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Everything posted by ___

  1. Hopefully not tired and exhausted.
  2. I don't get breaks. Only periods of time when I'm not obligated to do work.
  3. Hops all over in search of beauty like none other, but what will he do once he finds it???
  4. Using a pretty stylish-looking avatar of knight.
  5. I'm a master at nonsense... also, not really finding all the little stuff here in SF exciting, like the discord (I never join those), the double posting feature, and now having to use my email to sing in. why, oh, why, I love how easy it was to just do ___ and be done with it, but no, we must not have nice things, it makes life too sweet, we must suffer and rage and be stressed and depressed, and...whatever.
  6. when you know you're making a poor decision and you still go along with it.... what language is this???
  7. when you know you're making a poor decision and you still go along with it.... what language is this???
  8. Thanks for sharing. Personally, I don't have any friends who like FE or anime, so it's pretty much impossible for me to share any sort of opinions, popular or unpopular, with any one outside of the internet, and you can be sure that's a little boring to say the least. It doesn't help with the places full of elitists out there online who seem to think they have a higher sense of judgement/opinion over something than you. So outside of one-on-one conversations with others, i rarely talk about what I like much elsewhere. Perhaps it's not the same as being involved in a large conversation in a thread about something, but I find those conversations to be a whole lot more interesting than being on a thread with a larger crowd discussing the same topic. Not a solution I guess or advice, but not much else I can say in a sense of suggestion.
  9. hmm, should've picked a different symbol...
  10. knows some songs have lyrics that go: na~ na~ na~ na~ na~ na~ na~ na~...
  11. ___: art skills: -5/10 music skills: (do whistles count?) writing skills: X time management skills: 0 life management skills: on a better note, i can catch a nap now. I think. I hope. well, at least this anime season has some interesting shows.
  12. Isn't thinking about how much time they have wasted in certain, unproductive, and meaningless activities lately....
  13. your honesty is what counts c; lol, thank you very much for input, sir; I should have expected nothing less from you c: I hope you get a wonderful rest soon, sleep is much to precious to be deprived of it, like missing either water or air.
  14. Well, there's a charm to leaving neither name nor history to remember, but this shows how the coin glitters on the other side.
  15. Has a pretty cool username, actually. It may be a game character, but I don't know.
  16. hmm...may be I haven't said or done enough during my time here for opinions like these to form... well, thanks for sharing!
  17. Has probably the coolest nickname I have seen anyone use for me around here. lol, it looks like a line out of some sort of school test waiting to be filled out. I'll say philosophy, language, or chemistry, but who knows.
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