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Status Updates posted by sunshineYON

  1. What's MSC? I'm into Pokemon and Kirby as well. I haven't played Pearl or Diamond yet though... I'm also into Zelda, Tales series, Smash Bros and Chrono Trigger.

  2. Good, good...

    I've recently picked up Advance Wars. Don't know if you played it or not, but its ALOT of fun.

  3. wtf blazing soul, adel nor liza is popping up on google! What is happening!!

  4. omg random username

  5. I did, I just never got around asking. I'm assuming you made it? What program did you use?

  6. hey sweet sig. What are the characters on it?

  7. How's Raven doing?

  8. What kind of games are you into? Other then FE <_<

  9. Heh, I guess I'm a bad friend. We should totally have one right now. ^_^

  10. Hey welcome back.

  11. That sig of yours is kinda tight.

  12. Happy birthday! Enjoy it now.

  13. Hey, enjoy your birthday, K?

  14. I regret keeping my gender switch for so long. I just wanted to see what would happen and some people really got confused...

  15. hehehe

    I see your doing the gender switcharoo ^_^

    It throws off a lot of new users.

  16. If you ever decide to change it to FLCL, you will be one of my favorite persons. ^_^

  17. holy crap O_O

    I try not to watch multiple series at the same time because there will always be one that tends to push the others away.

  18. Are you watching anything at the moment? I recently picked up Chobits. I like the comedy, but its getting real intense drama wise.

  19. omg

    Its a challenge just trying to figure out who you are all the time XD

  20. wow, you've seen everything.

    Yeah, Welcome to the NHK is my favorite series. :D

  21. hello, didn't recognize you for a sec because of the avatar XD

  22. What happened to FLCL? I mean FEFL...

    kidding, name changes are fun :D

  23. Just checking if good old knifey's back or not.

  24. Welcome to the NHK

    by the way, you can check past comments by clicking on the comments tab.

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