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Everything posted by ___

  1. Is a crusader. Surprisingly, not a samurai.
  2. Eye sight capable of detecting ninjas.
  3. A social construct is Also, there's no right or wrong answer to any question here, so don't worry about it; just answer as you wish.
  4. Made a post that doesn't make much sense unless you go back to the top of the page and read some of the previous posts.
  5. Has knowledge of the English language.
  6. > Have you ever made a wish on a shooting star? > Social construct you dislike the most? > What do you do in a helpless situation? > Are you leader or a follower? > Do you believe in astrology?
  7. I've never watched Jojo; I've watched a lot of anime, but even so there's a good number of popular/classic ones I've never seen, like Madoka Magica, Attack on Titan, Guilty Crown, Sailor Moon, etc., and Jojo is one of them. But when other anime make reference to it, and when some one makes reference to it probably expecting some sort of reaction from you and you can't respond in any way, it does does sort of make me wonder what it's all about....
  8. I want to keep my hopes up about 2017 being a good year, but...nah, I'll just assume it's going to be terrible too and try to pull through.
  9. A different style of avi, but the same kind as before.
  10. Posted a vid to help make his point.
  11. Knows I do. Sometimes people have an "avatar style", and when I saw the un, the avi, the sig, the title, even if different and with gender changed, it struck me as familiar.
  12. Astra is subjectively the coolest skill in the entire series.
  13. And the Articuno was...well, I'm not sure yet; I'll let you know latter if it makes/shoots ice and if there's a monters-catching mode, then you avoid the game and move on.
  14. Nah, I just saw a Lion on a red banner, which in my brain automatically routs to two logical things: the House of Gryffindor or the House of Lannister. I hope they don't have a Joffrey in the game though I was curious, thanks for sharing!
  15. Thinks some one on the later half of their 20's but not 30s is old. I'm not actually; it was just one of those "wait, what...?" confusing moments, but picking up on Ayama's name/gender change was actually...surprisingly easy. Something about the avis he uses kind of gives it away at a glance.
  16. Will know is not as bad as saying someone's lurking a thread and not posting while completely ignoring the post of said person just a few spots above in the same page.
  17. y-yeah I....noticed that... only, you know, a few thousand years later...
  18. Ah, I get that, mostly with anime, I mostly get lazy towards the later half. Also, just started Trails of Cold Steel and I'm watching the intro movie (which looks really nice) and I think I spot Articuno flying by and what appears to be the red banner of the Lannisters and I just know this is going to be a great game.
  19. I thought was a new member when I first saw the user name. And I may just answer all of them with "I am not Groot", or magically disappear in the middle, ha.
  20. Youtube is an awful mess, except for the stuff that isn't. lol, thanks. It's a lot longer than I ever thought it would be. Also random, there's this person called Makaze lurking here right now but I don't he'll post a thing.
  21. ___

    Happy Holiday's, Naughx! A bit late, but there's still new year's!

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