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Everything posted by CervantesStache

  1. I've never really had much to add so i've been lurking up until now, but I figure the grand finale's as good a time as any to finally pop out of the woodwork and say something. This LP's been an absolute blast to read since I first started following it, especially with seeing Kirin grow from her humble beginnings into an absolutely ridiculous movement monster, and it has quickly become one of my favorites out of the screenshot LPs i've read through. Despite my initial skepticism of the concept, the original bits pleasantly surprised me as well, being charming enough to read that by the end, I was looking forward to the OC crew's next chapters almost as much as the updates they accompanied. Great stuff all around, man.
  2. Frankly, i'm not sure what artstyle suits FE best objectively speaking (if there even is a way to objectively answer that kind of thing), but the FE11/FE12 style and Shadows of Valentia look always struck me as the most appealing and "Fire Emblemy". The two of them hit a nice middle ground, giving characters some good ol' anime style while still keeping designs grounded and character-fitting enough to not look out of place or silly.
  3. I like the animations because they often look pretty nice, and in the older games they're the only means of hearing the great battle themes, but another factor I dig is that their inherently drawn out nature increases tension, at least for me. Those 1% crit rates are a lot scarier when you're staring at the screen praying for nobody to do a flip out of nowhere and cause your favorite unit to explode, after all, and the same applies to any other scary luck reliant situation like incredibly low but non-zero hitrates on a low health unit or something.
  4. Time for some unpopular aesthetic-related opinions (The first one especially, from what i've seen). I actually like the visuals of Shadow Dragon/ New Mystery, though I still prefer New Mystery over Shadow Dragon visually, of course. I prefer Radiant Dawn's 3D animations to Fateswakening's and most of the ones in Three Houses. I don't really like most Fates music all that much. FE6 has more memorable music than FE7 imo, aside from a few good battle tracks in the latter such as campaign of fire and softly with grace.
  5. Hello to all! I'm technically not "new" to the site account-age wise, but I joined ages ago and then left this account dead in the water for no apparent reason, and I figured now is as good of a time as any to join! I tend to use a different name online ("Jehanna", though I doubt any of you have seen me around before), but when I remembered this account, this name was honestly too glorious to change. I've heard good things about this community, so i'm looking forward to getting to know the culture around here and seeing if I fit in well hereabouts. Hopefully i've managed not to mess anything up in this first post of mine, given how i'm inexperienced in using traditional internet forums, but hey, even if I did, i'm sure it's not the end of the world. Peace peace, good fellows, and see you around!
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