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Posts posted by MilodicMellodi

  1. Name: Catherine (Duo!Catherine/Shamir, AKA Winter!Catherine)
    Unit Type: Sword Armor

    HP: 42
    Atk: 38 (57 w/ weapon and A)
    Spd: 41 (44 w/ A)
    Def: 32
    Res: 27
    BST: 180 (202 w/ weapon and A)

    Weapon: Silver Wreath
    Might/Effect: 16 Might. If unit does not have weapon triangle advantage, grants unit Atk/Spd +5 during combat, and if unit has weapon triangle disadvantage, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.
    Assist: NONE
    Special: Glimmer
    A Passive: Atk/Spd 3
    A Effect: Grants Atk/Spd +3.
    B Passive: Special Fighter
    C Passive: Joint Drive Atk/Spd
    C Effect: Grants Atk/Spd +3 to allies within 2 spaces during combat. If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd +3 to unit during combat.
    Duo Effect: Grants [Triangle Null] to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. [Triangle Null] - Weapon is treated as colorless during combat.

  2. Daybreak
    Special, 4 cooldown
    Exclusive (Legendary!Dimitri)
    Effect: Treats foe's Def/Res as if reduced by 50% and boosts unit's damage dealt by 50% during combat.
    Combines Luna and Glimmer into a powerful Special that's effective against both low- and high-Def/Res targets. For example, let's say Legendary!Dimitri has 60 Atk while his opponent has 50 Def; the Luna part of it reduces the foe's Def to 25, and Glimmer's damage multiplier increases the damage to 52 (35+17 (17.5 rounded down)).

    Skill/Effect ideas I put into Create-A-Hero:

    Silver Wreath
    Weapon (Sword)
    Exclusive (Duo!Catherine/Shamir, AKA Winter!Catherine)
    Might/Effect: 16 Might. If unit does not have weapon triangle advantage, grants unit Atk/Spd +5 during combat, and if unit has weapon triangle disadvantage, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.
    Gives the unit an easier time against foes they don't have an advantage against. If they have neutrality, they gain Atk/Spd +5 during combat, but if they have a disadvantage, they gain that plus a guaranteed follow-up. Works with [Triangle Null], though even without it this gives the unit a fighting chance against units they'd otherwise get destroyed by.

    Atk/Spd 3
    A Passive
    Effect: Grants Atk/Spd +3.
    Just a Tier 4 version of Atk/Spd 2. Gives the Atk/Spd part of Fury 3 without the knockback, which makes it perfect for units with low defenses already that would otherwise do Fury for its stats.

    Joint Drive Atk/Spd
    C Passive
    Effect: Grants Atk/Spd +3 to allies within 2 spaces during combat. If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd +3 to unit during combat.
    A dual version of Joint Drive skills. Perfect for Brave!Lucina.

    Triangle Null
    Status Effect
    Effect: Weapon is treated as colorless during combat.
    Removes the color of the unit's weapon during combat, making the unit capable of dealing more damage to foes they'd otherwise have a disadvantage against at the cost of also removing the advantage they'd have against the other color. Two main weaknesses of units with this Status Effect are that 1) they become weak to weapons with anti-colorless effects, and 2) if they're equipped with Triangle Adept or a weapon with its effect (except a weapon with an anti-colorless effect, which isn't affected), that effect is canceled due to them no longer having weapon triangle advantage.
    Due to the unit becoming colorless during combat, a foe that had WTA no longer has it and therefore also will not deal +20% damage to the unit, which makes this status effect a useful defensive tool.

  3. 57 minutes ago, Integrity said:

    what tier are you in? i remember this being a huge issue for me in the mid to late teens, and it got a lot better when i made a flex team that just had a regular old 5* silas (presumably lukas or mordecai work too) with guard 2. he didn't do enough damage to set up wings of mercy on tibarn, and denied him galeforcing around, while letting me take the initiative on the next pp.

    EDIT: it turns out the team is still my #4 AR team even though i haven't seen tibarn in a while. it's called, charmingly, 'i need silas'.

    Tier 16, possibly Tier 17 by the end of the season at the rate I'm going.
    I've been on-and-off AR for the most part. I recently got back into it thanks to me FINALLY getting a Duo unit (so I didn't get destroyed while defending).
    Btw, do you see many Duo units in high Tier AR?

  4. Rally Circulation 3
    A Passive
    Inheritable to non-Healers
    Effect: If unit uses a Rally skill, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res to allies within 3 spaces = bonuses granted by unit's Rally skill for 1 turn. {Tier 1 = bonus granted -2, Tier 2 = bonus granted -1}
    A skill for Rallybot units, this increases the range of their Rally to 3 spaces. Makes it much easier to spread Rally bonuses, at the cost of much of the unit's offense due to the lack of an A skill. It's also useless if the unit's Assist is anything but a Rally skill, which prevents the unit from using movement assists and...well, everything except for Rallies.

    Superior Medicine
    Healers only
    Effect: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count -1) if unit is equipped with "Balm" Special skill.
    Effectively reduces the cooldown of Balm skills to 0, making them always able to be activated no matter what. It also makes your opponent's Melancholy staff and their other cooldown-based skills against you useless, since it can't be reset to anything higher than 0.
    Note, however, that this is only usable when you are equipped with a Balm skill (which includes Balm+, obviously). It's also a seal, which makes Live to Serve and Chills unusable if the unit is Wrazzle-Dazzling. Wrazzle-Dazzle or not, though, it's a skill really meant for a fully-supportive playstyle.

  5. I agree that cavalry need help...but I think staff units in general need way more help.

    The only healer-exclusive Passives are Live to Serve and Wrathful/Dazzling Staff. We need a lot more than that...especially since Staff units can't even use the majority of skills in the game.

    At the very least, IS could change some existing skills around to be available to staff units, just as they changed Astra and the AoE specials way back when.

  6. Most trouble in practice: Fliers. Teams based around Tibarn, specifically, are the worst for me to deal with, but there are many balanced Flier teams that are just too agile for my team to deal with.

    Most trouble on paper: Armored. I raised my Armor School (D) for the purpose of making sure Armored teams would have trouble against me. Now that they came out with Brave!Edelgard, I'm counting on it doing some work.

    Most ease in practice and paper: Mixed, except for Tibarn Dancer comps. Most mixed teams I've defended and attacked against ended up folding really easily once a key unit was taken out. Their problem is that while they have versatility, they lack the synergy that "Emblem" teams have even today. Therefore, they typically end up having a couple strong units and the rest as support; take either out, the other falls like Emmeryn.

  7. 4 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    What would the most desirable boon for Heath be? He's proven to be a very efficient defensive unit, but he isn't a weakling in his attack stat, either. Should I just buff up his defense, or give him a little more attack?

    My opinion on him might not be that popular, but I'd personally say that +Spd, +Res, or Neutral would work best.
    +Spd because at +10+10, his base Spd is 42; +Res because with that boon, it's only 3 less than his Def and would therefore work well against adaptive damage (and, with the Iote's Shield seal, would defend better against Shining Bow+); Neutral because his stats honestly seem high yet balanced enough that he wouldn't suffer from it (at +10+10, his Neutral base stats are 47/42/39/40/33, all stats of which are easy to use when paired with strong skills).
    I think +Atk would be...not wasted per se, but not as useful as the other boons are. Even if you gave him LnD4 or an Impact skill, +Spd would still be more valuable. The existence of Dive-Bomb makes +Spd incredibly valuable for most fliers now, I think.

  8. I'm not sure if anyone said this yet (because I don't want to look through 12 pages when it's ≈110°F outside), but I've found that Edelgard works VERY well with DC and Sacred Cowl. Her Atk and defenses are amazing, and her prf skills make it easy to use (FH's killer effect and BER's guaranteed follow-up to help with charging it, and BER's damage reduction during enemy phase can either stack or be used alongside it). I'm sure Escutcheon or even Pavise will do even better, since she'll have access to different A skills.

    I doubt anyone would say it'll be competitively viable in high AR tiers, but...it's nice. We finally have a unit that can use the shield specials well (other than Fjorm, who can only really use Ice Mirror somewhat well).

  9. So I want to talk a little about the Brave!Roy Forma. With the powerful skills he had available to him in the HoF he appeared in, what IVs would be best for him?

    +Atk would seem like the popular choice, but +Spd and +Def make his weapon's Steady Impact more...well, impactful. And +Def is also a superboon.

    While I could go off of what gamepress says, I'd like your guys' input instead. What should I pick?

  10. 1 hour ago, XRay said:

    Because it is part of the skill description of Openings.

    "At start of turn, grants Atk+6 to ally with the highest Atk for 1 turn. (Excludes unit.)"

    ...Fair enough.

    Anywho...new ideas for Flier-exclusive skills~

    Gale Wings 3
    C Passive
    Melee Fliers only
    Effect: Status effects that restrict unit's movement to 1 space increase unit's movement by 1 space instead. If unit's Special triggers after combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat. {Tier 1 = 100%, Tier 2 ≥ 50%}
    Turns the foe's Gravity-type effect into a movement booster instead, and also gives the unit Null Follow-Up if they have a Special like Galeforce that triggers after combat. The first effect is fairly conditional because it's based on the opponent having said Gravity-type effect, but it pretty much turns that unit into a Beast Flier if they are affected by an effect like that. The Null Follow-Up effect for Galeforce users maximizes the effectiveness of Brave weapons for those builds, especially Cordelia's Lance and Amiti; however, Heavy Blade users can also make great use of it without a Brave weapon.
    The main weakness of this skill is the fact that it takes up the C slot, which prevents them from using Flier Guidance, Hone/Goad Fliers, or the Oath passives. It's a skill meant for hyper-offensive Galeforce Fliers. There's also the fact that the first part is useless if the opponent has no Gravity-type effects; and even with a foe that has said effect, they have to actually be affected by it. Galeforce users typically skip out on using Distant Counter, which means that the unit likely will have to absorb at least 1 attack before they can make use of it. It also doesn't give the unit the Null Follow-Up effect if they don't have Galeforce (or any post-combat Specials they have in the future) equipped, forcing the unit into that specialization.

    Air Superiority 3
    B Passive
    Ranged Fliers only
    Effect: If unit's HP ≥ 50% in combat against a flying foe, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack and foe cannot make a follow-up attack. {Tier 1 ≥ 90%, Tier 2 ≥ 70%}
    Flierbreaker but only usable by ranged fliers. The main drawbacks are that it's only usable against Fliers and not other movement types, and that it can only be equipped to a ranged flier (though this second drawback isn't bad at all, with how many ranged fliers we already have). Anyhow, another weakness of this skill is that it's in the B slot, which means Desperation/Dive-Bomb, Flier Formation/Aerobatics, and other notable B passives like the Chills and Wings of Mercy can't be used there. Staff Fliers also can't use both Dazzling and Wrathful effects, being forced to choose either but not both in their weapon.
    Not only does this guarantee 1-round KOs against most fliers without Iote's Shield, but it also greatly improves the combat efficiency of the Staff Fliers we currently have available (except for Brave!Camilla unless you switch her weapon out for an inheritable staff).

  11. Note, I'm not going to berate you on the high stat bonuses. FEH will likely one day get to the point where +9 bonuses become commonplace...even if I can never see these skills getting that high as Tier 4 skills. So I'm going to try to ignore the high bonuses and just give my criticisms on the overall effects. If I talk about the bonuses, it's because it's too unbalanced.

    2 hours ago, Clear World said:

    Def Opening 4: At the start of the turn, grants Def+9 for 1 turn then neutralizes Def penalty to ally with the highest Def. (Excludes unit)

    Why have it say "excludes unit" if you can just say "At start of turn, grants Def +9 to ally with the highest Def and neutralizes penalties to ally's Def for 1 turn." That's...not really hard.
    Other than that, it's still too powerful. A very high bonus and penalty nullification? So you're making Chill Def completely useless with no effort, and that's not even getting into how those with the same Def get the effect...way too powerful.

    2 hours ago, Clear World said:

    Odd Atk Wave 4: At the start of odd numbered turns, grants Atk+9 for 1 turn to unit and adjacent allies. At the start of even number turns, grants Atk+6 to unit for 1 turn.

    Kind of defeats the purpose of it being Odd Atk Wave if it also applies a bonus during even turns. At that point it might as well just be Atk Wave.

    2 hours ago, Clear World said:

    Spd Tactic 4: At the start of the turn, grants Spd+9 and [Tactic] for 1 turn to allies within 2 spaces if ally's movement type ≤ 50% of team. (Minimum of 2).

    • [Tactic] - When a skill compares unit's stat (Atk, Spd, Def, or Res) to foe's, unit's bonuses are counted +100% above actual value.

    In this case, the bonus is too strong when combined with the status effect. You're effectively giving an ally Spd+18 when comparing their Spd to the foe's, completely outclassing anything Phantom Spd could do for that ally.
    Also, the movement-based condition change didn't need to happen. You wouldn't gain much from it in Aether Raids (only 1 more unit at best), and it would be far too powerful in Rival Domains with the new change.

    2 hours ago, Clear World said:

    Res Poly 4: At the start of the turn, inflict Res-9 and [Ploy] on foes in cardinal directions with Res < unit's Res through their next action.

    • [Ploy] - When a skill compares unit's stat (Atk, Spd, Def, or Res) to foe's, unit's base stats are counted - 50% below actual value.

    Um...what? Just...no. For one...unless I'm mistaken, "base stats" is taken to mean you want the stat counted as half without taking the debuff into account. That means any unit with 18 or less in the stat has their stat completely zeroed out during the stat comparison ((18 / 2) - 9), and even units with high stats suffer horribly. For example, a unit affected by this that has 40 as the stat effectively has their stat reduced to 11 for the comparison ((40 / 2) - 9). That's just...really unfun, and way too powerful.
    Just nope, nope, and nope.

    2 hours ago, Clear World said:

    Threaten Def 4: At the start of the turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of a foe, grant unit Def+9 for 1 turn, and inflict foes within 2 spaces Def-9 and [Panic] through their next action.

    • [Panic] - Converts bonuses on unit into penalties.

    This is the only relatively balanced skill I've seen here, and that's because we have the Tier 4 dual Threaten skills to work with. Panic seems like a bit much, though, and I have a bit of a problem with the fact the unit would pretty much have a net 18 higher Def than the affected foes in comparison to their original stats. But...it's not a bad idea I guess.

  12. 21 minutes ago, Clear World said:

    This is definitely not supposed to be like an insult or anything, but I actually had a good laugh when I read this comment. I felt like what you wrote came out of nowhere., but I'm sorry. I didn't realize we were bothering you this much. It's fine, it's that not big of a deal for me. Anyways...

    Sorry...I was just tired of looking at the bickering. It's also been around 110°F (somewhere above 40°C for those who use that measurement) for the past few days where I live and it's not done very well for me. So um...sorry about that.

    21 minutes ago, Clear World said:

    I'll just comment on your Defender's Aura, and none of yours prf skills because I don't have much to say about any of those other than they do things and Ardent Sacrifice+ is still too weak:

    Healing as much you reduce damage basically equates to just doubling the damage reduction. Do you have any 'mechanical' reason why you choose healing over, just simply increasing the damage reduction? Also, when does the healing occur? Is the restore applied before the damage or after the damage. What happens if the foe does enough damage to kill the unit, even after the reduction. Anyways, it's probably overpowered.

    Fair enough, both on AS+ being too weak and on DA effectively being double damage reduction.
    The damage reduction occurs during combat, when the damage is reduced by the Special...lol I forgot to put "during combat" in there, I had it in my mind that everyone would know it occurred then. Of course, the damage wouldn't be healed if the unit's HP reaches 0, so that answers that question. Anyhow, I'll edit that.
    I agree that it might be a bit overpowered. I've been trying to think of ways to make the Shield Specials viable, but it's a difficult process. I thought I had something going with Spiked Shield/Ward and Infernal/Glacial Aegis/Pavise (near the top of page 15), but the ideas are still a major work in progress.

  13. All of you arguing, please stop talking about this and just come up with new skills. This is "Create a Skill", not "Argue With Each Other About Existing Skills".
    You wanna argue about that, go to a relevant thread and do so. I'm actually starting to get angry from seeing you bicker when I'm trying to come up with different skill ideas.
    Speaking of:

    Defender's Aura
    B Passive
    Melee only
    Effect: If unit's Special reduces damage from foe's attack by X%, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack during combat, and when unit's Special triggers, restores HP to unit during combat = damage reduced.
    Turns Aegis/Pavise (but not Miracle) into sustain tools for tanks. Also acts as a free Quick Riposte for those units so they don't have to devote their seal slot to it. It might not be useful for dealing more damage, but it is useful for sustaining more of it.
    EDIT: Added "during combat" on the Noontime effect for clarity. Thanks Clear World 

  14. Hoarfrost
    Special, 3 Cooldown
    Exclusive (Default!Rhea)
    Effect: Treats foe's Def/Res as if reduced by 30% during combat. After combat, if Special was triggered, restores HP to allies within 2 spaces = 30% of damage dealt.
    Pretty much a weak but supportive version of Aether, boosting the same as Moonbow and Noontime but restoring the HP of Drive-distance allies rather than the unit itself. References the Staggering Blow of the same name in Three Houses, which had a very long range and completely ignored the defenses of all foes damaged by it, before then restoring HP to its allies after combat.

    Master of Warfare
    B Passive
    Exclusive (Kiran)
    Effect: Inflicts Spd -10 and slows Special trigger (cooldown count +1). Unit can activate Specials that trigger before combat if foe initiates combat. (If foe's Special activates before combat, unit's Special activates after.)
    Idk, just thought I'd make this random skill. Slows the unit down by a lot and has the same special-slowing effect as Lightning Breath, but grants the unit the ability to use AoEs even if the foe initiates combat. It also activates after the foe's AoE if they're using said Special. And since it's a B Passive, it can't really be used alongside Vantage.
    Obviously this skill is more of a meme than anything, but I thought I'd make it anyhow lol

  15. 1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

    Garon has no super boons or super banes (among a couple others), so that’s probably why he was omitted. 

    Edit: The other grail units with no super boons or super banes are Astram, Berkut, Brunnya, Darros, Legion, Linus, and Oliver. All of those characters are also not present on the chart that was posted.

    Then what about Halloween!Rolf that Venmi mentioned in the previous page?

  16. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    That really nerfs it's usability. Enemies repositioning you is not that big a deal you have to contend with. Only in some niche maps where drag back is a pain.

    True enough, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. Completely neutralizing skills because they happen to have a secondary effect that moves themselves or their foe just seems too powerful.

    Anywho, another random idea 🙂

    Ardent Sacrifice+
    Effect: Restores 15 HP to target ally. Unit loses 15 HP but cannot go below 1.
    With units having higher and higher BSTs, and with older units getting access to higher BSTs thanks to getting even more dragonflower boosts, Ardent Sacrifice is losing a lot of the usability it used to have. With allies having higher HP, the 10 HP restoration means a lot less, and with most units' HPs reaching a lot higher than 40 due to their weapons, merges/dfs, etc, it's not even a great skill for getting the unit within Desperation range.
    WIth 15 HP, though, the new amount would be increased to 60. This is both more risky AND more rewarding. But it would notably be at its 
    most rewarding when it very easily puts the unit into Desperation range.

  17. First, thank you to @Humanoid for providing the spreadsheet for us. I didn't even think about providing a reference sheet to look at, so thank you very much for that.

    Now for the discussions 🙂

    I'm actually a little bit happy that Anna has an HP superbane. That puts her HP down to 37, putting her at an even 40 when using +Eff Noatun. She can use Ardent Sacrifice and get into Desperation range right away. And with her high Spd of 38 (which will likely be her boon of choice, going up to 41 if so) she'll be quite likely to trigger it. Of course, that won't matter once she gains dragonfeathers...but it's a nice thought.

    Flame Emperor's looking pretty great no matter what though. HP, Spd, and Res superboons and no superbanes? I mean, the Spd one doesn't look great, but HP puts her to 61 and +Res is 37 (full merges/dragonflowers, and taking the dragonflower update in September into account). Looks like Flame Emperor's going to be doing well.

  18. With the new Feh Channel that just came out, they gave us info on an update that they'll be implementing later: the ability to use Trait Fruits to change the "traits" (asset/flaw, or boon/bane or IVs as we've taken to calling them) of our units. And they made a show of doing this to Alfonse and mentioned that this will be available to Forma units as well, so it's more than fair to assume that Grail units (GHB and Tempest Trial gift units) will get access to this too.

    I thought about letting this not be a topic of its own, but...well, this is kind of one of those topics that I think is important to us and would be asked more than often enough in the "ask questions" thread. I just feel like those questions would get lost there, so I made this its own topic. Hopefully we can have some discussions about this here 🙂

    And I know that some people will just say "Why is this a topic, just choose Atk". Except Atk isn't the only stat, and different units deal with different matchups with different IVs very differently. Having some discussions about what IVs would fit better on certain units, instead of just going with "trust Gamepress because who cares", is something I hope is done here.

    I'll try to include myself in the conversations occasionally, so other than that...have fun everyone!

    NOTE: Before anyone says anything about how Formas are just everyday units...yes, I know. But they also get quick access to powerful skills and come to you neutral (and this can't be changed until the update comes). I feel Formas could at least have some discussions on whether it's worth changing their IVs, since they do come with a pricetag due to having to use Forma Souls to get them.

  19. It definitely looks like Edelgard got Hautclere, Claude got Parthia, and Dimitri got Gradivus. I really hope these are actually Fodlan variants, because I'd hate for Claude to get cucked by IS because they gave him Jeorge's weapon.

    Looks like Dimitri got a damage reduction skill, though whether this is in his weapon or a new or current variant of a Parry skill (Close Call, Repel, Spurn) is yet to be known.

    I'm super hyped about the Trait changer, though not as much as others. I've been fairly lucky on my units' IVs, the only ones I'd really need to worry about are the traitless units (GHB, TT, Forma, that kind of stuff). I'm just happy that Forma units just became so much more desirable in the span of a single video. I'm also happy that Al, Sharena, and Anna will finally be able to change their IVs...even if they'll end up having banes as well since they don't have access to merges.

  20. 21 hours ago, Jotari said:

    You can still get armoured march from adjacent units. Pleas the Armouted boots seal. And would this negate the entirety of Repel's effect or only the movement aspect?

    Just the movement, the damage reduction effect will still be able to trigger.
    EDIT: Ah, I see where I went wrong. I should've copied Null C-Disrupt and said "effects" rather than "skills".

  21. Swordbreaker 4
    Effect: If unit's HP ≥ 50% in combat against a sword user, unit makes an additional follow-up attack and foe cannot, and if unit attacks or is attacked first this turn, calculates damage from foe's weapon like a staff during combat.
    Pretty much normal Swordbreaker, but also severely weakens the sword user's damage output if the first combat that turn (Player OR Enemy Phase) has the unit in it. Mainly an Enemy Phase skill, but works plenty well as a Player Phase skill with proper positioning and/or high movement (like from Tibarn and the like, cavalry units, or infantry mages).
    This would also apply to the other Breaker skills, just...against 
    those weapon types.

    Anchored Boots 3
    C Passive
    Armored only
    Effect: Neutralizes skills that would move unit and/or foe into another space after combat. If foe has a skill that would move unit and/or foe into another space after combat, unit takes 7 less damage before and during combat until the end of the turn. [Tier 1 is 100% HP before combat, Tier 2 is ≥ 50% HP before combat, Tier 3 requires no HP condition.]
    Prevents the unit and its foe from being able to make use of effects that move themselves or their opponent, and makes the unit tankier for the rest of the turn if the foe does indeed have a skill like that on them. It's balanced in the way that it takes up the C slot, making Armored Stride or Armored March impossible to equip at the same time.

    Slayer of Words
    C Passive
    Exclusive (Legendary!Claude)
    Effect: Unit is unaffected by effects of skills from foes in cardinal directions from unit. At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res -4 on foes in cardinal directions.
    Neutralizes the effectiveness of Ploy effects and the like on Legendary!Claude, while also inflicting Spectrum Ploy at the start of his turn. Claude in 3H has always been the kind of person to make plans, but also turn his enemies' plans against them. Ploys are indeed plans designed to turn situations to the person's advantage.
    This doesn't mean that it works 
    only on Ploys, though. Foes that attack him from a cardinal direction will find the stat debuff from their Lull skill doesn't activate. Debuffs from daggers don't lower his stats after combat if his foe attacks from a cardinal direction. Guard loses its effect in those directions, making Legendary!Claude capable of charging his Special with Flashing Blade if he wishes. Stuff like that. This means that foes find it a lot more difficult to position themselves; melee units will never be able to get past it unless he himself attacks from a diagonal direction, and ranged units find it a lot harder to position themeslves.
    Note that this doesn't stop skills that don't affect the foe. Close Call, for example, only compares the foe's Spd but doesn't actually affect the foe (it reduces the damage the unit takes, not the foe's damage output). Push, Brazen, Solo, etc. skills don't lose their power because they only increase the unit's stats during combat. It also doesn't stop Impenetrable Dark's effect, because Slayer of Words only stops effects that would affect the 
    unit during combat, and Impenetrable Dark specifically disables skills from everyone else except for Bramimond's foe.

  22. 1 hour ago, Clear World said:

    I think you should just rethink the very core concept you're trying to achieve instead of creating a field buff that isn't a field buff but basically provides a field buff to get around the limitations of a field buff.

    I'm trying to have it be a field buff because I don't want it to be capable of stacking with the combat bonuses that Healers are capable of inheriting. But you're right that I'm trying too hard to do it in a way that is lowering its potential. How about this then:

    "When any skill compares the Spd of an adjacent ally to another unit's, that ally's Spd is counted as +7 over actual value. At the start of the turn, if unit is adjacent to an ally with a skill that compares their Spd to another unit's, grants Spd +7 to unit and that ally for 1 turn."

    This way, it gives the Spd+7 field bonus to both the unit and their adjacent allies that have Spd-comparing skills during the Player Phase (and the Enemy Phase if no combat was initiated by the unit(s)). With smart usage of the skill's effects, you can achieve a total effective Spd boost of +14 on the ally, increasing to +24 if the ally also has Phantom Spd 3.
    Of course, while the Spd boost is great, it also relies on having a healer adjacent to the unit at almost all times. This makes combat reliant on having the adjacent Healer, making ranged combat and ESPECIALLY enemy dancer formations difficult to deal with. I feel that would justify the large potential Spd boost, what with Legendary!Azura being so prevalent in Arena even today. There's also the fact that since the ally would have PS3 in their seal slot, it removes their ability to use any other seals like Quick Riposte (especially since their B slot will already very likely have the Spd-comparing skill in it). This makes the ally and the healer a lot more reliant on each other, which potentially opens up holes that enemies can exploit. Which is why, again, that the potential +24 would be justified.

    How's the skill look to you now, though?

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