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Papa Wolf

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Everything posted by Papa Wolf

  1. I know the post-season doesn't affect anything, but I'm surprised that Kyle Hendricks and Jon Lester didn't get more votes for the Cy Young award. Scherzer was good, but his ERA was pushing 3.00, when Hendricks was sub 2.00 until the last game of the season.
  2. 29 Minsc (and Boo) 6 Jaheira 22 Jan Jansen 18 Edwin Odesseiron You owe me, Rezzy!
  3. Well, as you know, I haven't shaved since before Est was born.
  4. It looks like the Midwest really handed the election to Trump. I've got lots of working class types in my family who have been dissatisfied with the economy the last decade or so. Obama promised to change things, but not much really changed. Hillary just would have been more of the same, so many were willing to take their chances with Trump.
  5. Do you have a link to his tax plan?
  6. So they're not just pirating the music, but also selling it? I'm pretty neutral towards pirating music normally, but selling it pretty much crosses the line everywhere.
  7. 1 Imoen 25 Minsc (and Boo) 6 Jaheira 22 Jan Jansen 25 Edwin Odesseiron 2 Viconia deVir
  8. 3 Imoen 25 Minsc (and Boo) 8 Jaheira 20 Jan Jansen 25 Edwin Odesseiron 2 Viconia deVir
  9. 10 Imoen 2 Keldorn Firecam 3 Mazzy Fentan 24 Minsc (and Boo) 10 Jaheira 10 Jan Jensen 2 Yoshimo 24 Edwin Odesseiron 10 Viconia deVir
  10. 10 Imoen 4 Keldorn Firecam 5 Mazzy Fentan 22 Minsc (and Boo) 0 Haer Dalis' 10 Jaheira 10 Jan Jensen 6 Yoshimo 22 Edwin Odesseiron 10 Viconia deVir 0 Sarevok Anchev
  11. 10 Imoen 10 Keldorn Firecam 8 Mazzy Fentan 18 Minsc (and Boo) 2 Anomen Delryn 1 Haer Dalis' 10 Jaheira 10 Jan Jensen 10 Yoshimo 20 Edwin Odesseiron 5 Korgan Bloodaxe 10 Viconia deVir 3 Sarevok Anchev
  12. Papa Wolf


    Thanks everyone, so far so good
  13. 5 Aerie 10 Imoen 10 Keldorn Firecam 10 Mazzy Fentan 14 Minsc (and Boo) 3 Valygar Corthala 7 Anomen Delryn 7 Haer Dalis' 10 Jaheira 10 Jan Jensen 10 Yoshimo 16 Edwin Odesseiron 10 Korgan Bloodaxe 10 Viconia deVir 8 Sarevok Anchev I married her since she has such good taste.
  14. It would seem odd to have the king personally go out alone into the woods to kill a single guy who's not even a part of the Crimean army, without having his army behind him, while he's in the middle of a war of conquest. And Ashnard doesn't really seem keen on getting revenge on certain people, he just wants to cause as much chaos as he can and see who comes out on top. Ash and BK have completely different motivations. A lot of Fire Emblem games suffer from a lack of a good supporting hench-cast, I wouldn't want to take away the most developed evil supporting actor in Path of Rad. If anything, we should have seen more from all 4 Four Riders. Petrine got the most of the remaining 3, and even she could have used more development. Didn't Sacred Stones come out before Star Wars 3?
  15. No one really hunts with a melee weapon. If they don't use a gun, they use a bow and arrow or crossbow. There's actually a bow hunting season in Illinois.
  16. Papa Wolf


    If Rezzy does end up going into labor, I might post here, assuming we remember at some point. Leo didn't really start sleeping through the whole night until he was done breastfeeding.
  17. Hey, cool Baldur's Gate. I've played that a million times. 8 Aerie 10 Imoen 10 Keldorn Firecam 10 Mazzy Fentan 12 Minsc (and Boo) 4 Nalia de' Arnise 8 Valygar Corthala 10 Anomen Delryn 4 Cernd 10 Haer Dalis' 10 Jaheira 10 Jan Jensen 10 Yoshimo 12 Edwin Odesseiron 10 Korgan Bloodaxe 10 Viconia deVir 10 Sarevok Anchev
  18. Hi, fellow dad! It sounds like you have the same gender and age spread that I will. We're beginning to try to potty train my little guy. Anyone have any tips?
  19. Likes the game Rezzy rants about the most
  20. Will know I'm around his age, but we'll keep it up to the imagination for now, unless Rezzy said it somewhere.
  21. May like that the player characters are older in Gen 5.
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