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Everything posted by IfIHadToPickADude

  1. A test. Cheating on a person is just horrible. WYR be Tom the cat, or Jerry the mouse?
  2. S Supports with no children. Woah, there buddy, are ya really gonna let a guy fall to his doom? Help the guy up off the cliff!
  3. 1. How's your day going? 2. Favorite food? 3. Favorite Northern African country? 4. Out of all of the leaders in history (includes leaders of countries, religions, and movements) who would be in the middle? 5. Do you associate the months of the year with colors? If so, what colors do you associate with each month?
  4. Here's an even better question: Why does Hell have a Prime Minister?
  5. PErCaBeTh* You got the symbols wrong my dude. Also hey! Look at that! It spells Percabeth! Conspiracy theorists. Where are we going with this ham and swiss cheese sandwich? And why am I in an armored truck?
  6. I would die a deadly death that is absolutely fatal. What was that for?
  7. 154 C'mon guys, I don't want to be the only one whose keeping track of what number we're actually at! It's hard work!
  8. Magic~ Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
  9. Yeah, given my current progress, I don't think I can push a story out in a few hours. Damnit, and I thought I could do it this round. Oh well, I got next round. Might as well read all of these entries!
  10. Wow. I'm impressed. I have no question after this. Nothing can top this. ALRIGHT EVERYBODY, TIME TO PACK IT UP! WE'RE DONE HERE! How do you ask a question?
  11. If you've been to a theatre performance with dudes, then you've seen men wear make up. Actually, pretty much anything that requires them to look their best. It just is mostly just concealer though.
  12. Outfits that look somewhat cool and fashionable. And variety is the spice of life you know! I have worn fashion boots before and they're pretty fun to wear. Also fishnets look pretty cool on most people. I would love to try on a skirt or dress though.
  13. Do you not celebrate Halloween were you live? I'm pretty sure Halloween is a worldwide holiday, as far as I know.
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