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Everything posted by ___

  1. hmm, i seem to have wandered here today completely out of reflex...well...
  2. Would follow the skill tree leading to the highest sword art possible, mastering all aspects of the sword in the process, and, having reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship, realizes the journey is never ending and smiles at the knowledge...
  3. good day~ *: If you were a character on Fates, who would your S and A+ supports be? **: What would your personal skill be? ***: if you could have participated on any battle in an FE game, which would it be? *v: What is your favorite skill in FE? v: Do you like the way FE has been handled lately/the direction it is going currently? &&& v*: Social construct you dislike the most? v**: If you could write a message on the moon for everyone to see, what would it be? v***: If you had to chose three songs or books to have some one listen to or read them and get an understanding of who you are, which would you chose? not that you have to share, of course. *$: Do you believe on superstitions or supernatural, like astrology, etc.? $: what do you do to pick yourself up when your feeling down? edit: i have some bad writing issues...
  4. well, i don't find that answer surprising. i don't feel i have a favorite genre, either.
  5. Probably doesn't know who Harrison Wells is.
  6. hmm, you have never seem the sort to follow popular trends. well, not that being popular necessarily amounts to anything, and rarely, if ever, to a positive. might you have a favorite genre?
  7. hmm, you have never seem the sort to follow popular trends. well, not that being popular necessarily amounts to anything, and rarely, if ever, to a positive. might you have a favorite genre?
  8. I have been watching RE:Creators and find the commentary quite entertaining, and Hiroyuki Sawano is involved in the music; everybody else may watching Attack on Titan 2, but i have no interest on it. My Hero Academia's second season is also fairly decent, it doesn't lose pace and keeps the same rhythm as the first season. Then later we will have One Punch Man 2 and Blood Blockade Battlefront 2.
  9. well, i cant say i dont understand bunny to a point. so, what type of beast would you be, i wonder?
  10. this anime season is turning out pretty decent, and to think there are still good things to look forward to....if i can just set up a couple other things right, and the politics don't fully collapse, this year would be pretty great...
  11. black holes may capture light, but i can do one better, i make time disappear...
  12. will know that it's actually not a bad position for said bunny to be in, except said bunny may not be entirely content with the situation, yet i am almost certain the girl in question would be overjoyed and perhaps that would balance the equation out. still, is suppose everybody is a greedy beast of sorts and bunny would aspire to a higher station regardless.
  13. Would rewrite the original pokemon anime so that eevee takes the place of pikachu as the mascot of the series. may be. i can only picture you as charming, fluffy, pink bunny being carried in arms and spoiled by a certain girl with a capacity for holy magicks.
  14. would be a beast tamer in a fantasy rpg; probably.
  15. would replace very cat and dog in the world with eevees, such are his evil schemes.
  16. unpopular opinion: I think technology, or at least social media, has surpassed humanity's ability to properly handle it.
  17. defiant. or simply mischievous. i'll lean to the later.
  18. Would set up a spa for eevees if he could.
  19. I going to assume you mean mainstream social media, like Facebook, twitter, reddit, etc, and not dedicated forums like SF. Well, no, I don't.
  20. hmm, I could have done better with this weekend...much better...well...
  21. he does knows, and still did, for he did trust, what he did sense.
  22. not at all; why deny yourself the opportunity to see/read things from other perspectives/world views?
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