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Posts posted by Deltre

  1. Why is everyone on Smogon saying that Nidoqueen > Nidoking because Queen is not only bulkier but somehow "hits harder"?

    What does she hit harder when Nidoking has better offence in both stats, is faster, and runs the same exact moves and abilities (most importantly, Sheer Force)?

    Well, Nidoking definitely hits harder so I don't know why anyone would say otherwise! If I had to guess, I would assume that they mean to say that you get more bang for your buck with Queen, which is debatable, but a little more accurate. For example, King might hit harder, but since Queen is bulkier you have a better chance of taking a hit then retaliating in a lot of situations where King would just drop before getting off any damage. Since neither is particularly fast, the ability to avoid KOs with Queen might make it seem as though she's more of an offensive threat for the simple reason that she has more opportunities to attack without getting instantly KO'd.

  2. Tapu lele nerfed all priority

    RIP Deltre 1993-2017 killed by Nobody's avatar/quote combination x)

    And yeah Jenny got banned, which is great. I thought it would be a lot closer based on how people were talking in the suspect thread, but it turns out that people who got reqs for the most part knew that thing was garbo and needed to go. Who knew.

    Theres also a flawless answer to priority

    Playing Stall

    *10 more minutes, mom!

    Stall makes me legitimately sad on an almost otherworldly level. Even mentioning the word "Stall" tends to induce a minor form of PTSD. True story I sat around staring at my screen for about 5 minutes before finishing this comment because Stall is so frustrating to play that it effects me for days after the match even occurs.

    Crabominable has no switch ins but you can't really use that unless you play Trick Room. I think it will be really good in lower tiers, and I lowkey hope it goes NU since I played Trick Room almost exclusively down there.

  3. Kommo-o would actually be so sick if it just got Drain Punch. I would maybe do this

    Kommo-o @ Leftovers
    Ability: Bulletproof
    EVs: 160 HP / 252 SpD / 96 Spe or 120 HP / 252 SpD / 136 Spe
    Careful Nature
    - Bulk Up
    - Substitute
    - Dragon Claw
    - Earthquake
    Substitute + Bulk Up to be really obnoxious to kill and dodge status. DClaw for STAB and Earthquake to cover Steels except Skarmory/Celesteela (but Celesteela can't touch you). Max SpD since Kommo-o actually has awesome defenses and Bulk Up covers you on the Physical side. 96 Spe lets you outspeed everything up to Base 65 where 136 Spe lets you grab Base 70's as well.
    Idk if Overcoat is legal but maybe go for that one to troll Grass types who want to Sleep Powder / (Stun) Spore etc. All the abilities are situational though
  4. It honestly made me sad. Tflame wouldn't be as good this gen anyway. Now they turned it into PU trash.

    IMHO it wasn't even bad last gen.

    They shoulda made it like Defeatist. Only works above 50%; it wouldn't be quite as good but it would be pretty balanced imo and would at least be usable. Right now idk if its even worth it in RU.

    Speaking of which, RU is now a thing, and its pretty hilarious. Whacky stuff includes but is not limited to Alakazam, Nidoking/Queen, Cloyster, Suicune, Mienshao, and god damned Lucario.

  5. Drampa @ Quick Claw/Life Orb/Leftovers

    Ability: Berserk

    EV: 252 HP/128 Def/128Sp. Def

    Calm Nature

    - Roost

    - Thunderbolt/Thunder

    - Hyper Voice/Glare

    - Dragon Pulse

    Prioritized bulk over offense because it'll make it easier to continuously activate Berserk which will boost its Special Attack enough anyway. Quick Claw is there to help fix its terrible speed. Life Orb helps with damage and can maybe help trigger Berserk more often. Leftovers for additional recovery (which it needs because it will go last 99% of the time).

    Should I add Reflect/Light Screen?

    I would definitely roll with leftovers just for the consistency. I wouldn't do screens personally, but maybe think about Calm Mind somewhere on there. It's kind of like Light Screen but you get the Sp.Atk boost too, and since it's harder for them to take you out after a Calm Mind you can continually get more Berserk boosts and Calm Mind boosts until you steamroll. Drampa is pretty beefy too if I'm not mistaken, so even 1 CM boost is kind of a problem to deal with if you aren't ready.

  6. After reading the thread Deltre linked to, I have no clue why Genesect wasn't just quickbanned...

    It's a mystery lol. I guess people were so sick of ORAS Stall that they went hard in the other direction for this game maybe? Even though Gene is ass versus stall haha.

    Speaking of which, good god the OU Ladder is unplayable or I'm the unluckiest man alive, because I kid you not, the last time I played OU I got Sableye Stall 5 times in a row. I want to go for Reqs because people are seriously thinking about not banning this but ffs one man can only take so much.

    Primarina is pretty cool yeah. It just happen to share typing with Tapu Fini and if theres a sentence that can describe SM OU the most its really "Landorus Therian, Tapu Fini, Mega, and 3 filler"

    It's funny, because I literally made a team with Lando/Heatran/MSaur/AshGren/Lele/Magearna in about 5 minutes and it's honestly one of the more consistent teams I have despite having no thought put behind it whatsoever. It's funny until you realize that teambuilding in OU is dead atm, then it just gets sad :(

  7. Where are the people talking about the bans?


    Speaking of Turtonator, I've been having a bit of success with this team. I don't dabble much in OU, but I decided to go for it and made this after a few hours. I'd love to tweak it and make it better, so any idea or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Tsareena @ Assault Vest
    Ability: Queenly Majesty
    EVs: 248 HP / 156 Atk / 100 Def / 4 SpD
    Adamant Nature
    - High Jump Kick
    - Trop Kick
    - Play Rough
    - Rapid Spin
    Turtonator @ Life Orb
    Ability: Shell Armor
    EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
    Modest Nature
    IVs: 0 Atk
    - Flash Cannon
    - Flamethrower
    - Dragon Pulse
    - Will-O-Wisp
    Necrozma @ Mental Herb
    Ability: Prism Armor
    EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA
    Bold Nature
    IVs: 0 Atk
    - Stealth Rock
    - Psychic
    - Morning Sun
    - Thunder Wave
    Metagross @ Metagrossite
    Ability: Clear Body
    EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
    Adamant Nature
    - Meteor Mash
    - Bullet Punch
    - Zen Headbutt
    - Earthquake
    Primarina @ Choice Specs
    Ability: Torrent
    EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
    Modest Nature
    IVs: 0 Atk
    - Moonblast
    - Scald
    - Energy Ball
    - Psychic
    Tapu Fini @ Leftovers
    Ability: Misty Surge
    EVs: 248 HP / 100 Def / 4 SpA / 156 SpD
    Calm Nature
    IVs: 0 Atk
    - Surf
    - Haze
    - Moonblast
    - Ice Beam

    Note that this is not Bank OU, so no Ice Punch for Metagross. I'll probably be running that over Meteor Mash once Bank is out.

    I'm also kinda curious if anyone else has experimented with bulky Tsareena. Dhelmise is a better Spinner thanks to Anchor Shot and being a Spinblocker, but the Defog is pretty abundant right now, and that Attack drop from Trop Kick is pretty nice.

    Tsareena is actually pretty decent. Mind you, I prefer to use her in UU where the power levels aren't so insane but yeah she's actually solid. Are those EV's for anything specific out of curiosity? I'd also maybe consider U-Turn over Play Rough since HJK nukes the same things pretty much.

    Maybe consider changing out Tapu Fini for something else as well? Maybe something like AV Magearna or ScarfChomp to help with Tapu Lele/Koko, which you look a lil bit weak to. I'd also run Pump>Scald on Primarina, but I understand not wanting to miss lol. Props for Turtonator and Primarina though, Primarina is lowkey amazing.

  8. Huh. Lemme guess - it's being suspected for the same reasons it was booted to Ubers last gen.

    If by "same reasons" you mean "it's still way too good" then yeah, you got it :p super unpredictable as ever and it has about 10 different sets it can run, all equally deadly. Not to mention the only way to beat it is to hope that a) your opponent misplays or b) pivot into 4 different things to find all its coverage moves, but by then you've taken so much chip damage it may be too late.

  9. So Genesect is finally up on the chopping block for a suspect test, and it's about time too lol. I'm genuinely surprised they didn't just go the quickban route to be honest, since let's be real here, it's getting banned. Would anyone be willing to help me test out a team I threw together for the suspect ladder? For those of you who don't know there's a match limit of 70 for this one and I built the team around I style I don't usually play lol. I'm more of an Offense kinda guy and this one is a bit bulkier than what I'm used to. It's not Sable+5 Pink things I promise haha.

  10. That was a crazy game dude, I have to wonder why he wasn't running Surf or Grass Knot on Raichu though. Sub Nasty + Dual STAB seems a little shaky IMO, but that thing put in work no lie.

    Here's a fun little lure I've been using to help survive the madness that is SuMo UU

    Arcanine @ Grassium Z
    Ability: Intimidate
    EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
    Modest Nature
    - Flamethrower / Fire Blast
    - Hidden Power [ice]
    - Solar Beam
    - Fire Spin / Morning Sun
    Most people won't see this coming, you use Fire Spin on the switch to a bulky water like Slowbro or Suicune, and blow them away with a high BP Bloom Doom. Since Z-Crystals can't be knocked off, Arcanine also makes a pretty decent check to Weavile if rocks are out of the way, although you might want to substitute Fire Spin for Morning Sun if you're particularly weak to that mon. Intimidate to bluff a defensive set and take hits better, with Flamethrower as STAB and HP Ice for Dragons. The moveset and EVs are pretty flexible tbh, but I like Max Sp.Atk because 1.) It's simple 2.) People sleep on Arcanine's base 100 Sp.Atk, but a Rash Nature can be used if you want to go mixed. A Sp.Atk boosting nature is pretty important though because it ensures you can OHKO the things you should be luring in.
    Coincidentally, Arcanine can blow through things that give MAero a ton of trouble, and MAero is definitely the mega of choice for UU atm with things like ZardY and Torn-T running around. With these 2 staples alone you can cover a lot of the really crazy things running around right now and ease up teambuilding a bit. I'm really liking Gengar too, even if Weavile gives it hell right now.
  11. That's kind of what's fun about it honestly lol. It's kind of fun to use stuff like Primarina in a tier that's more their speed. Gengar seems like it could be a really big threat down here too, if it stays. Without the obviously ridiculous stuff I think UU is gonna be pretty cool this gen. Even with what there is down here it's still not as crazy as OU from what I've seen so far.

  12. I use Alolan Persian. There's a fair bit of natural synergy as Persian can take physical hits for days, while Magearna can take special hits forever. Plus there's a pseudo-Volt Turn between them.

    I'm loving it.

    That sounds really cool, I might have to try that out haha.

    I definitely a believer of Magearna after playing around a bit today. Had some pretty decent games where Magearna put in a ton of work.

    http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7pokebankou-493807132 vs A bunch of broken shit

    http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7pokebankou-493789277 vs A Zard X team

    http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7pokebankou-493698281 vs Rain (I misplay slightly towards the end)

    I think I finally put together a pretty good rain team too. I've had to play around with the last move on King a lot, I can't decide on Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, or surprise Flamethrower lol. Still praying they free my man Mega Pert though.

    http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7pokebankou-493585763 vs Shed Stall (this is my favorite one lol)

    http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7pokebankou-493716758 vs LeleZam

    http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7pokebankou-493782152 vs Sticky Web

    I've basically come to the conclusion that balance/bulky offense is still totally viable, it just needs to evolve a bit to keep up with all these powerhouses. It'll be really good if we start to see some bans here, but I don't know how many things will really be going when the dust settles. No matter what though, some form of speed control is mandatory right now be it a Scarfer, Trick Room, Rain, whatever. There's just too much power flying around.

  13. No news of any new bannings?

    Aside from Pheromosa, Genesect, Hoopa Unbound and Greninja, I wonder what else has a good chance of getting hit upside the head with the banhammer.

    Throw in Lando-I and you have the most blatant 5 IMO. Funnily enough I think Pheromosa is the least problematic of the on the radar mons, since of the 5 it at least has actual hard counters, as limited as they may be. It also hates priority (LO Adamant Mamoswine deals like 80% with Shard). Good luck with the other 4 before scouting the set!

    Tapu Lele won't be quickbanned but will probably get a suspect at some point. I still dunno how I feel about it, if anything puts it over it's definitely the Specs variant though. It has Hoopa Syndrome where clicking your STAB is the right move in 95% of situations, bar any Dark Types. It's hilariously good w/ Hazard Stack, and also doubles as a great support mon for others like MZam, MSharpedo, and ironically Pheromosa. Scarf is good vs Offense, but has actual answers so it's not too extreme IMO, just good. For Specs you have like... AV Magearna. Heatran and Metagross once or twice. Reuniclus if you don't get crit or Sp.Def dropped before terrain ends. Sp. Def Jirachi does alright too. The thing is, Tapu Lele gets coverage for all of them and outspeeds every one bar Mega Metagross. Also 4/5 just drop to Duggy. So yeah. Definitely gonna be suspected eventually.

    IDK if anything else really strikes me as broken atm to be honest.

  14. So the usage stats for the first period have dropped, and well... maybe I should just link lol.


    UU is about to be insane. That or BL is going to get so big it should be its own tier lmao. Notable mons positioned to drop include Dragonite, possibly Hippowdon, Gliscor, Torn-T (Oh god, not again), Azumarill, Keldeo, Weavile, Latias, Kyurem-B, Jirachi, Mew, Breloom, Thundurus, and Serperior. UU confirmed for BW OU? Mind you, this is just November so new toy syndrome is at an all time high in these usage charts, but UU's gonna be poppin if we see even half of these drop.

  15. That thing gets T-Wave? Well that settles that then, 10/10 mon right there.

    I don't argue that Fire is rare ATM, but that in turn makes it insanely underprepared for which makes ZardX really, really good right now. The most common resists right now would be the Latis which obviously get murked by +1 Zard. Heatran is a bit more scarce because of Duggy, who coincidentally is a really good partner for a ton of offensive mons right now, Zard included. Tapu Fini hard walls, but those are somewhat rare tbh. Not bad, just uncommon.

  16. Going to try Psychic spam out. Enjoyed rain but it was too struggling to beat Ferrothorn. :<

    Going with Specs Lele/MZam/Scarf Gene/CB Zydog/Phero/AV Gear

    Where are your rocks my man? For the rain thing maybe try Ludicolo as your swift swimmer. He literally does not care about Ferrothorn and easily KOs in return.

    JSND Mega Venusaur would land somewhere in high A to low A+, with the same for Zard X. Zard X just wins vs a huge chunk of the teams I've faced, so much so that I wish I had a Zard X team ready to go. Amoonguss should also be added probably about 1 grade below MSaur, for checking most of the same things and not costing a megaslot at the price of being a lot less threatening offensively. I'm curious about some of those ratings though, like why does Magearna get its own tier lol

  17. Honestly i always thought the biggest weakness of Serperior is before it ramps up and forced to use coverage move and that bad coverage

    Its initial Leaf Storm hits hard enough(its as powerful as Aegislash Shadow Ball), but depending on the extra move a lot of things can force it out

    Also yeah despite the initial expectation that Tapu Bulu will only become a "LOL click Wood Hammer something is dead LOL" kind of pokemon, it actually ended up being very versatile. The key part is really Grassy Terrain being an insane supporting effect that pretty much anything grounded can make use of it. I'd still reccomend you to use it with Landorus since Ground coverage often comes into play against 4x weak, and not many Ground Weak abuser is half as versatile as both form of Landorus

    Maybe weak was the wrong word. I was basically trying to say the same thing as you did lol. That's the main reason I really like SubSeed since it really only leaves you vulnerable to something like Venusaur/Amoonguss if you're playing it right. Also the Grassy Terrain is nice for some matchups you couldn't win as easily before. You have a decent shot of blowing by Mega Metagross with 2 Leaf Storms now, for example, and that's without Life Orb. It's a little situational, but that goes back to what I said way earlier about using the Terrains to your advantage.

    EDIT: Also Talon being dead helps a lot, but that's true for like 99% of all mons.

  18. I didn't expect to see a Serperior on someone's team. Contrary or was Serperior buffed?

    Contrary. He's a little weak yea, but Bulu really helps that out with his Grassy Terrain. Serp's a pretty good partner if you don't mind 2 Grass types, but Grass is my favorite type so I'm biased lol

  19. honestly tapu bulu has been warming up to me especially design wise and i've been tempted to watch people use him

    someone said he's the tapu version of terrakion? is he at least more interesting to use? because as useful as the bulldog was, i got bored of using him after a while

    I'd definitely say he's got a few more tricks up his sleeve than Terrakion did. Band is the obvious set, sure, but his presence alone is enough to really get to some teams, especially the ones that rely on strong Ground attacks. He has some good support moves in Taunt, Nature's Madness, Bulk Up, and JSND makes me think Leech Seed might be a pretty solid option too. In Pokebank I kinda like Psychinium Z to lure Mega Venusaur/Amoonguss and KO after Wood Hammer/Rocks damage.

    Also Specs Pelipper needs some love. These games are pretty old, but this set always works wonders for me.




    Somehow this replay got mixed in with those too. It's unrelated but it does involve a 4 mon Jolteon sweep so there's that.


  20. This one is a game where i won by hax so i kinda want to know what should i do had the Hydro miss didn't happen


    Coulda went for EQ into Ice Shard on the Keldeo vs Mamoswine matchup since you were sash anyways if I'm not mistaken? I assume that you're Sp.Def on Bulu to some extent since that Hydro Pump did too much for Scarf Keldeo, so after seeing that you could have picked him off pretty easily with Gene after the EQ damage.

  21. Exactly what are these new mega mechanics that Deltre mentioned?

    Not sure exactly which post you're referring to lol but I imagine that I was talking about how the speed is now reflected on the same turn that you Mega Evolve. For example Mega Zam will have 150 Speed the first turn it evolves, Mega Sableye will not have Prankster the turn it evolves, etc. It really helps out the Megas with meh speed before evolution like Metagross a lot.

  22. I'm kinda surprised Hyper Offense Ninetales haven't become a thing yet. Only screen breaker that is commonly used is Tapu Fini, Latis, and Sharpedo and its really just click Aurora Veil -> Click set up move. I guess the meta kinda lacks OP set up sweeper aside from Zygarde and P-Z to make it an actual thing but idk

    Oh it's definitely a valid option. Zard X and Mega Gyara are two things that also pair pretty well with that combo. Also it's worth noting that you can't Defog Aurora Veil, at least on Showdown. Idk if that's how it works on cart but I found out about the Defog thing the hard way lol

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