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Everything posted by IfIHadToPickADude

  1. I prefer Shakespearean names because they sounds cool and pretty. Examples include: Ophelia, Ariel, Macbeth, Benvolio, Mercutio, Romeo, and Juliet.
  2. He don't need no proper house, he eats spinach! Whoa there buckaroo, did you just try illegally downloading this version of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones?
  3. Didn't the Nazis give their pilots a double barrel shotgun that was an over-and-under? I may be wrong on that though. As for specifically rifles, I don't think so? Am I playing too much COD:WWII?
  4. My dude Karimlan knows his stuff! Anyway, Shadow Mir's looks like a character from a generic rip-off of Sailor Moon. Sorry if I insulted your favorite series.
  5. The Greeks, since they're a constant inevitability of life. How the heck did you manage to kick that sword out of his hand, into the garbage, tip the garbage can over, light the whole house on fire, and then down a Boeing 747 all in one motion?
  6. Looks like a fan made character for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
  7. Serenes Forest comes from Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn. I think it was a forest that the Beorc (basic humans) burned down or something like that. Whoa, did you just get meme'd on?
  8. 1. Favorite Middle Eastern Country? 2. Least favorite shade of green? 3. Do you read any fanfiction? If so, can you give some examples? 4. If you were able to bend reality, what be one thing that you would do just for kicks (it can be on a global scale, or smaller)? 5. Thoughts on the SCP Foundation?
  9. 'Til Nintendo releases another Golden Sun game. Also known as "'Til the End of Time." How can something sound like memories, and why does Drugstore Perfume by Gerard Way (actually, pretty much anything off of Hesitant Alien) a perfect example of it? Here's the song so you can listen to it:
  10. The rotting corpse of 9. Get it? 'Cause 7 8 9! Answer after I got ninja'd: Because you don't use dye. Why did 7 8 9?
  11. Yay! A fellow Danganronpa fan! 1.) Favorite/Least favorite Danganronpa character? 2.) Favorite/least favorite Chapter? 3.) Favorite Danganronpa cast? 4.) If you could save one (1) character from their fate, who would it be and why? 5.) Are you interested in any of the fan projects, like Kill Cure, Re:Birth, Super Danganronpa Another 2? I'm sorry for barraging you with Danganronpa questions I just love the series.
  12. Idiocy. If I'm not sick but I'm not well, then what am I?
  13. 1.) How's your day going? 2.) You gonna stay conservative on the 5 question limit, or are you gonna change it? 3.) Favorite character archetype? 4.) Favorite trope? 5.) Do you read books? If so, what are your favorites?
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