but it really depends on how his growths are feeling on that particular day if you want him long term. That personal skill of his is really, really good though, especially early on.

  12. Yeah, I had a feeling I missed Rishel when he didn't appear in any cutscene after the fight haha. That battle is pretty quick so it's not a huge deal or anything. Also, never have I ever wanted to restart a game so badly just to see one fictional character put another in their place. Just another reason that Alicia is awesome and Maruj sucks I guess haha.

    Looking back, Richards entire group was insanely OP. I didn't notice some of the smaller details there, like the 80 crit on Katrina's sword. I noticed the Magic + Sword thing on Tia but I must've cut the part where I mentioned that. Oh well. She really is Not!Celica though.

    'Nother part for you all. Sadly I lost what amounts to the first ~15 minutes of this recording so I had to redo it, but that's alright. Really wish there would have been a bit more indication with Bud though, so I'll have to go back and redo the second map. 

  13. The easiest way would probably be to bump up the Hard Mode bonuses by about 2 levels if the Localization Differences page is to be believed. You'll have to do it Chapter by Chapter, but it's still probably the best way short of reworking all enemy growth rates to account for lesser bonuses. 

  14. I've been using ePSXe with no problems. In all honesty, it's likely the emulator. Using fresh files, just patch the ISO and you should be good to go. Alternatively, try messing with you plugin settings a bit, as having incompatible settings can prevent the game from loading correctly or even from loading at all. You shouldn't have to edit any of the files yourself unless MultiPatch is vastly different from PPF-o-Matic.

  15. Should have definitely put together that the house was a secret shop, especially after the last one. D'oh.

    Good to know that this character is nice enough to drop by the convoy before wandering off lol. It's interesting that the game would do that to begin with; hopefully it's no one I desperately need pls not Narron

    Kate was...really disappointing with her promotion, to say the least. Still, since there's not really an EXP penalty in this game, and she has a good set of supports she still seems decent. I just wish she were better because I like Kate haha. I can't believe that the Sol isn't personal by the way. That sounds broken haha.

    Yeah, I misspoke when I said the sprites were different; palette is definitely a more appropriate word for what I meant.

    That relationship chart sounds neat. It's be cool if you dropped it here sometime once it's no longer spoilerific; I'd definitely like to check that out. I liked that map as well, it seemed like there were multiple ways to tackle it. I'm just kinda stubborn haha.

    I assume most of you that posted have seen this, but for those who have not


  16. Yeah, I gotta say, it's getting kind of tricky to keep up with all the different interactions/character relationships in this game at this point. I almost feel like I need to create a chart or something haha, but when I'm paying attention it's not too bad. And when I'm not, I call Raphael everyone but Sasha's dad.

    To counter that, I really like all the little side areas and secrets they threw into this one. FE is usually really linear by design (even the ones with maps) so I have to say that a game that actually bothers to take advantage of the World Map feature is really refreshing.

    This map was a little trickier, not gonna lie. Fortunately, I was lucky good enough to get through it without too much trouble. I am glad the game seems like it's ramping up in difficulty here though. 

  17. Definitely gotta agree that if I were 100% committed to getting every item then Map 15 would have driven me insane had I not known that I could come back haha. That's a cool trick on the gambling house, but I probably won't be exploiting it, and even though the rewards on that forge quest might only be alright at best, I still think that's a really cool and unique addition to the game! Haven't really seen anything like that before, or even since either. 

    Good lord, Sing needed to have it's healing buffed significantly. That's honestly so bad that it may as well not even be there haha. Still, if you throw her into a large crowd of allies that could be a'ight. Is it known how much the supports add to the formula? 

    Lionheart stole my stuff :( 

  18. Yeah, I'd imagine translating the text yourself (speaking of which, thank you very much for doing so!) makes it a little less apparent how silly that whole exchange is, but it's definitely the weakest link with everything I've seen so far. The Holmes version sounds pretty ridiculous too, but I'd have to actually read out the scene myself to see if it's better or worse. 

    Those dance mechanics are pretty silly. You'd never hit 150 dances playing the game at a natural pace... or so I thought until I played Chapter 16. I've definitely found my least favorite enemy type in the game. This one was a nightmare to edit haha. I easily had over 1.5 hours of recording on battle 16 alone, but I tried to edit it down as much as possible, because believe me, playing through all that (as I'm sure you guys who have played the game know) was pretty rough. 


  19. It's not really possible in my mind for the simple reason that "Modern FE" is a very, very different beast compared to "Classic FE." While I don't really understand all the hate that Awakening gets personally, the fact is that it has issues. And to be honest, I could probably write an entire novel on the things that are objectively wrong with Fates, but I won't do that here, especially in a topic trying to promote unity. 

    Tonally, modern and classic FE couldn't be more different. It's to the point that if you didn't tell me that they were a part of the same series, with characters and locations shared between them, I might honestly think that Fates was an entirely different set of games all together. Games that draw inspiration from Fire Emblem, clearly, but different games nonetheless. To Awakening's credit, it still feels like it belongs in universe, but it still feels wildly different in its own way. 

    The elephant in the room would of course be the "dating sim" aspects of the newer titles, and unless that goes away there's never going to be unity again. And let's be honest, its not going anywhere. The thing is, the term "Waifu" is regularly associated with FE now, and that really bothers a vocal group of  "classic FE" fans. To a certain extent, I get it, because this stigma makes it really strange to introduce someone to the series who maybe isn't that familiar with it or has only played the GBA titles. Making things worse is the fact that people actually embrace the term, and will (mostly) ironically toss around the term "waifu" not realizing that when they do so, they basically confirm outside conceptions on the fanbase as a whole. I'm not saying new FE actually is about pairing off your units first, and tactical gameplay second, but with the way certain fans act and the way the games have been marketed you'd be forgiven for thinking so.

    That doesn't even touch on the fact that even if you get past all that, the way it's handled in the games is pretty terrible when you compare it to another game with fleshed out and polished social aspects like Persona 3/4. The 4 conversations = baby thing is really, really silly and feels incredibly awkward compared to something like FE4, where it's implied that each chapter takes place over the span of several months at a minimum. Finally, things that could qualify as "dating sims" are pretty stigmatized in America (compared to say, Japan) so you can't really clear this hurdle without addressing an entire social stigma, or removing the feature from the game. And again, I actually don't mind Awakening at all.

    And the final nail in the coffin that makes me 100% certain that this will never be fixed is that this is a video game community. Seriously, that's all that really needs to be said I think. I'm sure you could find someone who vocally hated the original Super Mario Bros. if you looked hard enough. You have to remember that even if these games have been picking up steam lately, this is still a niche series, with even more niche aspects that have been introduced lately. At the end of the day, play what you want. If you're too intimidated to talk about something you like because someone might disagree with you, then it's honestly a personal problem. 

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