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Posts posted by MilodicMellodi

  1. I'm also of the assumption that the new heroes banner will be Three Houses.

    My desire, however, is a mixed banner between Awakening and Fates. Despite having Owain and Inigo (not default, but still an alt that isn't Laslow) in for a long time, we still have yet to get Severa and that irks me. Meanwhile, we still have yet to get popular child units like Kiragi and Caeldori from Fates...and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want a Forging Bonds support between Caeldori and Cordelia.

  2. I know this is a random question, and that it's not strictly related to FEH, but I thought I'd ask.

    Could IS be saving Old Hubba and references to the Dragon Gates as an excuse to link FEH to a new FE game? If so, could this new game possibly be a FEH sequel?

    Just the thought of having a sequel to FEH makes me hopeful that our units might be able to outlast FEH, like how Pokemon can migrate to a newer game.

  3. Wind Tempest (Flame Tempest, Thunder Tempest, Light Tempest)
    5 Cooldown
    Non-Staff only
    Effect: Before combat this unit initiates, foes in an area near target take damage equal to (unit's Atk minus foe's Def or Res). After combat, if target is 2 spaces in a cardinal direction from other foes, and the space between the target and other foe is unoccupied, the foe(s) moves 1 space closer to target. (If foe in a cardinal direction from target cannot move to space between target and that foe, that foe is not moved.)
    I might have worded it weirdly, but this is essentially a version of an AoE that "sucks in" foes to the target. Great for canceling out Solo skills of other foes while also dealing good AoE chip damage. I decided to make it most like Rising Wind in terms of its pre-battle AoE and damage, as I feel the utility of potentially moving a maximum of 3 foes at once (or 4 on Rival Domains/Grand Conquests) more than makes up for its lack of killing power. Units like Default!Jaffar would be able to absolutely abuse this Special; while he wouldn't be able to deal much of any damage to most foes before or during battle, his post-battle chip damage combined with this Special's positional utility would make him an asset on any team that thrives on guerilla tactics.
    The main weakness of this Special is that it doesn't work as effectively in maps where terrain can be an issue. Flying units would be the most manipulatable, as there are few spaces on any map they can't be placed on, but Infantry and Armored units can't be placed on Mountain or Sea terrain. Cavalry units would be the least potentially affected, especially on maps densely packed with Forest tiles, since they can't be placed on all three of those terrains.

  4. On 10/6/2020 at 12:04 PM, Fabulously Olivier said:

    A club for those who love to hear themselves speak. Bastian, Virion, and Lorenz have a great tea party until Owain and Ophelia show up to frustrate them all. 

    Don't forget Narcian, Oliver, and Ferdinand von Aegir!


    Anyhow, my idea is a group of workaholics. People who either do or don't realize that they like to do chores around the castle in their spare time when they're not training or battling. In their FB supports, they'd probably try to set up schedules for cleaning up certain places, and they realize by the end that the people they're cleaning for are becoming lazy about it since this new group is doing it for them.

    Not only do I think this is a cool idea for a group, but the supports would also help stress the importance of keeping your surroundings clean, but also stressing to not overdo it. Gods know we need that kind of lesson crammed in our brains right now...

  5. Something I really wish they'd do is allow us to export our units into whatever new game they decide to make. Every single skill they've gotten gets transferred with them, and any skills they specifically cut out of the game get converted into some in-game resource they come up with (like Feathers for FEH, but probably something different for the next game).

    If that next game also decides to give units skins for their units (instead of separating them into different units like in FEH), having those units exported in also unlocking those skins for free (or at least available to buy at a permanent discount) would be very nice.

    +10 units exported into the game (even if they don't retain their merges upon being transferred) should receive something like a special badge that they can only get by being brought into the game this way. Same with having +5/10/15 Dragonflowers (depending on what their max is).

    Thing is, I think of my units like Pokemon in a way. They grow, become stronger, obtain new skills, and more...I feel like they should be able to have the units out-last the game, like Pokemon do when they're transferred or migrated into a newer game. We spent a bunch of money on these guys, they shouldn't just disappear like nothing...

    I also think IS is missing out on making custom models/action figures of FEH units, or at the very least making AR cards like Nintendo did for some 3DS games and apps.

  6. Brave!Lucina, Brave!Edelgard, Selena, and Default!Lissa is my main team. The first three switch between a Galeforce or Aether spam build, and Lissa uses a Ranged Tank build (mine currently has 42/46 Def/Res with Fort. Def/Res 3; she also uses Dull Ranged and Dazzling Pain+).

    I especially love my Brave!Lucina. She's +10+15, and I recently put her into the Forma so now she has even more skills to use! Her main build is Flowing Lance+ (+Spd), Reposition, Aether, Distant Counter (or Ward), Repel 3, Time's Pulse 3, and Flashing Blade 3. I have a plethora (that's saying it lightly) of other skills and weapons to put on her for any battles she takes part in. In fact, I'm happy to say she managed to solo the Legendary!Lucina GHB. Considering how unfair Legendary!Lucina can be on that map, I feel it's a good accomplishment.

  7. 16 hours ago, XRay said:

    I trained up all three of my Plumerias and she is ready to blow out defense teams! Ha! My Astra BH!Ike is only +3+10, but he is +Spd, so hopefully that should suffice for now until I get him more merges in February. I cannot wait to test the team out next season. Hopefully it will go as smoothly as my Light BH!Ike team.

    What do Plumeria and Brave!Ike have to do with the current round of Hall of Forms? Unless you 're talking about Brave!Lucina being in that team (except you said 3 Plumerias).

    I think you posted in the wrong thread XD

  8. 1 hour ago, XRay said:

    FH!M!Robin is pretty slow movement wise, so unless you managed to get him Armor Stride or something early on, it might be difficult to level him up later. I have to Reposition him forward a lot of times or else he is not going to get any kills.

    It was the opposite for me, honestly. It's true that he was awfully difficult to move around, but he was amazing as bait — especially after he got Expiration.

    Actually...since I'm here I might as well describe my team and experience with this round of HoF.

    In this round, I challenged myself to give Brave!Lucina as many first kills as possible for the max amount of skills and merges, and she didn't disappoint. I ended up getting her to Level 40 +10 just a day after I finished Chamber 25. As I'm planning on merging my current +10+15 Brave!Lucina into the Forma as soon as this round is over, I'm continuing to give her as many great skills as I can. Right now, she has: Gilt Fork+ (+Spd), Harsh Command+, Dragon Fang, Distant Ward, Even Pulse Tie 3, and Atk/Def Gap 3 (the seal doesn't matter).
    The only thing I really need to change is her Special, which I'm trying to replace with Ruptured Sky since it and Blue Flame are the only Specials my current Brave!Lucina doesn't have. I'm also trying to replace Even Pulse Tie with Spurn, but I won't be dissatisfied if I don't end up getting it because the Pulse Tie skills are really good on her in her support builds. I'm mostly satisfied with Atk/Def Gap, though if I can get Atk/Spd Gap that'll be even better. Also, if Spirited Spear is a weapon we can get in this round, I'll replace Gilt Fork with it.

    As for Grima, my first post for this round pretty much explains his thing. Lu Bu didn't do Grima, but my Grima didn't let Chrom get much of any experience OR skills most of the way through. It was only when I repeated maps to specifically level Chrom up that he eventually got to Level 40 (and still with barely any skill inheritance). As for Grima's skillset, he managed to get Fort. Def/Res 3, Vengeful Fighter 3, and Threat. Atk/Res 3, making him an extra-powerful Enemy Phase unit that only ever really fell to the biggest badass reds he was forced to go against (and even then, he got to deal significant damage back nearly every time before dying).

    Walhart, like Chrom, didn't get much of any skill inheritance, but he really put his back into every battle he took part in. Despite having low Spd, Atk/Spd Solo 4 was a godsend for him; the +7 Atk/Spd it gave him let him survive and even come out on top of so many battles he should've died in.... He also had Odd Pulse Tie 3, which was really helpful in the mid/mid-late Chambers when combined with Brave!Lucina's Even Pulse Tie.

    Overall, I have to say I enjoyed this one, and I wouldn't mind doing this kind of challenge again in a later HoF.

  9. First thing's first, I should probably explain what a "FEH Child" is. A FEH Child is one that was born because the parents were brought to Askr from other realms (due to summoning, defeating them in a GBH, obtaining them as a gift in missions or the Tempest Trials, etc.) An example would be if Ike and Mercedes had a child with grey-blue hair who grew up to be a lot like Emmeryn.

    The rules for this are pretty much the same as in normal Create-A-Hero, except for a few key differences.
    1 - If the child was born normally, there must be a birth father and birth mother (even if the child was left behind, abandoned, or adopted at some point, or if the parents split up and the parent with custody hooked up with someone else). Yaoi and Yuri ships good stories make, but legitimate pregnancies can't be fake.
    2 - If the child was born by unnatural means, like being created in some kind of lab, then you must say so. We must know how the child was created.
    3a - The parents, if using Rule 1, must at the very least 18 years old when they had the child. If the parents are currently known to us as children, then the parents will be assumed to be at least 18 years old. I don't care if you decide to have the parents be cousins or whatever, but there will be no references to pedophilia in these characters. If you want to do that, make your own thread for it.
    3b - While FEH might use child solders, I'd prefer if you had the child be old enough to fight. If the unit is a Duo Hero, and the child is present as a child, then please make it clear that the child isn't the one doing the actual fighting.
    4 - The child must have a distinguishable personality trait from at least one of the parents. You don't have to go into detail about this, just enough that we know you're making an effort.
    5a - If you wish to make art of the child unit and post it here, and the child was born using Rule 1, then the child must look like their parents are actually their parents. Some distinguishable physical features passed down from both the father and mother need to be present.
    5b - If you wish to make art of the child unit and post it here, and the child was born using Rule 2, then you pretty much have free reign in their physical features as long as it's PG-13. Just use common sense, please.
    6 - You don't have to give them a weapon and skills if you don't want to. If you want to do so, though, please create the unit using the kind of common sense you'd use in the normal Create-A-Hero thread.
    7a - The parents must only have been able to interact because they were brought to Askr. You can't make a FEH Child from Laslow and Kjelle, because Laslow was born as Inigo and was originally born in the same world as Kjelle.
    7b - Treat this as though Fire Emblem Warriors was never created. If you want to pair up Chrom and Camilla, go right ahead.
    8 - No gods or demigods. Due to Sothis and Yune effectively being lolis, I don't want to think about Arden or Gatrie having intimacy with said loli, and it'd just be too much of a headache to go through who exactly is one. No, I'm just going to outright ban gods and goddesses from this. Godlike beings, such as Rhea and Mila, are fine to use.

    That's pretty much it. I can't wait to see your ideas 🙂

  10. Name: Dedue (Harmonized!Dedue/Benny)
    Unit Type: Axe Armor

    HP: 58
    Atk: 36 (52)
    Spd: 20
    Def: 43 (46)
    Res: 26
    BST: 183 (202)

    Weapon: Tempered Hammer
    Might/Effect: 16 Might. Grants Def +3. If foe initiates combat, and unit did not initiate combat any time during Player Phase, grants unit Def+8 and Special cooldown charge +1 per attack during combat.
    Assist: NONE
    Special: Ignis
    A Passive: Atk/Def Solo 4
    B Passive: Bold Fighter 3
    C Passive: Bolster Armor
    C Effect: At start of turn, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res +6 to adjacent armored allies for 1 turn.

    Tempered Hammer: Exclusive weapon with a "Wait" mechanic. If Duo!Dedue doesn't attack at all during the Player Phase, he effectively gets Steady Stance 2 + Steady Breath during Enemy Phase. Unmerged and neutral, this puts him up to 54 Def during the Enemy Phase.
    Bolster Armor: Upgraded from either Hone Armor or Fortify Armor, it's a direct upgrade of both that combines the two into one skill.

    Harmonized Skill: Grants [Resonance Bulwark] to unit and allies from the same titles as unit. At start of every third turn, if Harmonized Skill has already been used, unit can use Harmonized Skill again.
    [Resonance Bulwark]: Grants Def/Res +4 during combat for 1 turn.

  11. 30 minutes ago, XRay said:

    If you want to use NS!Elise as a Blazing nuke anyways, I recommend the following build:
    Madness Flask [Atk]
    (Any Assist)
    Blazing Wind
    Life and Death
    Special Spiral
    Savage Blow
    Heavy Blade

    The only different ones I've been running are Green Gift+ (+Atk) as the weapon and Odd Atk Wave 3 as the C. Though now that I think about it...Savage Blow definitely would be better in the long run. Sadly, I don't have a Halloween!L'Arachel to fodder for Madness Flask+, so I'll have to go without that.

    35 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I would not use regular mages for Blazing spam, as they lack the punch of exclusive Slaying and Blade tomes. Regular Slaying tomes do not exist, and regular Blade tomes has issues with spamming Blazing Specials.

    If you do not mind replacing her, I highly recommend using a proper Blazing nuke with a Slaying Weapon.

    I personally run double Galeforce for my Atk role.

    Sadly, I don't have Default!Lysithea or any other mages with a cooldown shortener.

    I do have a Brave!Roy Forma with Fury 4, though I have yet to change his IVs.

    42 minutes ago, XRay said:

    In terms of strategy, I would not bother with running multiple layers of defense. It is best to concentrate your forces up front and kill enemies while they are still in the red zone rather than letting them come close to the Gateways.

    For your non Atk roles, I do not recommend pairing units that specializes in the same phase with each other. One unit in a role should handle player phase while the other should handle enemy phase. This way, you get to maximize damage output on both phases instead of having a role sit around doing nothing on one of the phases.

    For which ever role that has a Dancer/Singer, I recommend pairing a dual phase Galeforcer with it if possible, although it is not necessary as long as the other two non Atk roles can take out enemies fast enough.

    Default!Lissa's actually doing quite fine as an enemy phase unit. Being that she's in Team 3, and she's +10+10 with Fort. Def/Res 3 and Fortress Res 3, she has 52/50 Def/Res (and she has Wrathful Pain+ and Savage Bow for chip damage, and Restore+ and Live to Serve 3 for healing). I could go with Physic+, but the penalty/status effect nullification of Restore+ feels better right now.

    I took your ideas into consideration and decided to put Brave!Lucina into +Spd instead as a Galeforce unit (but using Slaying Lance and Time's Pulse rather than Brave Lance). Then I ended up taking a much closer look through my barracks again, and realized I have a Fallen!Julia that could do a better job at a Blazing Wind Spam build than Summer!Elise thanks to her guaranteed follow-up. At this point, all I have to do is wait until I get more Special Spiral fodder and Fallen!Julia can take Summer!Elise's place. For now, though, I put Fallen!Julia in the now empty spot in Team 4.

  12. I've managed to do wonderfully so far thanks to my team, but I'm not sure how long it's going to last.

    Team 1 is Summer!Elise doing Blazing Wind Spam, and Finn doing Galeforce Spam
    Team 2 is Brave!Ike and Selena with Aether Tank builds
    Team 3 is Default!Lissa as a Ranged Tank, and Peony as a Dancer (while also applying her Mystic Boost to everyone during her season)
    Team 4 is Brave!Edelgard and Brave!Lucina acting as "goalies", intercepting anyone that manages to get past the first three teams

    The thing is, eventually the enemies will have high enough stats that Summer!Elise just won't be able to perform optimally anymore. I managed to get a couple 4-Star Default!Ilyanas from the new banner, but other than that there isn't anyone else I have that can do a Blazing Wind Spam build as well as she does. I'd be incredibly fortunate if I could ever manage to summon Legendary!Celica, but that's like a pipe dream right now.

    Another thing is, I've also been challenging myself by only using 3 buildings the entire time MS has been up (using a 4th gets in the way of dancing for Team 1). Right now I have Life's Jewel and Deluge Fountain at level 3, and Muspell Pyre at level 4, and I plan to keep up this challenge at least until I get Life's Jewel to level 4.

    Something funny...I've never actually had to use my buildings, though I've been tempted many times. And this is on Advanced. I know I'll eventually be forced to use them, and it's at that moment that I'll really fear for Summer!Elise's chances.

    Does anyone know any good ways I can prepare for the eventuality of Summer!Elise no longer being useful? Does anyone have any good ideas on what build I should switch to, or what other units I should replace her with?

  13. I like this one...sort of.

    Lucina's putting in major work, Walhart's destroying his foes with barely any inheritance, and Grima...well, he keeps killstealing on Chrom, to such a point that Chrom's not even level 30 yet.

    After I finish the Chambers, I'm going to see if I can give Lucina a bunch of powerful skills. I'm planning on possible taking my +10 and putting it on her; a temporary neutral IV that I can change later is a small price to pay for access to a bunch of expensive skills. Ruptured Sky, Atk/Def Unity, Spurn or Even (or Odd) Pulse Tie, one of the Joint Drives...yeah.

  14. Hmm...well, in any case here's a new skill idea.

    Audacious Thrust 3
    B Passive
    Physical Melee Infantry and Cavalry only
    Effect: If unit's HP ≥ 75% at the start of combat, unit cannot make a follow-up attack. If foe's HP ≥ 50% at the start of combat, and unit defeats foe, grants Special cooldown count -2 to unit and inflicts status effect on foes within 2 spaces of foe after combat that prevents them from making a follow-up attack through their next actions.
    A ballsy skill that prevents the unit from making a follow-up attack unless they're within Desperation HP%. Then, if the foe's HP is greater than or equal to half their max, and the unit defeats the foe, then the unit gets a free Special Spiral and foes within 2 spaces of the one defeated are hit with a status effect that prevents them from making follow-up attacks through their next actions.
    This is...basically a skill for people to flex on others. If your unit has the audacity (high Atk) enough to defeat your foe with less attacks (or Desperation HP%), they get a huge cooldown reduction and the ability to flex even harder on the remaining enemies.

  15. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Why would you turn the Superior Edge into a brave weapon? It's designed to be a sword that takes down other swords, which would be far more interesting for Heroes.

    My original name for it was "Heartseeker's Edge"...which isn't a good name. I ended up with "Superior Edge" because of how Meteodey portrays himself in Three Houses. I've been looking up synonyms for superior but I can't find any that "click" better than it.

    And, honestly speaking, weapons don't have to have the same kinds of effects or end-goals as weapons in the other titles. "Superior" can fit with "more superior than other swords against axes" as much as it can mean "superior over other swords".

    That being said, I agree that it could have a better effect than Brave. I only went with the Brave effect because he has a Brave Sword in the DLC chapter he's in. In fact, I can just take away the Brave effect and turn it into an inheritable weapon...I actually like that, I'll change it!

  16. Name: Meteodey
    Unit Type: Sword Infantry

    HP: 38
    Atk: 38 (52 w/ weapon, 56 w/ Fury 4)
    Spd: 40 (44 w/ Fury 4)
    Def: 34 (38 w/ Fury 4)
    Res: 24 (28 w/ Fury 4)
    BST: 174 (188 w/ weapon, 204 w/ Fury 4)

    Weapon: Superior Edge+
    Might/Effect: 14 Might. If foe uses a green weapon, neutralize foe's non-Special skills that "reduce damage by X%."
    Assist: NONE
    Special: Reprisal
    A Passive: Fury 4
    B Passive: Brash Assault 4
    B Effect: At start of combat, if unit's HP ≤50%, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and if unit initiates combat, foe cannot make a follow-up attack.
    C Passive: Rouse Atk/Def 3

    Superior Edge: Inheritable weapon that neutralizes the non-Special Avoid skills of green units, such as Spurn and Black Eagle Rule.
    Brash Assault 4: Effectively moves Brash Assault 3 to the Enemy Phase (but makes it better by removing the condition of the foe being able to counterattack), and now acts like an omni-Breaker during Player Phase. Still has the same HP% condition for the entire effect.

  17. 13 hours ago, Jotari said:

    So are you simultaneously saying it's a bad idea because it's too powerful, but also that it's too niche in its use?


    While its build is niche (considering you're being forced to use Miracle as opposed to an offensive Special or Galeforce, and you're not even using Miracle for its intended purpose), the build itself would tip the scales too heavily in the player's favor once Miracle is fully charged.

    I've also been ignoring AoE Specials and its interaction with this. If you happen to be using a build on a very high ATK unit with a Brave weapon, Blazing AoE Special, and this skill, you're pretty much guaranteeing that the unit — no matter its Spd or HP — will be able to launch 5 powerful attacks before the foe is capable of countering. (And yes, I say "very high ATK" and "Brave weapon" in the same sentence, because the average BST of new units has grown to such an extent that Brave weapons have been making a hard comeback.)
    EDIT: A more balanced version of "Desperation with guaranteed follow-up" is on the previous page, under "Battalion Desperation". With my version, you have to trigger the AoE to get the effect. It's niche due to requiring you to use an AoE Spam build, but it's balanced because it's both risky and not incredibly easy to get into the HP% required. It has a healthy risk/reward, making the effect at least somewhat balanced for its risk.

    I know this comes off as rude, but I'm not going to argue my point anymore. I've already said my piece, at this point it's a matter of what you believe is common sense.

  18. 2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Well it's a different version of desperation. For one being a guaranteed follow up means it's much more useful on slower units. It's set up might be a little less reliable than Desperation but there are different tools for managing it, such as Time Pulse and weapons with Special Spiral like Dark Mystletainn. In addition given the proc less, it would also do more to service defensive specials, especially if you can get Miracle charged and basically make a unit that's always knocking out guaranteed desperation attacks with an additional safety net to protect them if they ever do fail a kill. Granted trying to run some kind of defensive special build without Shield Pulse would be untennable, but Shield Pulse could easily be a released as a Seal (and something that's not 5* exclusive!). It wouldn't outright power creep Desperation, but it's not designed to. It would give desperation options for slower units without having to rely on Brash Assault.

    So it's an incredibly niched Desperation that works best in builds that shouldn't think of running Desperation.
    I was going to go into a lengthy paragraph as to why you shouldn't give slow, powerful units the potential to Quad without worrying about anything, but the context of this sentence should hopefully prove to do that.

    The main point, however, is this. The ability to attack your foe with all of your attacks before they can attack you back is supposed to have a healthy risk/reward system for a reason. Shifting the condition "have unit at ≤75% HP while also having 5 or more Spd than the foe" to "have unit's Special ready, who cares about stats" makes that risk/reward tilt heavily in the player's favor without any real way to fight back against it. The skill would be so unbalanced in the player's favor to a majorly unhealthy degree.
    Oh, and Brash Assault's HP condition was made precisely because of how units could potentially abuse the guaranteed follow-up attack in the early stages of the game. It was a great decision on their part, and despite how far the game's advanced Default!Lyn is still a powerful unit in her own right due to her Effect-Refined Sol Katti.
    And while "guaranteed follow-up attacks" and "attack multiple times before foe can counter" is possible, it's also healthily separated into the weapon and B at best. There's a great reason why there are no non-weapon or non-B skills that grant guaranteed follow-up attacks, and that's because of Desperation. 
    I won't go more into it, because I know Intelligent Systems has more than enough sense to not make it. And I'm not calling you stupid or anything. I'm just telling you why it's a bad idea.

  19. Obstruct 4
    B Passive
    Armor Only
    Effect: If unit's HP ≥ 25%, foes cannot occupy or move through spaces adjacent to unit. Foes adjacent to unit cannot activate Specials after combat.
    Much better HP condition, and now also prevents foes occupying a space adjacent to unit due to teleportation. It also completely prevents Galeforce from activating, making it absolutely perfect for Tanks.

    Pass 4
    B Passive
    Cavalry Only
    Effect: Unit treats Forest and Water terrain as Trench Terrain (this effect cannot be neutralized). Neutralize skills that prevent unit from occupying or traversing through spaces, and allows unit to move through foes' spaces.
    Neutralizes Obstruct like normal, but removes the HP condition and gives the unit the ability to always be able to travel through Forest and Sea terrain like they would a Trench tile. Due to it neutralizing the skill rather than the effect, it also gives the unit the ability to trigger Galeforce even if the foe has Obstruct.

  20. Infantry: Can travel over sea and mountain tiles with a movement penalty, same as forest tiles. The ability to traverse through mountain terrain does not carry over to Armored/Cavalry units that became Infantry before battle.
    Armor: Can switch between Armored and Infantry before battle. Armored form has higher BST but 1 movement and weakness to anti-armor, Infantry form has lower BST but 2 movement and lack of weakness to anti-armor. Also, there would be no skills that grant additional movement to anyone. Armored units can also traverse through sea tiles, but cannot traverse though mountain terrain.
    Cavalry: Same as Armor. Cavalry form would have lower overall BST and weakness to anti-cavalry but 3 movement, while Infantry form has higher overall BST and no weakness to anti-cavalry, but only has 2 movement. Cavalry also has the same ability to travel through forest and sea tiles as Infantry at the cost of being reduced to 1 movement, but like Armored cannot travel through mountain tiles.
    Flying: Same as normal, except that they can't make use of tile bonuses.
    Tile changes: Forest tiles grant damage reduction against basic attacks, but the opposite against Specials. Mountain tiles grant overall damage reduction, but lower the unit's overall damage output. Sea tiles increase the unit's damage with their Specials, but nullify all damage reduction effects on the unit. Defensive tiles no longer exist and are replaced with healing tiles that restore 10 HP to the unit at the start of its turn.
    Skill changes based on movement: Armored March and similar skills no longer exist. Anti-Infantry weapons are more common. Anti-Cavalry and Anti-Flying weapons are now the same, pretty much being Anti-Mounted (this doesn't affect non-Cavalry/Flying non-human units). Flier Formation, Aerobatics, Guidance, and Flier Guidance no longer exist, and Wings of Mercy and Escape Route have much better HP conditions. Pass is now Cavalry exclusive, and grants them the ability to traverse through forest and sea tiles with 2 movement instead of 1; Obstruct is now Armor exclusive, and nullifies the foe's Pass and prevents any foes from teleporting to a spot adjacent to the unit. Skills specifically exclusive to Infantry cannot be used by Armored/Cavalry units that transformed into Infantry before battle. Skills exclusive to both Infantry and Cavalry, or Infantry and Armored, can be used by the respective movement types in either form.

    Sword/Lance/Axe: These units can equip alternate versions of their weapons before the battle. Sword users can equip daggers, Lance users can equip Javelins, Axe users can equip Hand Axes. Daggers, Javelins, and Hand Axes are weaker than their counterparts, but all have Distant Counter. The only weapons that are prevented from doing this with are Firesweep and Brave weapons.
    Bow: No longer specifically effective against Flying, but now have Close Counter. Colored Bows no longer exist.
    Tome/Staff: Same as Humanoid's idea, to an extent. Tomes and Staves can now be equipped by either, with Healers being effectively made into Grey Tome units. "Healer Assists" debuff the unit after said unit heals an ally. Tomes have lower overall Might than other weapons, but have more powerful effects than other weapon types. Staves lack powerful effects, but remove the debuff the unit suffers from healing allies and no longer have a damage penalty without Wrathful Staff. Wrathful and Dazzling Staff also no longer exist.
    Daggers: Daggers no longer exist, being replaced by Shurikens. Shuriken users can, before the battle, choose between inflicting a Field Debuff or Combat Debuff with their weapon. Colored Shurikens do not exist.
    Dragons and Breaths: All Dragons now have higher overall HP than other units of their movement type. Breaths no longer have their "adaptive damage against ranged" effect, but instead have a +/-10% damage output/intake against units based on the weapon triangle. Colorless Dragons don't have this in-/decrease.
    Beasts and their weapons: Beasts now transform in a similar manner to how Pair-Ups switch between units, but they cannot transform unless they can make an action (so Beast units that have already made their action and are greyed out can't transform unless a Singer/Dancer grants them one). Beast weapons no longer grant the unit a buff when transformed, but instead grant them the ability to move through forest and sea tiles without a movement penalty when transformed. Armored Beasts would have to choose to be Infantry before battle if they wanted to take advantage of this.
    Skill changes: Close and Distant Counter/Ward/Foil no longer exist as Passives. Silver+ weapons now have a choice between effects granted from Skill Inheritance, explained more below. Triangle Adept now grants/removes a specific amount of Atk/Spd/Def/Res based on the weapon triangle instead of how it is in the current game. Desperation has been absorbed by the Breaker skills, but these new versions of the Breakers have an HP condition equal to the Defiant skills. Colored units can no longer use Bowbreaker or Shurikenbreaker, while colorless units can only use Breakers that affect colorless units. Raven tomes no longer exist; instead, there are exclusive weapons that give the unit Bowbreaker, Shurikenbreaker, or Colorless Tomebreaker.
    Changes to Skill Inheritance/Combat Manuals: Silver+ weapons can now "inherit" certain Passive skills from Skill Inheritance. They're few and far between, and they can only equip 1 at a time (or none at all if the player wishes). Combat Manuals no longer exist; instead, they can leave "records" of the skills they had, and units can use up these Skill Records to inherit whatever skills they wish. Due to this, units can no longer have their skills inherited without first being converted into Skill Records.

    Other major changes related or unrelated to movement or skills: Units can now level up to 50. Dragonflowers no longer exist. Defiant skills now grant a combat buff instead of a field buff, and work amazingly with Breaker skills. There are more skills, exclusive or inheritable, that support strategies involving placing the unit at or below 50% HP. Players can choose and lock the movement and weapon types for their Defense teams (AR, Arena, and all other pseudo-multiplayer game modes).

    Other than that...I think I have all my ideas down. If I have any more ideas, I'll edit them in.

  21. 2 hours ago, XRay said:

    Galeforcers might also be able to use it.

    A Special that activates and resets its cooldown after combat can't be used to trigger a passive that requires a Special to be ready before combat.
    Unless you happen to fully charge Galeforce before the unit's combat, in which case the Desperation is unnecessary to activate it.
    In this case, the passive would be much better if its condition was based on the Special being at its maximum cooldown, rather than it being ready.

  22. 9 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Adept: B Slot: If unit's special is charged, unit may perform a guaranteed follow up attack before the foe can counter attack. Melee units only.

    So it's a worse Desperation that less units can use?

  23. On 9/21/2020 at 3:07 PM, XRay said:

    Yeah, that is true. I think Lethality needs to be 3 cooldown though in order to be useful, so I think reducing it to Glimmer's effect might be more appropriate. Personally, I prefer Moonbow's effect since it is better for Counter-Vantage units to bust through bulky units.

    Even if it is 4 cooldown, I do not think it is usable unless we get Special Spiral 4 or something to reduce cooldown by 3 after combat. Nobody uses Astra for example right now.

    This kind of just gave me an idea...

    Lethality and Assassinate. Both have Vantage, but Lethality has Glimmer while Assassinate has Moonbow.
    I also got another idea while I'm here.

    Knight's Shield
    Melee only
    3 Cooldown
    Effect: Reduces damage inflicted to unit by 30%. If unit is the supporting unit in Pair-Up, reduces damage inflicted to main unit from foe's first attack by 30%.
    Combines Escutcheon and Sacred Cowl, while also providing first-attack damage reduction to the main unit in a Pair-Up if the unit isn't the main unit. Usable in a variety of game modes, such as Alleigance Battles and Mjolnir's Strike, though it's most usable by units that can Pair-Up by default (such as Legendary!Roy and Legendary!Alm).

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