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Posts posted by MilodicMellodi

  1. Team: Default!Fjorm, Brave!Lucina, Default!M-Corrin, and Legendary!Lucina
    S-Rank Summoner Support: Default!Fjorm

    Boon: +Def
    Weapon: Leiptr
    Assist: Pivot
    Special: Glacies
    A Passive: Def/Res Bond 4 (this skill doesn't exist yet, but its Tier 3 version does exist and other TIer 4 Bond skills exist)
    B Passive: Null C-Disrupt 3
    C Passive: Time's Pulse 3
    Sacred Seal: Def/Res Form 3 (this skill doesn't exist yet, but Form skills do exist as A Passives and Sacred Seals)

    Boon: +Res
    Weapon: Geirskogul (+Eff)
    Assist: Draw Back
    Special: Ruptured Sky
    A Passive: Mirror Impact
    B Passive: Chill Atk 3
    C Passive: Close Guard 3
    Sacred Seal: Distant Guard 3

    Boon: +Spd
    Weapon: Yato (+Eff)
    Assist: Draw Back
    Special: Iceberg
    A Passive: Fort. Def/Res 3
    B Passive: Chill Spd 3
    C Passive: Distant Guard 3
    Sacred Seal: Fortress Res 3

    Boon: +Res
    Weapon: Silver Goblet+ (+Res)
    Assist: Dance
    Special: Iceberg
    A Passive: Atk/Res Push 4
    B Passive: Chill Def 3
    C Passive: Close Guard 3
    Sacred Seal: Spur Def/Res 2


    The main unit here is Default!Fjorm, with everyone else buffing her stats during combat (mainly her Def/Res). With Leiptr and Null C-Disrupt, she has the ability to have her A slot open while being able to counterattack ranged units AND not have her counterattacks stopped by units like Brave!Veronica. The total stats she gains is slightly lesser when melee units attack her as opposed to ranged units, but it doesn't matter much. Before I forget, Corrin's partner is Fjorm...if that wasn't obvious...anyhow, I'll be counting the boosts for her as 2 higher than they normally should be because of the All+2 combat boost from having her S-Rank partner within 2 spaces of her.

    So Fjorm here gains 9 Atk/Spd regardless of the attacker (only 6 during the Player Phase, though), but she gains a huge 38 Def/Res when attacked by ranged foes and 34 Def/Res when attacked by melee foes. Already having 41/42 natural Def/Res at +10+10 with a Def boon, that puts her at 79/80 Def/Res during combat when attacked by ranged and 75/76 when attacked by melee. When activating Glacies she'll deal 64 extra damage to the former, or 60 against the latter.

    I decided to go with Rinea instead of Legendary!Azura, because while the latter can give Fjorm a total +7/7/11/11 to her stats, the latter will actually work against her. I built up Corrin in such a way as to soak up any Chills coming her way (although Lucina would soak up Chill Atk), but giving Fjorm huge Field Bonuses would ruin all that. So I went with Rinea and gave her Close Guard to match with her weapon's Distant Guard effect, so that Fjorm would only receive combat bonuses and would let Corrin do his job.

    Talking about Corrin again...so you kinda do have to run both Fort. Def/Res 3 and Fortress Res 3 to make his stats capable of going over Fjorm's. In return, though, he soaks up all the Chills she would've taken, letting her have a perfect Enemy Phase without worrying about anything. Only Brave!Lucina has to worry about Atk, but she won't care too much about that since her main role here is as a Support (dragonslaying is secondary, because Fjorm already takes so little damage from anything and hits like a moon when activating Glacies).

    Also, notice the Chills? Chill Atk, Spd, and Def are there to let Fjorm maximize her damage in the Enemy Phase. In addition, Brave!Lucina's Geirskogul grants her a super-charge during the Enemy Phase too, so she'll activate Glacies in 3 attacks unless her enemy has a Guard (B-slot Guard, not Close/Distant Guard) effect active. With Null C-Disrupt letting her counterattack without fear of Dazzling effects or Sacae's Blessing, she'll activate Glacies often even against enemies that would directly try to stop her.

    By the way, while Fjorm is the main unit here she's not the only one to benefit from the combat buffs. Brave!Lucina should be located adjacently to Rinea and Fjorm, and so gains +3 Def/Res in the Player Phase during combat, and a total +11 Def/Res when attacked at range or +7 Def/Res when attacked by melee. Corrin will be adjacent to Fjorm and Brave!Lucina, so he'll just gain +2 Atk/Spd/Def/Res for Player Phase (thanks to the Ally Support), and a total +5 Atk/Spd and +13 Def/Res during the Enemy Phase (as well as the super-charge from Geirskogul). Rinea benefits the least, only gaining +4 from being attacked up close and +8 at range (both during the Enemy Phase), but her Atk/Res Push 4 will go a long way in helping with the latter. By default, Rinea will be located diagonally to Corrin, but adjacently to Fjorm and Brave!Lucina.

    All-in-all, this is mostly feasible right now. The only ones that don't currently exist are Def/Res Bond 4 and Def/Res Form 3, and it's only a matter of time for those. You could easily replace them both with Def/Res Bond 3, although she would miss out on the penalty nullification for the A skill...something she still wants because of the possibility of Ploys affecting her. For her B skill, she wouldn't mind going with Def/Res Bond 3 which currently does exist as a Seal, but you'd be missing out on a free point in both Def and Res because the total points given for the Bond 3 skill is 6 while Form is 7. That one point is the difference between dealing 64 or 63 damage with Glacies when Fjorm is attacked by a ranged unit...and while one point doesn't matter, we are looking to optimize here.

  2. I feel like there needs to be a Topic like this. The only Topic that comes close is the +10 compendium, and even then it's only for showing off your +10 units. People there don't really like seeing builds when the point of going there is to see +10 units. But what, then, about our most powerful build ideas? Where can those go?

    So I decided to make this, and made some guidelines for it. The rules are as follows.
    1 - Don't flood the page. If you have a lot of builds to show off all at once, please be considerate and put them in a Spoiler.
    2 - All units are considered as having +10 in merges, and either +10 or +5 in Dragonflower boosts. Please use a tool like https://fehstuff.com/unit-builder to properly know how high a unit can boost with Dragonflowers (as well as letting you know the stats of said units at that level).
    3 - If another form of the skill exists in the game, but the skill itself does not, you can put the skill here. For example, Atk/Spd Push 4 exists, but Spd/Def Push 4 doesn't yet exist; here, you can use that as one of your skills. Labeling the skill as not existing yet would be awesome, though not strictly necessary.
    4 - Take care to note that since there aren't yet any Tier 4 Sacred Seals, you cannot put a Tier 4 skill in a Sacred Seal slot.
    5 - As something of a combination of Rules 3 and 4: Don't just use any completely made-up skills or weapons here. Having the skill "HP/Atk/Spd/Def/Res 99" on each of your units will never be possible in the game, so please don't waste everyone's time doing that. That goes, as well, for any skills that you think might be balanced for the game.
    6 - Because these are our most powerful build ideas, you must use a minimum of 4 units (because Hones and Drives exist). If the team is for Arena (or for most PvE content, honestly), you MUST use no more or less than 4 units. For an Aether Raids offense team, use no more or less than 5 units. For an Aether Raids defense team, no more or less than 6 units.
    NOTE for 6 - If you want to account for Bonus units in game modes that have them, you can use less than the maximum. If you do, please have them contribute to the team – either as the/a main unit or as a supporting one that can still get kills as a Bonus Unit. If you'd like for your entire team to be comprised of Bonus units, that's fine too. But please do follow the guidelines here regardless of what team lineup you have. That goes for making sure that, when accounting for your Bonus Unit(s), you still have the maximum number of units in your team.
    7 - If you have the patience to make a full Rival Domains team, go right ahead. You're free to go ham on that as much as you want, as long as you use up to a maximum of 20 units. (Honestly, you can use less than 20 units in that if you want, I'm not going to bother restricting you guys on that mess). However, please do be considerate of others and follow Rule 1.
    8 - For Mjolnir's Strike, use no more or less than 8 units. Take the rules and mechanics of Mjolnir's Strike into consideration, and don't forget to add the required bonus stats to your units. Please don't cheat and make units more powerful than they're capable of being, even there, like applying inappropriate Major or Minor stat boots to Mythic heroes for seasons not possible of occuring simultaneously. These teams are supposed to be possible, not impossible.

    I'll start us off below. Have fun making builds!

  3. 1 hour ago, Landmaster said:

    How is Bride Charlotte not Seasonal? She's definitely Seasonal~

    Anyway, sure, why not? Hibiscus Tome is pretty worthless with only a +1 increase~ A real Drive would be much more valuable~

    Bridal banners aren't really considered seasonal (even though they act like them, and are as rare as them). Seasonal units are considered to be based off of major holidays (New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, Halloween) or based off of the seasons (Spring, Summer, Winter).

    I wish IS considered the Bridal units as seasonal units too.

  4. For Hall of Forms, the real question we should be asking is are we going to actually be able to fully +10 our units this time around? Back in the SoV HoF, I did fumble a couple times, and I did replace skills on units a couple times as well, but even then I only managed to get up to +6 on average with my units. Even if I had had 0 deaths and no skill replacement, I wouldn't have been able to get up to +10 without leaving skills off of them. That...kinda sucks, and I hope that'll change this time. Probably won't, considering IS is allergic to making good ideas better, but a man can dream.

  5. 56 minutes ago, TEKWRX said:

    How does FEH handle things on multiple devices? My wife is getting me a tablet for Christmas, and the main reason I wanted it was to play FEH. Do I just have to make sure I manually close the app on my phone before running it on the tablet? What happened if they're both running at the same time? I really don't want to mess up anything on my account. And how would I set it up on the tablet the first time? Do I just need to use the same Google account I use on my phone? Do I also need to sign into my Nintendo account within the game, or is that automatic (my Nintendo account is already linked)? The tablet is an Amazon Fire HD, which I guess is running a modified version of Android. Does anybody have any experience running FEH on one of those devices? Are there any quirks or anything I need to watch out for?

    It's possible to have the same file on multiple devices. It's saved with your Nintendo Account, not on the phone itself, so having the same account on different devices should be possible. Just don't go about playing both of them at the same time, the game recognizes it and sends one of them to the title screen to have to log in again.

  6. 37 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I'm not sure how the effect is underrated when pretty much every build theorist considers the effect to be top tier.

    The reason why Kagami Mochi is "fine as is" is not because the effect is underrated. It's because the weapon is identical to Barb Shuriken.

    I think so too. However, back before I left the Gamepress discord (permanently, and proud of finally leaving it), most of them on the server always said that Barb Shuriken/Kagami Mochi weren't that great when compared with the likes of Bottled Juice and Broadleaf Fan.

  7. Here's my first draft ideas for fixes to each weapon. NOTE that I'm only doing seasonals for now; I do realize a lot of non-seasonal weapons (like the first Bridal weapons) were utter crap. I'll get to that another time, but right now I'm focusing on seasonals.
    ALSO NOTE that I'm not making these as for what I actually want for them. I would much prefer them getting exclusive weapons. But if they were to get upgrades instead of new weapons, these are what I would want them getting. Or close to, at least.

    Blue Egg+/Green Egg+/Carrot Lance+/Carrot Axe+: "Restores 7 HP to unit and allies within 2 spaces after combat."
    Essentially Breath of Life, but with a quality of life change. Lets the unit have a supportive role, instead of just having its effect barely help with Fury self-harm.

    Refreshing Bow+/Seashell+/Deft Harpoon+/Melon Crusher+: "At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat." (+Flying effectiveness for Refreshing Bow+, and Dagger 7 for Seashell+.)
    There's no reason at all for the self-harm now, and All+2 is pretty mediocre nowadays. I think keeping with the "100% HP" aesthetic is a nice idea, so I decided to have it use that but in return give it a better boost than the Fury effect weapons under that condition. It's pretty much Sealed Falchion, but with the condition being switched.

    Tomato Tome+/Sealife Tome+/Hibiscus Tome+/Lilith Floatie+: "Grants unit and allies within 2 spaces Atk/Spd+3 during combat."
    They didn't even need much, IS. Those couple extra points each stat would have been amazing as a supportive weapon. Anyhow, I've also decided to add the combat bonus to the unit as well because most good effects nowadays are way better. This way, it can be both supportive and offensive without going overbored.

    Candelabra+/Tannenboom!+/Sack-o'-Gifts+/Handbell+: "If foe initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 and neutralizes unit's penalties during combat."
    Something of a Bond 4 effect with the boost spread out and not needing to be adjacent to an ally, in return for the effect only lasting for the Enemy Phase. It'd actually make Harsh Command useful again, because HC's usefulness dies during the Enemy Phase when the foes' Chills and Ploys activate; it'd let you HC during the Player Phase to make use of the foe's debuffs, while the Enemy Phase could care less about being debuffed.

    Kadomatsu+/Hagoita+: Grants unit and allies within 2 spaces Def/Res+3 during combat."
    I didn't include Kagami Mochi+ because it's fine as-is; Killer/Slaying effects are seriously underrated. For the other two, though, making them like what I put for the Nohrian Summer upgrades is perfect for them.

    Shell Lance+/Beach Banner+/Cocobow+: "If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 during combat and neutralizes unit's penalties during combat." (+Flying effectiveness for Cocobow+.)
    I feel like I'm going to edit this later, but I feel like having these have a Player Phase version of the Winter's Envoy weapon effects isn't a bad idea. Not only are the weapon types different (Winter's Envoy's weapons are the three tome colors and the axe, while these are lance, axe, and bow; while the axe gets a choice, each unit can only hold one weapon during battle anyhow), but the "only works in one phase" bit balances it out just like the others. You can choose to have a Bond 4 skill, or you can go with one of these weapons and only have that effect during the Player Phase.
    It'd pretty much be for builds that prioritize having strong Player Phases. Having the ability to not care about debuffs when you're initiating, and not having to awkwardly position your units so your Bond 4 skills would activate, would let a lot of units do strategies they otherwise wouldn't dream of doing. And the drawback of not having that during the Enemy Phase would also make you have to think of your positioning, so it wouldn't actually be busted.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    Yes but only if we get more than four refines a month. We'd never catch up otherwise.

    An alternative would be to add more desirable (or at least interesting) weapons to the inheritable weapons pool, and making them commonly available. I'm talking on the level of Killer (Slaying) weapon availability here. The selection of inheritable at the moment is just so incredibly boring.

    Like adding new Seasonal units with weapons having better versions of their downgrade, and giving the past Seasonals the ability to upgrade into those weapons with a reduced cost, just like how Killer upgrades into Slaying? I'm down for that.

  9. 7 hours ago, BoaFerox said:

    It's a bit sad using regular Jaffar as a bonus unit here. Mine is +Res -Def and has his default Life and Death 3 equipped, and he reaches 46/42 offenses after getting the Tempest bonus stats... How are his stats so low, there are so many units that he struggles to hit for significant damage. The worst part is that this is with Life and Death equipped, so there really isn't anything I can do to fix him either. I guess refining his dagger might help, but it's hard to justify spending Divine Dew on Jaffar when there's so many other much stronger units that need it.

    Well, one reason could be because yours isn't merged (since only unmerged units have banes...or flaws, as they call it in FEH). It could also be because you didn't put Dragonflowers on him, and this bad boy goes up to +10 in that too (which means he can actually go up +6 in all stats with merges and DFs combined). At full merges and dragonflowers, your Jaffar would have 32 natural Atk.
    Another reason is because yours isn't +Atk. He has a superboon in Atk, putting him at 30 natural Atk (36 with full merges and DFs). Add Deathly Dagger to that 36 and that's 47 Atk, or 50 with the refine). That's pretty damn nice for a unit whose exclusive weapon has the same effect as the dreaded Pain+ staff in addition to the Def/Res-7 debuff effect.
    Note that this is excusing the bonus stats...just letting you know.
    I mean, it's really down to his role honestly. You're asking a guy that can deal 10 damage to his foe AND foes within 2 spaces of said foe to have a huge Atk? Nah m9, he's good where he's at. You want him to kill enemies by himself, give him his refine and Poison Strike and double Savage Blow on him and give him a pocket dancer. His role is "I'm an AoE Special without the Special", and that's how it'll be.

  10. It's a well-known thing that in the earlier days of FEH, a lot of seasonal units were given terrible weapons. Some of these weapons have been fixed with their refines (like Bridal!Charlotte's First Bite+, even though she's not technically a Seasonal unit) but others don't even get quality refine upgrades. Blue Egg+ (self-heals 4 HP after combat), Hibiscus Tome+ (grants allies within 2 spaces Atk/Spd+1 during combat), and Refreshing Bow+ (grants unit All+2 if at 100% but self-burns 2 damage after combat) are (in my opinion) among the worst ones, and each of them have refines that don't improve upon them. And we know Intelligent Systems won't alter their refines in any way.

    But what if they got exclusive weapons? We already have many seasonal units that have exclusive weapons (even if they don't have refine effects), so it wouldn't be so out there to think that the other seasonals that were gutted and left in the dust should deserve their own. Even minor improvements would do wonders for them.

    So my question is this: should Seasonal units start getting their own exclusive weapons, or at least having the possibility of having their refine effects altered? Or should they just be considered bait that'll never see the light of day again? If you think the former, then what kinds of effects do you want for them to have?

  11. Young!Hardin, Arthur, Yune and Mustafa are my top choices for Winter units I'd love to have in FEH.

    Young!Hardin would be like looking at the Grinch before he became it.
    Arthur would be nice because he'd have so much optimism during the holidays despite the bad luck he always has.
    Yune would be nice having a Winter Alt because if Sothis can rock it, why not Yune?
    Mustafa would be kind of like Halloween!Dorcas, but with the added feels for anyone who's played Awakening.

    Just to let you know, though, this is already a topic:


  12. 26 minutes ago, TEKWRX said:

    I thought it would be good for dealing with dragons because of Ruptured Sky.

    If you want your Byleth to be your anti-dragon unit, then why go with Distant Counter? Dragons are 1 range.

    In that case, you'd probably want to go with a Res-boosting skill. If you happen to have a Fallen!Berkut and fodder off his Warding Stance 4 to your Byleth, he'll be able to deal with dragons a lot better during the Enemy Phase AND the built-in "special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack" effect would help with slowing down enemy specials and therefore increase his survivability.

  13. 1 hour ago, Mercakete said:

    What is this amazement of which you speak?

    I'm assuming you're asking about the Feh the Owl one?

    Well, some places make Jumbo-sized plushies or larger. Heck, Nintendo already technically does this (or at least, people make Nintendo-related plushies). There's Snorlax plushies bigger than most beanbags (stubby limbs and all), and there's multiple Kirby plushies that adults can't even put their arms all the way around without squishing them. I feel like I've seen actual bed-sized plushies before, but I can't remember exactly where I found them.

    Just imagine if they did that for FEH plushies, with their chibi-like features.

  14. 1 minute ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    Thoughts on the following Male Byleth build:

    Sword of the Creator


    Ruptured Sky

    Distant Counter

    Wind/Water Sweep

    Savage Blow/ Some other boosting skill idk what to put here

    Attack boosting/ Speed boosting Sacred Seal (?)

    I remember seeing something like this in a video but I'd like to know how useful it would be.  For reference his support partner is Edelgard (because she'll be slaying blues he can't handle).

    Just putting my two cents in here, but Windsweep/Watersweep would be better put on Female Byleth because she has more natural Spd than him. Still, both genders can definitely use them because Creator Sword neutralizes the part that prevents their own follow-ups while not neutralizing the part that prevents the foe from counterattacking.
    Though...in that case, wouldn't it be better to have the build be more based on the Player Phase? Distant Counter is an amazing skill, but Windsweep only works on the Player Phase so I'd assume you'd want to prioritize his effectiveness in that. Swift Sparrow (or Death Blow as a cheaper option) would do well, though Fury would also work wonders. For his C, just use his Odd Spd Wave.

    No matter what, though, you should do what you're comfortable with. Choose your own path, so to say. Get used to the game at your own speed, don't rush things too quickly.

  15. I'm not sure if anyone brought this up before, but I just realized it myself.

    Paralogue 27, "Adrift", was the first instance we saw of Ljosalfheimr's influence in FEH. And Loki seems to have a large influence in Ljosalfheimr, there's no other way to put it. Not only that, but Loki is able to affect multiple realms at the same time and put them in the same "dream", having been capable of bringing an Azura separate from Askr into the same location she brought the Askr Trio and Kiran themselves.

    The question, however...exactly what kind of power does Loki control? Does she actually command the power of dreams as well as illusions? Dreams are considered illusions of the subconscious, and Loki is a goddess just as her sister is the goddess of war. Or could Loki actually command the power of dreams, and illusions are just a part of that power?

    It makes me theorize something. What if Loki is actually Freyr/Freya? I realize that's stretching it a bit, but doesn't it make you think? Loki just seems to have way too much governance over dreams and illusions for me to think otherwise.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

    No flippin' kidding. As expressed in the comic thread, I have so many characters I'd love to have dolls of... And the style the dolls are in is just too cuuuuute! 💕

    Imagine if they made them in larger or smaller sizes too! You could have a Grima keychain, or a bed-sized Feh the Owl plush you can lay on.

  17. Seasonal Alts:
    1 - Hardin (Young, Winter)
    2 - Arthur (Winter)
    3 - Camilla (Valentine's) Seriously how do we not have this yet, I'm actually confused.
    4 - Aversa (Summer) You thought I was gonna do Valentine's, didn't you?
    5 - Donnel (Summer)
    6 - Yune (Winter)

    Non-Seasonal Alts:
    1 - Naga (Young)
    2 - Lucina (Queen)
    3 - Rinea (Fallen, Queen)
    4 - Berkut (Fallen, King)
    5 - Kagero (Young)
    6 - Saizo (Young)
    7 - Severa I mean, if Owain and Inigo are considered their respective Alts of Odin and Laslow, then Severa should be considered an alt of Selena.
    8 - Claude (Butler)
    9 - Lissa (Falcon Knight) Like Nino's Alt with Giga Excalibur, but Lissa would have a Lance like any normal Falcon Knight.
    10 - Lilith (Fallen) The version from the Hidden Truths Xenologue.
    11 - Sumeragi (Nightmare) So like, Nightmare alts would be the opposite of the Adrift series. They'd kinda be like Fallen Alts, but of dreamland. You know, it makes me wonder if the Adrift units were actually the first instance of Ljosalfheimr's influence in FEH and we didn't realize it?
    12 - Gunter (Fallen) The version from near the end of Revelatiion.

    Seasonal/Non-Seasonal Alts for characters not currently in FEH:
    1 - Gangrel (Summer)
    2 - Emmeryn (Young, Winter)
    3 - Mustafa (Winter)
    4 - Seteth (Summer)
    5 - Flayn (Summer)
    6 - Rhea (Summer)
    7 - Byleth (Male, Summer)
    8 - Byleth (Female, Summer)
    9 - Midori (Summer)
    10 - Fuga (Summer) For all the ladies out there with an appreciation for men with bulging muscles
    11 - Lilith (New Year's, Dragon in human form)

  18. 16 minutes ago, XRay said:

    There is a huge opportunity cost to running Infantry Pulse, Velouria, and/or Hector: Marqui of Ostia. Running Infantry Pulse to charge Specials is not as effective as just a straight stat boost for super tanks. Running Velouria to support a support unit is wasting a slot that could be supporting the primary tank. MOO!Hector is fine if you need him for Galeforce or something, but he is not worth a team slot if you are just going to charge Ruptured Sky.

    Outside of Infantry Pulse teams, I do not really see other units run MOO!Hector just to charge their Special, so I would not worry about other units with precharged Specials.

    Additionally, GOW!Ephraim would be running Ignis instead of Dragon Fang if doing the most damage is the primary concern. His Def with his base kit would be 46 (36 + 4 + 6), netting him 36 damage using Ignis. At higher merges, the gap between Ignis and Dragon Fang increases even further. Practically no one runs Dragon Fang because it is so slow and that Ignis and Glacies will either match its damage or greatly surpass it once merges are factored in.

    Oh, no, I was using the duel as an example. I'd never think she would actually run into him with both of them having fully-charged Specials and full HP. It was just an example.

    17 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Giving Summoner Support to a support unit is a waste of stats in my opinion, since they should not be getting into combat much if at all, other than enemies they have color advantage against. The tank that the support unit is supporting should be given priority for Summoner Support in my opinion.

    True. It's my own personal bias to have Brave!Lucina as my S-Rank Summoner Support. I agree that her partner should be the one with it instead, when talking about optimization.

    55 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I think Close Call is okay if you want extra protection on her, like Miracle and Guard but with a much higher price tag. However, I think Swordbreaker is a cheaper and generally more effective option in my opinion since she should not be in combat, and if she is in combat, she should be going up against sword units.

    As for Atk/Spd Push, it is decent, but I am not sure the cost is justified in my opinion. I would just run with Death Blow or Triangle Adept to pair it with Swordbreaker. Personally, I think if you really want a premium A skill on her, I would go with Life and Death so she can soak Chills for those 2 stats.

    I went with Atk/Spd Push 4 because the effect is dual phase as opposed to Death Blow. Triangle Adept would fit with Swordbreaker more, but it completely ruins her chances against green dragons. I did think about Life and Death, but I didn't want her suffering from the lowered defenses either because the build is meant to be capable of dual-phasing...not to mention Close Call wouldn't be performing at its best because she'd be taking that much more damage.
    I'd also thought about Fury 3 or 4, but I felt their level of burn was just a bit too much for the gain. Not only does Atk/Spd Push 4 have higher Atk and Spd, but it also has less self-burn than Fury 3. And while Atk/Spd Push 4 doesn't directly give defensive bulk like Fury 3 and 4 do, the higher Spd pairs with Close Call to help defend better against foes with high levels of Spd. Another one I thought about was Fort. Def/Res 3, but losing 2 Atk with no way to get any back without assistance would ruin her offensive presence; if she's going to have Spd, it's not going to be used in a purely defensive manner. And I could go with Swordbreaker, but where does that leave her against Lances?
    While she shouldn't be in combat — at least, not often — she should be able to perform well in any combat she's put into. While they shouldn't be one-man/woman-armies, it's of my opinion that Support units should be able to cover more bases if they don't outright lose anything in the process, because it means you can better optimize their teammates because you don't have to make up for their shortcomings as badly. Sort of like...Edelgard, for example. She's capable of dealing with a wide range of melee units independently from her allies; with melee units accounted for, you can focus less on them and more on dealing with ranged units, or perhaps on buffing or healing Edelgard and the rest of the team.

    Anyhow, examples aside...this specific build with Brave!Lucina focuses on 3 things: maximizing the effectiveness of her Geirskogul's Drive buffs (which is why I did Close and Distant Guard, as opposed to something like dual Wave skills that could be Panic'd), maximizing her effectiveness as a dragonkiller (which, again, is the reason I didn't want TA or Fort. Def/Res in it), and maximizing her physical bulk without sacrificing her offensive potential (which is why I went with Close Call, as opposed to a more common skill).
    I do like your ideas, though. Do you have any more? If you have any more thoughts, I'd appreciate them.

  19. So I've got a random idea for a Brave!Lucina build, but want to know if it's her optimal build as a Support unit. Also, I'm going to be treating her as +10 merges and +10 dragonflowers with an S-Rank Summoner Support for this.

    Weapon: Geirskogul (+Eff)
    Assist: Reciprocal Aid or Reposition (the former to help heal up due to Atk/Spd Push 4's self-burn)
    Special: Ruptured Sky (or Glimmer as a cheaper option)
    A Passive: Atk/Spd Push 4
    B Passive: Close Call 3
    C Passive: Close Guard 3
    Sacred Seal: Distant Guard 3


    1) Geirskogul combined with Close and Distant Guard gives the following to allies within 2 spaces: Def/Res+4 during PP; Atk/Spd/Def/Res +3/3/7/7 and Special charge during EP.

    2) Geirskogul's dragon effectiveness, Ruptured Sky's increased damage against dragons and beasts, Atk/Spd Push 4's Atk/Spd buff (putting her at 65/51 Atk/Spd), and Close Call's damage mitigation make her an effective dragon-killer (and if she needs a heal, she can use Reciprocal Aid or have a Healer do it for her).

    3) Atk/Spd Push 4's Spd buff makes Close Call a lot more effective. My +Def Brave!Lucina (who is really close to +10+10 so I'll just count her as such for this discussion like I said at the start) will be able to go up to 51 Spd with this build, making Close Call most effective when facing opponents at 41 or less Spd. Anyone with a +Spd Brave!Lucina can go up to 54 Spd instead.

    4) Ruptured Sky and Close Call actually have some hidden synergy with each other. In order to get past the damage reduction, you need more Atk; meanwhile, Ruptured Sky does more damage when the foe has higher Atk. In other words, any melee unit capable of dealing real damage to her will take that much more punishment from Ruptured Sky if they fail to kill her.

    5) Having 42 Def (if you choose to have her go +Def like I did) makes Close Call really effective as a defense against physical units. Let's go with the highest unmerged Atk on the board...say she goes against a +Atk Winter!Ephraim, and he has 71 Atk due to his weapon and Passives (he could go higher, but I'm just focusing on his own power at the moment). Let's say he also has Dragon Fang fully charged at the start, dealing 35 extra damage on activation (pretty much treating him like he has 106 Atk for one attack). With Close Call, he'll deal 38 damage (106 - 42, then x 6/10 due to Close Call, = 38.4 rounding down to 38), and his second attack (because of Bold Fighter) will deal 17 damage (71 - 42, then x 6/10, = 17.4 rounding down to 17). He's just able to kill her, dealing 55 damage exactly....if she doesn't attack back first.
    Let's follow the rules and let her counterattack after his first attack (because Ephraim here doesn't have Daring Fighter, nor the Spd to make that skill trigger anyhow), and also has Ruptured Sky fully charged at the start. She has 65 Atk due to Atk/Spd Push 4. Ephraim's 71 Atk works against him, giving her a burst of 28 damage (2/5 of 71 is 28.4, rounding down to 28). For what looks like her only attack before dying, she has an effective Atk of 99. He has 46 Def (natural 36, +10 from his weapon and A), and 45 HP. He takes 53 damage, dying before he can kill her. So instead of killing her, he leaves her with 17 HP.
    This is from a support build, just letting you know. While it's offensive support, it's still support...and while she's facing off against an unmerged unit here, this unmerged unit has the highest natural Atk from any unit in the game without inheritance and should be able to have no problem dueling pretty much any unit regardless of merges. Yet she out-duels him.

    I realize there are a lot of weaknesses with this build, the most obvious being the lack of DC and having no real way to deal with mages. Any dragons that somehow live her attacks (although unlikely) can also deal a lot of damage to her due to her sub-optimal Res. But as a support build, I think this could be considered her strongest one so far. But I'd like to get your guys' feedback on it before I go through with hunting for the couple skills I have yet to get on her, to see if it's truly worth it.


    I'm so sorry for the caps, but that song has me screaming like a fangirl every time I listen to it. It was such a huge part of my first Three Houses playthrough (Blue Lions represent!), and hearing it as the final map theme for Sothis (even as a Winter skin)...man, it's just so satisfying!

    Anyhow, I'm definitely grinding up for Distant Guard. I've almost +10'd my Brave!Lucina, and I've already given her both Close Guard and Distant Guard (among other skills...soooo many other skills). Getting that will be a breeze, especially because the final map is balls easy this time around.

  21. So I just wanted to come here to say that Lu Bu came out with a build idea that's really broken. I used it, and oh gods it's amazing.

    First, you need Byleth. Male or female is fine, but male may be preferred because he doesn't need to inherit Distant Counter. Next, have them inherit DC (female only, like I said), Miracle, and Mystic Boost, and give them either Heavy Blade or Flashing Blade in their Seal slot. With Miracle at 4 cooldown, and HB/FB's ability to charge their special by 2 each attack, all that's needed to get Miracle ready is 2 attacks. When Miracle triggers from the opponent's attack (and most of the time it will be attack, not attacks, because of her high Spd and Creator Sword's NFU effect), she can charge it back to full again in 2 attacks. And again, because of her high Spd she'll most likely be doing so. After combat, Mystic Boost will heal her for 6 HP, and if Miracle's fully charged at the time then the next attack she takes will trigger Miracle, yadda-yadda, the cycle continues.

    You can indeed make any decent unit with a Killer/Slaying weapon effect (exclusive or not) work with this. The Byleths, however, happen to work a lot better because of the effects Creator Sword has built into it, as well as having their own above-average BST.

    Yes, there are several weaknesses. It's broken, but not game-breaking. Brave weapons (especially Brave Lances and especially Dire Thunder) are her worst enemies, since their inherent doubling ability can make Miracle useless. The opponent can have a higher Atk and/or Spd than her, preventing her from fully charging Miracle before she dies (although this isn't really a problem if you have a Brave!Lucina with her refined Geirskogul on the team). Firesweep users, especially with NCD, can prevent her from counterattacking and therefore slow down her own charging of Miracle. Burn damage from Pain+ and Savage Blow can force her to 1 HP, making Miracle useless.

    Still, with pretty much everything else they have no problem. I took my unmerged F-Byleth to Abyssal Xander a few hours ago and she solo'd him. I realize he's not insanely difficult to deal with, but I'm talking about soloing an Abyssal map with an unmerged unit. She has a Spd bane and I still solo'd him.

    Thought I'd get that off my chest here, since this is the right place to put it in and I didn't think it should've had its own topic.

  22. Another update~ Last one was on August 7 (around a quarter from the top of page 67). Note still that all assets and flaws will be marked as such.


    Level 40: 107
    Default!Lissa +9-7 (46 HP, 32 Atk, 29 Spd, 32 Def, 37 Res) (Was +6-5 Level 40)
    Brave!Lucina +7-10 (46 HP, 41 Atk, 43 Spd, 38 Def, 25 Res) (Was +4-8 Level 40)
    Default!Lucina +4-0 (45 HP, 36 Atk, 38 Spd, 30 Def, 20 Res)
    Selena +2-2 (39 HP, 30 Atk, 37 Spd, 33 Def, 28 Res)
    Sword!Reinhardt +2-3 (42 HP, 37 Atk, 28 Spd, 32 Def, 28 Res) (Was +2-0 Level 40)
    Default!Leo +2-0 (43 HP, 30 Atk, 22 Spd, 26 Def, 31 Res)

    Naga +2-5 (39 HP, 35 Atk, 38 Spd, 35 Def, 27 Res) (Was +0+0 Level 40)
    Default!Roy +1-0 (45 HP, 28 Atk, 31 Spd, 28 Def, 31 Res)
    Marth!Lucina +1-0 (45 HP, 35 Atk, 38 Spd, 25 Def, 19 Res)
    Default!Laegjarn +1-0 (42 HP, 32 Atk, 37 Spd, 36 Def, 20 Res)
    Default!Lilina +1-0 (36 HP, 41 Atk, 25 Spd, 19 Def, 31 Res) (New, previous had one with HP boon)
    Horse!Eirika +1-0 (38 HP, 32 Atk, 37 Spd, 20 Def, 22 Res) (New)

    Kjelle +1-4 (49 HP, 46 Atk, 22 Spd, 38 Def, 29 Res) (Was +0-1 Level 40)
    Fallen!Berkut +1-0 (41 HP, 39 Atk, 17 Spd, 36 Def, 30 Res) (New, previous had one with Res boon)
    Default!Ninian +1-0 (43 HP, 28 Atk, 34 Spd, 23 Def, 27 Res) (Was +0-0 Level 40)

    Legendary!Tiki +1-0 (46 HP, 38 Atk, 35 Spd, 37 Def, 29 Res)
    Default!Linde +1-0 (36 HP, 35 Atk, 37 Spd, 18 Def, 27 Res)
    Default!Reinhardt +1-0 (39 HP, 36 Atk, 23 Spd, 27 Def, 25 Res) (New)

    Legendary!Lyn +1-0 (37 HP, 35 Atk, 36 Spd, 21 Def, 37 Res)
    Summer!Elise +1-0 (38 HP, 37 Atk, 34 Spd, 18 Def, 25 Res)
    Fallen!Takumi +1-0 (39 HP, 32 Atk, 36 Spd, 25 Def, 24 Res)
    Halloween!Jakob +1-0 (43 HP, 35 Atk, 23 Spd, 34 Def, 35 Res) New, previous had one with Spd boon)
    Default!Elise +1-0 (31 HP, 32 Atk, 32 Spd, 19 Def, 36 Res)
    Default!Alfonse (43 HP, 35 Atk, 25 Spd, 32 Def, 22 Res)
    Legendary!Marth (43 HP31 Atk, 36 Spd, 32 Def, 21 Res)
    Default!Alm (45 HP, 36 Atk, 30 Spd, 27 Def, 22 Res)
    Gray (43 HP, 38 Atk, 32 Spd, 27 Def, 22 Res)
    Lene (32 HP, 28 Atk, 35 Spd, 27 Def, 28 Res)
    Default!Mia (34 HP, 32 Atk, 40 Spd, 28 Def, 29 Res) (New)
    Legendary!Ike (41 HP, 36 Atk, 30 Spd, 32 Def24 Res)
    Default!Chrom (50 HP, 37 Atk, 25 Spd, 28 Def, 17 Res)
    Default!Ryoma (37 HP, 36 Atk, 38 Spd, 27 Def, 21 Res)
    F-Byleth (40 HP, 37 Atk37 Spd, 33 Def, 21 Res) (New)
    Black Knight (48 HP, 34 Atk, 34 Spd, 35 Def, 18 Res)
    Sigurd (41 HP, 35 Atk, 35 Spd31 Def, 17 Res)
    Eldigan (45 HP, 32 Atk, 24 Spd, 34 Def, 19 Res)
    Default!Xander (44 HP, 32 Atk, 24 Spd, 37 Def, 17 Res) (New)
    Default!Elincia (39 HP, 34 Atk, 36 Spd, 24 Def, 24 Res) (New)

    Default!Y-Tiki (41 HP, 31 Atk, 27 Spd35 Def, 29 Res)
    Nah (44 HP, 34 Atk, 25 Spd, 38 Def, 32 Res)
    Garon (43 HP, 33 Atk, 22 Spd, 33 Def, 32 Res)
    Default!Flora (38 HP, 34 Atk, 23 Spd, 18 Def, 38 Res)
    Julius (38 HP, 35 Atk, 27 Spd, 16 Def, 35 Res) (New)
    M-Morgan (34 HP, 36 Atk, 34 Spd, 20 Def, 26 Res) (New)

    Summer!Tana (35 HP, 33 Atk, 39 Spd, 20 Def, 22 Res)
    Halloween!Nowi (34 HP, 37 Atk, 32 Spd, 17 Def, 27 Res)

    Default!Sharena (43 HP, 32 Atk, 32 Spd, 29 Def, 22 Res)
    Default!Fjorm (39 HP, 30 Atk, 31 Spd, 30 Def, 34 Res)
    Default!Lukas (45 HP, 38 Atk19 Spd, 38 Def, 17 Res)
    Default!Azura (36 HP, 31 Atk, 36 Spd18 Def, 28 Res)
    Oboro (43 HP29 Atk, 26 Spd, 35 Def, 24 Res)
    Shiro (41 HP, 32 Atk33 Spd, 35 Def, 22 Res)
    Legendary!Ephraim (43 HP, 33 Atk, 27 Spd, 33 Def, 21 Res)
    Default!Catria (35 HP, 31 Atk, 34 Spd, 29 Def, 29 Res) (Was Level 1)
    Clair (37 HP, 26 Atk, 39 Spd21 Def, 33 Res) (New)

    Default!Tana (40 HP, 34 Atk, 36 Spd, 25 Def, 22 Res)
    Default!Hinoka (41 HP, 38 Atk, 32 Spd, 22 Def, 24 Res)
    Adrift!M-Corrin (39 HP38 Atk, 35 Spd, 31 Def, 24 Res)
    Legendary!Lucina (33 HP, 34 Atk, 38 Spd, 25 Def, 20 Res)
    Mae (39 HP33 Atk, 31 Spd, 16 Def, 30 Res)
    Default!Delthea (33 HP, 39 Atk31 Spd, 13 Def, 31 Res)
    Fallen!Delthea (41 HP, 36 Atk, 33 Spd, 19 Def, 28 Res)
    Rinea (38 HP, 30 Atk, 33 Spd, 23 Def, 28 Res) (New)
    Ishtar (38 HP, 31 Atk39 Spd, 17 Def, 26 Res)
    Default!Micaiah (25 HP, 38 Atk24 Spd, 18 Def, 35 Res)
    Default!M-Robin (40 HP, 29 Atk, 29 Spd, 32 Def19 Res)
    Odin (43 HP, 25 Atk, 32 Spd, 22 Def, 25 Res)
    Performing!Shigure (38 HP, 31 Atk, 29 Spd, 21 Def, 21 Res)
    Peony (38 HP, 31 Atk, 36 Spd, 16 Def, 24 Res) (New)

    Default!Anna (41 HP, 29 Atk, 38 Spd, 22 Def, 28 Res)
    Summer!Ylgr (42 HP, 35 Atk, 36 Spd, 30 Def, 25 Res)
    Bartre (49 HP, 36 Atk, 29 Spd, 33 Def, 10 Res)
    Brave!Ike (43 HP, 36 Atk, 28 Spd, 35 Def, 20 Res) (New)
    Spring!Chrom (43 HP, 35 Atk, 35 Spd, 28 Def, 17 Res)
    Performing!Azura (35 HP, 32 Atk, 37 Spd, 20 Def, 24 Res)
    Brave!Ephraim (43 HP41 Atk, 27 Spd, 37 Def, 26 Res)
    Minerva (40 HP, 28 Atk, 33 Spd, 32 Def, 25 Res)
    NY!Azura (37 HP, 30 Atk, 35 Spd, 25 Def22 Res)
    Default!Camilla (41 HP, 30 Atk, 32 Spd, 24 Def, 31 Res)
    Boey (40 HP, 32 Atk, 27 Spd, 32 Def, 18 Res) (Was Level 1)
    Lewyn (38 HP, 37 Atk, 37 Spd, 13 Def, 25 Def)
    Deirdre (36 HP, 33 Atk, 24 Spd, 16 Def, 38 Res)
    Default!Nino (33 HP, 36 Atk, 36 Spd, 16 Def, 26 Res)
    Default!Soren (33 HP, 33 Atk, 33 Spd, 17 Def, 32 Res)
    Performing!Inigo (40 HP, 28 Atk, 30 Spd, 22 Def, 20 Res)
    Halloween!Henry (36 HP, 36 Atk31 Spd, 26 Def, 36 Res)
    Default!Gunnthra (37 HP, 31 Atk, 33 Spd, 22 Def25 Res)
    Flying!Nino (36 HP, 30 Atk41 Spd, 17 Def, 25 Res)
    Legendary!Micaiah (36 HP, 37 Atk, 28 Spd, 17 Def, 37 Res) (New)

    Velouria (36 HP, 38 Atk, 37 Spd, 33 Def, 23 Res)
    Caineghis (47 HP, 37 Atk, 23 Spd, 37 Def, 30 Res) (New)
    Leanne (36 HP, 27 Atk, 37 Spd, 12 Def, 37 Res)
    Clarisse (37 HP, 31 Atk, 34 Spd, 25 Def, 20 Res)
    Default!Innes (35 HP, 33 Atk, 34 Spd, 11 Def, 34 Res)
    Bride!Cordelia (36 HP, 38 Atk, 35 Spd, 19 Def, 19 Res)
    Summer!Gaius (37 HP, 30 Atk, 37 Spd, 19 Def, 24 Res)
    NY!Corrin (37 HP, 32 Atk, 30 Spd, 34 Def, 18 Res)
    Brave!Lyn (35 HP, 33 Atk, 35 Spd, 18 Def, 28 Res)
    Kinshi!Hinoka (37 HP, 35 Atk, 32 Spd, 17 Def, 29 Res)
    Default!Felicia (34 HP, 23 Atk, 40 Spd, 15 Def, 35 Res)
    Default!Jakob (39 HP, 32 Atk, 27 Spd, 25 Def, 24 Spd)
    Default!Kagero (28 HP, 35 Atk, 35 Spd, 22 Def, 28 Res) (New)
    Kronya (44 HP, 31 Atk, 39 Spd, 22 Def, 26 Res)
    Eir (32 HP, 32 Atk, 40 Spd, 14 Def, 31 Res)
    Default!Genny (32 HP, 35 Atk, 29 Spd, 18 Def, 34 Res)
    Veronica (36 HP, 32 Atk, 36 Spd, 21 Def, 19 Res)
    Bride!Fjorm (47 HP33 Atk, 34 Spd, 17 Def, 23 Res) (New)

    Level <40: 0

    Level 1: 4
    Default!Flora (16 HP, 8 Atk, 6 Spd, 6 Def9 Res) (New)
    Mordecai (19 HP, 10 Atk, 5 Spd, 12 Def, 6 Res) (New)
    Default!Jaffar (17 HP, 7 Atk, 9 Spd, 6 Def, 5 Res) (New)
    Summer!Linde (16 HP, 8 Atk, 9 Spd, 2 Def, 8 Res


  23. While I'm here, I might as well put down an idea I've had for a few days.


    Fallen!Rinea ("Evil" Queen, not Berkut's Witch)
    Description: Berkut's beloved wife and Queen of the Rigellian Empire. Cold and harsh to those potentially dangerous to her husband, she promises death to any who speak against him and his ideals. She is, however, shown to calm easily when in earshot of music or King Berkut himself. Appears in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
    Unit Type: Red Infantry Mage

    Weapon: Funeral of Flowers
    Exclusivity: Exclusive to Fallen!Rinea
    Might and Effect: 14 Might. Def+3. Effective against flying foes. Grants the following status effect to adjacent Lance allies during combat: "Gives Atk+20% if weapon triangle advantage, Atk-20% if disadvantage".
    Refine Effect: None
    Visual Effect: A twister of red petals surrounds the foe from the ground. The petals then explode before scattering and disintegrating with an ash-like effect (where it looks like the petals are burning up).
    Assist: None
    Special: Flash Flame
    Exclusivity: Anyone
    Cooldown and Effect: 3 Cooldown. Boosts damage dealt by 30% of unit's combined Spd and Def.
    A Passive: Elegance Shattered
    Exclusivity: Exclusive to Fallen!Rinea
    Effect: If unit initiates combat while adjacent to a Cavalry ally whose Atk > unit's Atk+1, inflicts penalty to foe's Res = 50% the difference during combat.
    B Passive: Lull Spd/Res 3
    Exclusivity: Infantry and Cavalry only
    Effect: Inflicts Spd/Def-3 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
    C Passive: None

    HP: 40/43/47
    Atk: 29(43)/32(46)/35(49)
    Spd: 32/36/39
    Def: 29(32)/32(38)/36(40)
    Res: 24/27/30
    Superboon(s): HP, Def
    Superbane(s): Spd
    Neutral BST: 170 (176 with weapon)

    Summon Greeting: "If by any chance you see my husband, King Berkut of Rigel, please do send him my way. He and I must discuss...matters of importance."

    Castle Quotes:
    Quote 1: "A country led, either by authority or logistics, is a country felled if those leading are not given proper time to rest. Come, let us walk a spell."
    Quote 2: "This castle reminds me of my late...Uncle-In-Law's castle. Wide halls, warm atmosphere, and beautiful music...."
    Quote 3: "Marianne? I do not know the name, nor of whom the identity belongs to. Still, it pleases me to be mistaken for one with such a beautiful name."
    Quote 4: "You would do well, [Cookie Mom], to not utter the name "Alm" in front of myself or my husband. The name does not bring back pleasant memories."
    Quote 5: "'To achieve victory, you have to give a price.' Even if what I fight for is in vain, I will scatter everything into ash for my King."
    5* Level 40 Greeting: "Summoner...no, [Cookie Mom], I wish to discuss with you a matter of...of great importance. You see, I...*sigh*, I must apologize for my attitude toward you. My husband and I come from a land where the price of living is, most of the time, of much difficulty to pay. I do not pretend that it has not taken its toll on myself, especially when combined with the task of protecting my dear husband and King from those who do not wish for him to remain on the throne. I was not as...harsh before, as I have been with you. I shall henceforth see to it that you are not harmed, and if you so desire to I shall allow you to escort me back to my husband when all is said and done. Just think! Music and fine dining, and...ahem, yes, well...I thank you for this talk, [Cookie Mom]."

    Level Up Quotes:
    0-1 Stats: "Begone with this foulness! I do not wish to be seen in front of my King in such an unsightly manner!"
    2-3 Stats: "It is the nature of a Queen to grow, as it is the nature of a kingdom to rise. To do otherwise would dishonor my King Berkut."
    4-5 Stats: "All for my King...ALL FOR MY KING!"
    New Skill: "I shall use your tools to light your enemies' funeral pyre."
    Merge: "All for the glory of King Berkut!"

    Battlefield Quotes:
    "Bloom and scatter!"
    "For my King!"
    "I promise you oblivion!"
    "Be cleansed with the petals!"
    "Dance to the song of ash!"

    (I'll work on it more later lol)


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