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Posts posted by axelloid

  1. So, Chapter 2 is taking me more than expected due to some events and items that cannot be recreated and I may substitute them with some others and test that they do not break everything and make sense...
    Meanwhile I hace this little form about fathers for the second generation:


    This time I'll be taking the two (three at most) more voted fathers for each mother, instead of just the most voted one, so you can pick between them while playing (originally you are supposed to be able to match every man, except Sigurd and Quan, with every girl, except Deirdre and Ethlyn).
    I'm also excluding Lewyn and Erinys from this form, for as much as I remember in FE5 they are confirmed as married (if you know of any other pair that is confirmed or canonized in a similar OFICIAL way, tell me to exclude it).

    Finally I'll be giving Nanna and Delmund different inheritance growth rates, for she is confirmed to be Finn's daugther (although, due to never being clarified if adopted or blood-related, she'll none of Finn's bonus growth, but instead 150% (originally 100%) Aideen's and normal Holy blood's) while Delmund is confirmed not being Finn's but maybe Beowulf's (this second part's never been confirmed, so he'll be getting 50% (100% original) of his growths).

  2. Well, voting is closed!! this are the results:
    Holyn: 80% Lachesis: 73.3% Beowulf: 80% Lewyn: 86.7%
    Sylvia: 93.3% Erinys: 66.7% Tailtiu: 40% Claude: 53.3%
    Brigid: 66.7% Queen Lahna: 66.7% Mahnya: 53.3% Chagall: 53.3%
    Zain: 73.3% Jacoban: 80% Papilion: 80% Dithorba: 73.3%
    Travant: 93.3% Andrei: 33.33% Myos: 53.3%

    Boldor/Boldo: Tie 46.7% —> I’ll take Boldor to solve this tie.

  3. On 5/6/2021 at 11:35 PM, Isaiah Daniel said:

    Guess what! I got the laguz classes in the game! Cat, tiger, lion, hawk (working on eagle) would you like to see?

    Sure!! If you want you can go to the discord server and share!!

  4. On 4/13/2021 at 12:03 AM, Isaiah Daniel said:

    it worked but only for named units (not generic), so that's problem one, problem two is i'd rather know of a way to loop the cycle, then having to 

    put the convert line text in turn and enemy turn change txt. i read that it could be more prone to bugs plus the tediousness of it 

    uff with generics I have no idea, sorry

  5. On 4/11/2021 at 12:36 AM, Isaiah Daniel said:

    basically by red i mean red faction team(enemy) but controlled by the player. example, assign say one specific character that is a lord class, set it as an enemy unit, and in the level editor mark it as playable as it is possible to make a player (blue team) unit ai controlled. so he can interact with the enemy but can attack the player(blue unit) and cannot pass a blue (like an enemy) 

    (hope that made sense)


    alternatively, i would wonder if this would be at all possible to attempt in the level editor


    this neat little trick makes it so that control (blue unit) changes to who's army the turn is


    this is to the end that i may have a multiplayer battle experience with my brother.

    and i'm ganna try to get the monsters from fe8 into the game so he can have them for an army

    against army of men

    sounds like a great idea for a local multiplayer mode... but I'm not sure if it is possible... maybe creating adding every character from player1 as player, then all player 2 as enemy and finding a way to make every turn change player 1 units into enemies and player 2 into player units... But I have no clue on how to do something so complex

  6. 20 hours ago, Isaiah Daniel said:

    Could the unitlevel.txt be used to make a red unit player controlled?

    tecnically yes... You can use it, as far as I now, to create units, general, not yet assigned to any side, then from the level editor add it to the map in the player side... Not so sure what you meant with red unit player controlled, but I think that you can add it as a player unit and make it look red by letting using as his blue-mapsprite his red-mapsprite..

  7. On 4/2/2021 at 1:13 PM, wertigon said:

    Interesting, however I feel like you're kinda making a mistake in doing a "true" representation of FE4. Here are my ideas on how to tackle the two Jugdral games; I realise I'm just another smelly internet user with another smelly opinion, so feel free to go your own way about this.

    1. Take inspiration from Fire Emblem 7, and let there be three paths; Sigurd's path and then Seliph's path and Leif's path.

    Yeah I was thinking about something like this when mixing both games into one (Even though both games need some context editing so there is nothing in one route that makes no sense compared with the other, for instance Travant's personality).

    On 4/2/2021 at 1:13 PM, wertigon said:

    2. The best part of FE4? The gargantuan maps. The worst part of FE4? All the traveling over said maps. So, is there a way to fix this? Why, yes, I believe there is.

    Yeah the travelling thing, with the gba rescue system can be solved (a bit at least) from Chapter 2 and on, for you has more cavalry than infantry so you can rescue them and get them to battle earlier... I think.

    On 4/2/2021 at 1:13 PM, wertigon said:

    First, the game should have the map stitched into it's entirety. There is one project out there that has attempted this already: https://feuniverse.us/t/the-jugdral-continental-project-finished/8551/42 This way, the illusion of grandness would be kept, while still allowing a more traditional map by limiting the scope for each map.

    Second, each castle seize should be it's own independent mission. That's not to say each and every map should be a seize map; while those would be the main objectives, some secondary objectives are also interesting. For instance, a couple of defense maps and so on.

    Third, given the humongous cast (24 characters each generation), there should be multiple deployment options.

    1) I'm using a fully stitched map for the project, the thing is that the engine I use does not support that huge maps so I have to cut for each chapter it's respective map and work over it, and believe me is better this way to programm everything...

    2) Mmmm I think you're right but I'm not that good editing stories to make some extra maps (or to divide one of the maps in parts) so there are more variated maps with different objectives.

    3) Yeah it's a humongous cast, and I have to create portraits for all of them (using SNES originals or fan-made ones), code every unit stats, class, promotion, dialogue, support, love-variant, etc... Right now, Prologue goes as it was in SNES, everybody spawning in the position they are supposed to. Chapter 1 already has deployment positions, the only one that has a fixed spawn is Sigurd, but everybody else can be placed as wished (inside the area given, of course). Chapter 2 and the others (except for "Prologue" chapters) will surely have them too...

    On 4/2/2021 at 1:13 PM, wertigon said:

    Take chapter 2 for an example of how this can work;

    - You start with the first map centered around Nodion, where Sigurd says "we ride for Nodion, immediately!" and then you have a cavalry-only map until the foot units can catch up.
    - From Nodion, you could have the Heirhein siege/sacking, but at the same time as you send units to Heirhein and subsequently on to Anphony...
    - You could send some units up to get supplies in the villages, where they of course encounter the bandits and a certain mage.
    - Then this group would have to deal with the Augusty counter attack sent to destroy Nodion...
    - While your new mage catch wind of a planned assault on Evans, routing another dispatch there.
    - Finally this dispatch is sent as a strike force to take out the ballistas in the mountains while Sigurd returns to Nodion and marches up to Mackily.
    - All converge then on Augusty.

    I feel this allows for quite a few more dynamic exchanges, keeps the spirit of the original as well as avoiding the boring "Must-Travel-From-X-To-Y-To-Z" parts of the original. Just some food for thought. 🙂

    hahahaha you just divided into different maps my strategy when dealing with chapter 2 in SNES... Sounds quite dynamic doing it in different maps, but I think FE4 did a great job at not overwhelming the player with the huge map they have to confront but at the same time giving a huge micromanagement challenge so they can fight all the frontlines that open up so quickly. Thanks for your ideas, I appreciate that kind of support.

  8. v0.2.3 is up since 8:30am !!!! There has been many changes in the files and stats and abilities and almost everything, so you'll be needing to start over, an older version save data is 99% probable to crash hard. For all the changes you can download the ChangeLog file from the link in the updated description!!!

    Hope you all enjoy Chapter 1!!! If you want you can subscribe to my patreon, and whether you do it or not you can contact me here and at FEuniverse for everything you need. If you feel that levels are heavily easier than in the original FE4, you can tell me and I'll try to make them harder (it was kinda hard to try to balance Chapter 1, many original stats and classes were just to broken to fight them so early.... even at Chapter 5 I think they would have been really hard to beat, impossible if you try not to lose someone of your party)

  9. On 2/25/2021 at 2:11 PM, Nindo said:

    I can't seem to get it to run despite having installed Python 3.7 and pygame. It just hangs with an unresponsive window. 🤔

    The warning about PNG color profiles doesn't seem to be something that should be game breaking based on my googling, so I'm reluctant to think that could be the cause. Any ideas?


    yeah that's something that seems to happen the first time you open the game, it takes a lot to load the intro the first time... next times it seems to work better, but you need to let it load until it shows up the intro... Sorry about it, the intro is loaded literally frame by frame 'cause pygame does not support video as far as I know so I had to capture the intro frame by frame and make a 7200 frames animation with it and reproduce the audio on the background...

    In two days v0.2.3.1 get's published, there it seems to work faster...


    And it comes with nerfs, buffs, fixes, new options, etc. Sadly you will have to start over, for it comes with a new version of the engine and many of the changes I made make the game crash when trying to load an old save.

    Between the many little changes, comes the option of changing languages from English to Spanish or German!!!

  11. Hey guys, I have some news… some good, some bad…well… First I would like to say that I’ve been able to recreate most of the Chapter 1 and an option or two for the engine thanks to the community supporting it but… I’m getting some problems with pygame, for some reason seems that my pygame got uninstalled but now I cannot install it because every version I try “is not supported on my platform” and without it LT just crashes… so… I may have to leave my project in stanby for now until I get that fixed

  12. On 8/5/2020 at 4:10 PM, axelloid said:

    Hello guys, thanks for your reports, soon I'll release v0.1.5, and soon after that v0.1.6, for v0.1.5 is almost done, just fixing timing things... By now I have this Google Form for you yo tell me which names you prefer for the characters and places from Prologue (including the intro and narrations previous to it) to Chapter 1... I'll be doing this kind of Quizzes when needed, mostly for the new incoming characters and places from FE4 and FE5.

    Form Here. :)


    Grannvale        = 70.6%              Aideen        = 70.6%                 Kurth        = 94.1%                         King Batur    = 76.5%
    Jungby             = 100%               Sigurd        = 100%                   Byron        = 94.1%                         Eldigan        = 88.2%
    Friege        = 70.6%                     Midir        = 88.2%                    Langbalt        = 52.9%                   Oifaye        = 70.6%
    Belhalla        = 88.2%                 Lex        = 88.2%                       Reptor        = 88.2%                       Dainn        = 52.9%
    Azel        = 76.5%                       Quan        = 76.5%                   Kinbois        = 64.7%                       Bragi        = 64.7%
    Arvis        = 88.2%                      Ethlyn        = 88.2%                   Ayra        = 94.1%                          Thrud        = 70.6%
    Noish        = 70.6%                     Finn        = 94.1%                    Shannan        = 76.5%                     Od    = 47.1%  (here was a technical draw with Odo, but Od is the correct pronunciation of Odo)
    Arden        = 94.1%                    Gandolf        = 94.1%              Jamke        = 82.4%                         Njörun        = 82.4%

    Baldr/Tyrfing    = 58.8%           Fjalar/Valflame    = 82.4%         Sety and Ced/Forseti    = 58.8%              Hezul/Mistletainn    = 82.4%         Ulir/Yewfelle    = 76.5%     Neir/Helswath    = 82.4%

    With this I'll change some of the names I had assigned previously and go with Chapter 1... When I upload that, guys, I'll upload also another form with the names for Chapters 2 and 3, so we can keep on "standarizing" that...

  13. And here we are! First Update. Let’s call it the Intro Update xD Because that is all I’m adding, THE INTRO FROM FE4.

    It is not as slow as in SNES due to engine mechanics for animation reproductions, I also had to speed the music up and tried my best to make it fit the intro, but there is a 500-600 ms difference with the original, and a little brute break when FIRE EMBLEM title appears.

    I’ll try to fix it as we find a better way to the intros… Also the intro itself weights almost as much as the v.1.4.3 alone and takes some time to load (try loading +3000 images quickly xD).

    Also, now Minimap scrolls when bigger than the screen.

    Link is already updated

  14. Hello guys, thanks for your reports, soon I'll release v0.1.5, and soon after that v0.1.6, for v0.1.5 is almost done, just fixing timing things... By now I have this Google Form for you yo tell me which names you prefer for the characters and places from Prologue (including the intro and narrations previous to it) to Chapter 1... I'll be doing this kind of Quizzes when needed, mostly for the new incoming characters and places from FE4 and FE5.

    Form Here. :)

  15. On 7/30/2020 at 2:48 PM, Paiphu said:

    There are some issues. The combat preview won't show up when attacking Gerrard seemingly no matter who. And whenever weapons are being chosen the portrait is cut in half like so. This has a lot of potential though and I enjoyed it. I hope this project succeeds!


    Thanks, I'm working on a fix for that 2 bugs right away

    @Paiphu Already fixed the portrait's thing, I'm still working in Gerrard's part

  16. 7 hours ago, Darrman said:

    So I gave this a spin. The game crashed twice for me. The first crash occurred when I visited the village closest to Chalphy; the portraits loaded but the game froze before dialogue appeared. The second crash happened after Ethlin talked to Sigurd and tried to cast Heal immediately afterwards. Sigurd had just seized Jungby that turn, so I feel that could have something to do with it. In addition, when Midir attacked Gerrard, the standard battle quote played. When I moved another unit in to attack (Azel in my case), the Midir boss quote played. Overall, it was quite accurate to the original FE4 in design. A small oversight: if Sigurd enters Chalphy in the original game, a small cutscene with him and Oifaye plays. This is missing from this version. All and all, I did enjoy myself. Keep it up!

    I do have to ask though, what were with those stats? Why did Azel have so much defence? Why were all the move values multiplied by ten?

    Thanks for the report, I'll get to fix that.
    First crash is weird it should work fine, but let me see... It was working before I uploaded everything xD
    Second crash may be a Canto+ Skill problem, let me see...
    About the movement stats, I had to do it that way to fit FE4 movement that was made with some decimal values that the engine does not yet support, so I had to increase the movement and the cost of each tile to make it fit it more exactly...
    Ok I now see what you meant with azel, for some reason he was calling for Lex stats as if they where himself's xD
    About the oversight: Thanks, I did not even know that happened xD I played FE4 and never made sigurd enter there cause I was a little in a hurry for saving the villages xD Also saw videos on youtube to miss as less as I could of the dialogues when making the prologue and noone went to chalphy with sigurd xD

    @Darrman there you go, new version with some fixes already uploaded


    Download the lastest version here! (FE4)

    Download the lastest version here! (FE5)

    Download FE4's intro here!

    Hey guys, I'm not trying to make money with this remake, I only use Patreon as a media for easier access and easier management with other projects I'm working on, right now.  The Remake is free for everyone and the subscription is not required, only if you want to donate something yourselves.

    Tell me what you think about this project so far!

    Fire Emblem IV-V: The Holy War is remake of Fire Emblem 4: Genealogy of the Holy War and Fire Emblem 5: Thracia 776 using the Lex Talionis Engine. It aims to be a new take on an SNES classic, adapting some features from the original to GBA ones as necessary, yet trying to stay faithful to the source material, rebalancing the levels, stats, weapons and places like the arena and the shops.

    Chapters are going to be done as huge as they were in the original game, being a total of 12 FE4 maps + 35 FE5 maps of variable length. Later, we aim to rewrite a little, only the necessary, of FE4 and FE5 stories so they fit as only 1, making it fluent to side with Sigurd, Seliph and Leaf (names used are going to be discussed in a form for every release if needed).

    Important note about playing
    As said before, this is made with Lex Taliones Engine, which means it is not a romhack, but a game itself, so no patches are needed, no roms from snes, no cheats of that kind.

    To start playing execute the GotHW776.exe file.


    Here you have the FEE3 from 2021 so you can see a demonstration of how the project goes:


    Credits inside the game. Most of them to FEuniverse and Serenes Forest Communities

    Plans for game versions

    • Version 0.1.0 Add Prologue.
    • Version 0.2.0 Add Chapter 1.
    • Version 0.3.0 Add Chapter 2.

    and so on

    • Version 1.0.0 Fully remade FE4's 2 Generations.
    • Version 1.1.0 First FE5 map added

    and so on

    • Version 2.0.0 Fully remade FE5's story and maps, now fitting with FE4's.


    ChangeLog and Features
    Download the full ChangeLog and Features file here!


    Though I'm having all support I could ask from Rainlash and other people from the Lex Talionis Community it's still only me remaking everything, so there may be cosmeticals bugs and errors with some animations and sprites. Feel free to point them out to remind me of them if you wish.

    If you find any gamebreaking bugs, do post about it as soon as possible so I can look for a solution and issue a fix patch.

    ### Requires

    To run the game you need to download and install the following:



  18. Hey, I've been playing along like 2 chaps or so, and you really re-imagined the FE4, new maps, new levels, it is good.... I would like to say something better, but I think you've lack of tools, help (and time maybe?)... I loved some of your remade portraits, also hated a lot of them too xD but I would like to ask you for help in my remaking of this game, using Lex Talionis Engine and some resources from FEuniverse.us... I'm about to finish chapter 1, just fixing up some FE4-engines stuff to make it as accurate as possible but it has taken me a lot of time to do it alone, would you help me??

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