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Everything posted by TheRealMLP

  1. female build 2 faec 2 hair 12 hair color 2 (cuz i'm a redhead) none facial feature 9 expression:angry blush off sweat off ;)
  2. 1. I think she is the same but feels different because the tone and atmosphere is different. Hope that makes sense. 2. I didn't know anything about the game before I worked on it! 3. I know Cam Clarke and Matt Mercer but I'm not sure who else worked on it...
  3. haha! well fav veg changes but right now - green beans I don't pick sides ;) I don't, but my guess is a jasmine green tea... And I'm drinking tea right now! All of Lamb was written before hand but we collectively changed some words here and there if something didn't sound right. and it was a blast getting to work with Matt!
  4. I have not connected with her! She has a beautiful voice... they definitely did a good job in casting her! And indeed, I did not know what I was getting myself into ;P
  5. I don't know that musical! And i love musicals so this is crazy. I do think Scarlet could sing. I imagine her as a lullaby singer for some reason lol
  6. I had no idea what LOL was before I voiced Kindred. Kindred was just being developed and they're were a lot of kinks they were still finding out about her/him so it was great to explore and create Kindred with them. I don't have a favorite video game. But I would probably create a game in a medieval type fantasy world with witches and warlocks and fairies and mermaids, but hey would not be your typical fantasy creatures. Maybe it would be a very dark game. But the plot would be driven by mystery. I've always thought it would be a cool video game to redo the Grimm stories but super real and dark and for adults. And thank you!!
  7. I'm a big Anais Nin fan. Joan Didion, I like Dan Brown too. And not to give into the actor stereotype but... Shakespeare. The dude was a genius. I highly recommend reading and trying to figure out shakespeare. If you like word play and adventure and mystery and life, do it...
  8. Once and awhile we get toward together but mostly we see each other at auditions or in between sessions. I did however get to work with Matt Mercer in the same booth for LOL. That was great. I love puns! and cheesy jokes are the best... my jokes are terrible, but I laugh at myself all the time!
  9. Hi! I don't really like discussing money as it is just a tricky and touchy subject :/ All I'll say is we don't get paid anything close to on camera work.
  10. Wow! Great questions! OK i'll try to answer them all. -A few of them work in coding and developing, one friend is int he art department, another in language translation, and another in producing. I'm a performer, as much as I love and can appreciate other aspects, my passion and usefulness is in acting. Though I can definitely see myself directing, which I would love to do someday. And I think there needs to be more women directors to there. -I have voiced boys before! I love it! When I was a kid in school I was always cast in the male roles and I really enjoyed it. When I was younger I was very much a tomboy so I guess the teachers saw me more as a boy lol. I love voicing kids, it can be a challenge sometimes and I love it when my job is not easy. -I studied spanish for many years and speak it very well but don't consider myself fluent. I can speak some french and a little hebrew and I'm learning portuguese. I think one of my strengths with voice acting is accents and dialects, When i was a kid I would constantly be pretending I was from somewhere else. Actually... a random hobby/talent of mine is faking languages. This is where I have so much fun with what I do and where I entertain myself. And I've voiced an entire game in another makeup language before! I voiced the female N'avi (spelling?) character in the Avatar video game which was a made up language. It wasn't easy but was a lot of fun. I LOVE language and would love the opportunity to voice a character in a different language or another fantasy language. -Depending on what the issue is, project is, message they're promoting etc. I would turn it down. There are so many things in the world that offend and hurt people, I don't want to contribute to it. -hard question. I love both. Villains are really fun though ;) -I'm a very spiritual person but not religious -Chocolate. Good movie. Nap. -Depends on the location of the home. whether it's on the city or country. So depending... Porch with a swing, beautiful garden (maybe rooftop garden), hidden rooms, attic room, fireplace, balcony, large windows... The Dream
  11. Well thank you very much for having me!! There are a few different cons that my friends go to that I would love to be a part of ... But I can't remember the names!! Honestly, I'll go wherever anyone wants me! I love to travel and I love to talk about my work with others who have the same passion. I think it's great that we now have this chance to connect with our audience.. Getting the response from the fans and talking to all of you! I mean hearing how you brought someones favorite character to life or that they love to play the game as you because of the work you did... isn't being appreciated for what we do the best feeing ever? so thank you
  12. I love my job! and it is great to socialize with other voice actors but we do get to socialize every once and awhile and auditions we see everyone. It doesn't bug me much. I go on 1 big trip a year and then try to travel as often as I can in between. I backpacked through India for 2 1/2 months. Various trips to different parts of Europe, Israel, Nicaragua, UK... I'm hoping that I can start doing cons in different parts of the world to meet fans and talk with people about games. Which would be a great combination of my 2 loves. If you know of any cons that you'd like to see me at, let me know :)
  13. I think on behalf of voice actors I can say that work is work si work is work. We are always so appreciative when we get work, that we are lucky enough to be getting work, for people to be hiring us. So no matter what the size of the role is we get to be involved, period. And as my mother always told me "There are no small roles, only small actors".
  14. Thank you! Depending on the game and how far into development they are we do see a picture. I remember for LOL they only had an idea of what they wanted but were looking for us ad the VA's to inspire them to create the image. After our First session, they drew up a couple (highly confidential) images that we could get an idea of. They were beautiful. I think I got tot see Scarlet and Corrin as they were characters that were already created. It definitely helps! Getting that visual can really help you. It's the same for on camera acting as well. Sometimes once you're in hair and makeup and wardrobe, the character comes to you instantly.
  15. I love an underdog. So maybe someone who is socially awkward, quiet or shy. Had a troubled childhood or incident that really stuck with him/her. No one expects anything from them but out of no where when someone needs help, they're there. They're stubborn to a fault and all though others don't understand them, others respect and care for them. hobbies? probably something like carving figurines out of wood. I would LOVE to return to Fates!! good question! Depending on the character, maybe. It would be quite fun!
  16. -I have not played! -I didn't get to directly work with anyone for Fates, as I was in the recording booth alone. Btu I've worked with Cam Clarke a lot (who has known and worked with my parents for decades lol) and Matt Mercer and I have worked on LOL together. Both those guys are stand up gentlemen and lovely to work with :) -Hmmm... Canada, I guess, and Sweden. Is that what you were asking?
  17. Ah gotcha. I wonder why they cut things for the same game. It doesn't seem like it's anything serious to cut either. well thank you, I'm glad you approve ;)
  18. Ok that sounds super great. I love mysteries too. I think it would be a good starting off point for me and games.
  19. I haven't! I'm getting such great suggestions for games... that one is going on the list :)
  20. Nope it totally changes in the project. The client or company will book the recording studio and then the actors and director will go to where they book. You do end up working at a lot of the same studios over and over so you get familiar with the engineers and people who work at those studios. If an voice actor is out of town or unavailable for "local hire" the client will then book a studio for them wherever they are and they will do a phone patch for the session. Meaning the client and director will be somewhere else hearing the the actor and communicating through the speaker phone... That happens a lot as well if the say the client is out of town (which happens a lot). I've worked on games where the client is in Japan and they are patched through from Japan listening in on the session!
  21. Yes it did! Although i don't play games I do spend hours getting lost on the internet looking up different characters and voices and going down the wormhole lol. When I told my friends I was working on Fire Emblem they were very impressed and made me more interested in the project.
  22. I actually don't know what families there are in the game :( Hmm, How do I stay confident... I guess hearing that the client likes what you're doing is great help. As long as I know I'm giving them what they want, then that makes me really happy. If I impress myself that's always a plus. I know that might sound weird. But you are your worst critic. So if I'm surprising myself with a How I read a certain line or the clarity of my voice etc, then if I'm not getting anything from the client, at least i'm impressing me.
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