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Everything posted by ___

  1. Hey there! Could you tell me who the avi is??? It looks really nice.

    1. Breezy Kanzaki

      Breezy Kanzaki

      Oh uhhh it's Hata no Kokoro from 2hu for my April Fools theme

    2. ___


      oh, that's a pretty interesting character; thanks!

    3. Breezy Kanzaki

      Breezy Kanzaki

      You're welcome..?

  2. The pink is great, but.. it's a measure too sweet for my tastes; I would love to see more surprises like this, though.
  3. Could probably watch a ten-hour video of eevees playing sports at a theme park.
  4. What about? I may find the subject just as confusing as you, you know. I hope she's doing fine, even with that confusion.
  5. I knew it was a joke the instant I saw it, it does, however, look great. I could get used to being surprised by more character themes like this over time, so do take your time, SF overlords, we will gladly wait...
  6. Eyes the color of the skies, reflections of the oceans, hair a shade of sunlight, dreams of free-form fantasy.
  7. Very, very sad. That's just too many great people I've met and remember well, and of course, roughly half of humanity.
  8. i've made some pretty sad choices this year...well... ...am I guilty of something this time? well, that wouldn't be strange, really. it's crazy; people are crazy, and worse, and then you remember you're one of them.
  9. 'night SF, the world says it's now or never.
  10. I don't recognize them with the new un.
  11. haha, that's an awful question to ask; my answers will rarely be positive (i'm that type). How about we don't do this one again? Assume that if I am posting here, I am doing well enough to spare time. Otherwise, life is doing its thing. on a better note, it's almost time to sleep!...or rather, it's getting late...but that's good in it's own way...
  12. Wow. Everything FE Fates Conquest should have been...and I again disappointed in IS...
  13. Has nothing to worry about, as it wasn't anything of relevance. Should know that throwing compliments is fine.
  14. The Great White North. but see, I was posting in a...less than ideal state, and so, most of that was the product of a poor mind...
  15. I would like to play with the villains for a change...poor things, ever so closely to their dreams they near, and ever so unthinkably they fall...
  16. Eyes color of the ocean. Nonsensical, really... but you do put it on more flattering terms.
  17. Nym. In his dreams, a free creature full of wonders, of shapes as varied as the shades of the rainbow, with ambitions and desires extending only to the essential; in reality, one other of countless projections tracing lines in a plain extending endlessly into the unknown....
  18. ...would you consider an empty canvass a work of art???...what if the canvass was filled with black???...would one be more acomplished than the other, or would you consider either to hold any meaning??? ...I have didn't purchased Andromeda after all...I did, however, preorder the Shadows of Valentia special edition game...how did that work, i wonder... in the end, though, I don't really think I'll play either of them...
  19. Didn't just become...more irritated...
  20. humanity chose not to believe in the future, or rather, to build one; if it isn't alive, it can't die, right? haha, it's very late for me, and i'm feeling pretty irritated...so i may be sounding a little pessimistic; may be... later thread;
  21. Not, probably, feeling annoyed and irritated. Probably.
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