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Everything posted by ___

  1. Well, I would very much prefer to start with near-zero information of it besides release date, and who is to say I will not come across something here that would have been surprising had I it seen on my own without prior knowledge? I am aware that may sound strange...and it is, given in general how nearly every one else seems as they would rather know everything, or nearly everything, before getting their first chance at a game. It really is just my personal preference, with games and with anime as well, to the extent I can manage. guess that was a rather long explanation...
  2. Oh hey Hoshi; all going well on your end?
  3. A fan of the show where they play Duel Monsters.
  4. game or anime? I watched first episode, I was a little interested. @Trisitei I'm of the type that prefers having little to no spoilers with things I am interested in; I may well take a long vacation from here once ME Andromeda releases next week to avoid getting any sort of spoilers about it before I find the time to play it.
  5. one day we will dictate what games we want to play, and an AI will build it for us....and i sense it will be a sad day... ah, it's friday...another week over, ...and poorly spent...
  6. Let her know it's fine to take the hat off in bed; mustn't be too comfortable to sleep with it.
  7. I...I concede, I had forgotten that's possible; but...I almost don't want to believe that's lucina. Informed about the badge.
  8. I really do need to stop coming to serenes...I just get too many spoilers...
  9. May know who Chloey's badge character is... .... oh, haha...hey Chloey c:
  10. Is writing a story by using characters from the Serenes Forest website for inspiration, will later post it for viewing in said site. .... Soulinja~
  11. well, I got ninja'd. ah, I see; it's all fun, and as always, whatever's easier or more entertaining for you is best.
  12. Saw that. ...i won't mind; I'm curious, so do tell.
  13. well, appears to believe there is a wrong way to refer to me, which is very interesting... c;
  14. lol, I would love to see how that one would play out in a game. me? ah, well, I never really thought about it before...hmm, something like this, perhaps: Dextrous: X% chance to attack again;
  15. good choice c: curious, if you were a character in Fates, what would your personal skill have been?
  16. Knows the internet seems built on the idea that words and emojies alone express true emotion, which may be something like wearing a mask when talking in person.
  17. It does; but just know that were you to wear it and were I to see you wearing it out in the streets, I would just give you a big thumbs up. who's the dark one now???
  18. You're forgiven, anytime for anything. wouldn't it really "people suck"? you know, just to be fair on the project... that...is great stuff; wish I had seen that. Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful day for the rest of it (and week, and month, and year, too).
  19. He's wiling to risk everything for her.
  20. It would need me to spend time doing so, and time is on short supply.
  21. Of Normandy, but not in France. Well...you are right; reading my choice of font color is difficult, to say the least, in the night theme...
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