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Everything posted by ___

  1. @LuxSpecs @Nobody Thanks guys, helps me figure out if this would be something I would enjoy. @Trisitei I think gameplay is the first and foremost enjoyment factor in a game; you can be telling an epic story, but if the gameplay is not there or it is bad, you will find it a struggle likely not worth waging to see the story through. On the other hand, as with Fates and Awakening, I can enjoy they gameplay and ignore the story and I'll still count myself a fan. The real beauty is when the two meet in harmony, of course, but...that varies greatly, clearly.
  2. Is a weapon in my story. How so? What background color are you using?
  3. Curious, how similar is this game to stuff like Skyrim and other Elder Scrolls games? It is open world from what I hear, but how is the story handled? Are you made to follow it, or can you take it at your pace and focus on sub-stories and quests like you can in Elder Scrolls? I...huh, well, thanks... It is. It comes off every sentence you write. well, not every sentence, but yes, obvious it is. hmm...I suppose that there is that, but I can't believe some one who tells me they play Fates for story, if true I will feel sad and if not they're just trolling. It's a somewhat similar view on Awakening. Shadow Dragon is fine. It is what it is, and it is fine.
  4. people just forget what's important in life games all the time...
  5. Has a nice un. haha, no, never, absolutely not; you're one of the most interesting around here~~
  6. I just had an interesting thought after reading your reply... but anyways, as long as I can skip all conversations and scenes, I'm good.
  7. I'm actually...not all that interested in the series lately. I think I will give SoV a chance, but that's a very far off chance. My mind is filled only with ridiculous ideas; however, if anything ever does happen, I'll be sure to let you know...in some manner c;
  8. Will know that some times I really do regret coming around here...
  9. I could care less for Shadows of Valentia having support conversations, saturated fanservice, shipping mechanics, and a breeding system. Hate me all you want.
  10. So many ideas on my mind...one day, may be... I don't get what this is but I love it.
  11. Makes me wonder how many here use dark backgrounds while browsing around serenes. purple theme is best theme, I don't know a thing about a dark theme.
  12. Has a picture of a person as his avi. lol ...but really, just how.
  13. Links to an FFVIII LP, one of the many FFs I never played. Haha, may be by the end of year, I am actually spending more time here presently than I should. I even left anime and games off to deal with stuff, and I can't tell you enough how much I want to see some of the shows coming later this year, or how much I want to play ME: Andromeda already.
  14. ___

    Hello there. I have been curious about your avi, who is it and where is it from? Ah, and I love your profile banner, I don't know what it is or where it's from, but it's great.

    1. Koneko


      It's Irisviel von Einzbern from the Fate series (though I think in Fate Grand Order they changed her appearance depending on what weapon she was I forget). Though the banner is from http://1041uuu.tumblr.com/ they make a lot of great pixel work!]

    2. ___


      You know, I just had a feeling that she was. She looks beautiful. Although that bit about her being a weapon is a little...strange.

      And wow, that pixel art is amazing; thank you so much for sharing!

  15. Knows it's concerned/confused because of the missing girl that is no longer there; shame, yet it never was a question of 'if' but rather 'when'.
  16. 1? Do you like anime and/or game music? 2? Social construct you dislike the most? 3? The one quality you wish every one would possess? 4? The thing that you find most charming about the opposite gender/sex? 5? If you could write a message on the moon for every one here to see, what would it be? 6> If you were a character in FE: Fates, what would your personal skill be? 7> Who would you S+ and A+ support with? 8> If you could have participated in any battle in an FE game, which would it be? 9> Are you happy with where the series is going? And if not what would you change? 10> What type of stories do you like best, and what examples could you give of them?
  17. Knows it adds color to the world forest/forums.
  18. Missed an 'e' on Eevee, very much on purpose I believe. hmm...
  19. Another defeat today, another chance tomorrow... Well, good luck gathering feathers guys. 'bye thread.
  20. Hope you get better soon! If I can be of any help, just let me know.

  21. ...ah, I'm sorry to hear that is so. I hope this is something you can recover from soon and we're here if you need anything.
  22. Thinks the user above him thinks that. wish I had this level of time on my hands... hope you're doing well, btw.
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