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Everything posted by The_antithesis

  1. Sounds cool, I'll have a go! Here's all the elements turned into spell cards! Hydrogen Sign: "The Beginning" Helium Sign: "Rising Alpha" Lithium Sign: "Charging Energy" Beryllium Sign: "Poison Emerald" Boron Sign: "Frozen Crystal" Carbon Sign: "Living Diamond" Nitrogen Sign: "Air Pressure" Oxygen Sign: "Burning Breath" Fluorine Sign: "Salt-Making Thief" Neon Sign: "Colour of the Night" Sodium Sign: "Nervous Salt" Magnesium Sign: "Brightest Flame" Aluminium Sign: "Light Strength" Silicon Sign: "Valley of Intellect" Phosphorus Sign: "White Blaze of Scarlet Creation" Sulphur Sign: "Volcanic Stench" Chlorine Sign: "Gas of War" Argon Sign: "Immortal Air" Potassium Sign: "Water on Fire" Calcium Sign: "Limestone Plaque" Scandium Sign: "The First Transition" Titanium Sign: "Unbreakable Strength" Vanadium Sign: "Soft Repair" Chromium Sign: "Gemstone Rainbow" Manganese Sign: "Shattering Iron" Iron Sign: "Blades of Blood" Cobalt Sign: "Deepest Blue" Nickel Sign: "Supernova" Copper Sign: "Hot Electric Shock" Zinc Sign: "Philosopher's Wool" Gallium Sign: "Molten Metal of Temperamental Shocks" Germanium Sign: "Locked Poison of Sealed Light" Arsenic Sign: "Omnicidal Sickness" Selenium Sign: "Small Beauty" Bromine Sign: "Extinguisher of Life and Flame" Krypton Sign: "Superhero's Bane" Rubidium Sign: "Metal on Fire" Strontium Sign: "Cathode Ray Fallout" Yttrium Sign: "Rare Moon Metal" Zirconium Sign: "Taking the Heat" Niobium Sign: "Hypoallergenic Superconductor" Molybdenum Sign: "Superalloyed Steel" Technetium Sign: "Trace of Decay" Ruthenium Sign: "Hidden Strength" Rhodium Sign: "Purifying Coat" Palladium Sign: "Fuel Cell Healer" Silver Sign: "Jealous Shine" Cadmium Sign: "Energised Neutron Poison" Indium Sign: "Shining Stable Support" Tin Sign: "Foiled Again!" Antimony Sign: "Soft Theft" Tellurium Sign: "Rare Shatter" Iodine Sign: "Purple Thyroid Learner" Xenon Sign: "Sleeping Blue Lights" Caesium Sign: "Explosive Waters" Barium Sign: "Choking Getter" Lanthanum Sign: "Hybrid Anode" Cerium Sign: "Mischmetal Scintillator" Praseodymium Sign: "Joyous Green Twin" Neodymium Sign: "Attractive Pink Twin" Promethium Sign: "Fleeting Fires of Dangerous Sciences" Samarium Sign: "Heated Magnet" Europium Sign: "Earth's Reactive Whiteness" Gadolinium Sign: "Paramagnetia Ultima" Terbium Sign: "Indoor Green Glow" Dysprosium Sign: "Neutron Stealing Magnetic Follower" Holmium Sign: "Violent Swinging Magnetic Follower" Erbium Sign: "Shining Megaphone" Thulium Sign: "X-Ray Beam" Ytterbium Sign: "Final Village Child" Lutetium Sign: "Ancient Space Stone Clock" Hafnium Sign: "Shield Against the Small" Tantalum Sign: "New Spoils of War" Tungsten Sign: "Unmelting Lightbulb Shield" Rhenium Sign: "One in a Billion" Osmium Sign: "Ultimate Density" Iridium Sign: "Prophecy of Ancient Destruction" Platinum Sign: "Above Victory" Gold Sign: "Universal Value of Endless Victories" Mercury Sign: "Poisonous Measurement" Thallium Sign: "Inheritance Powder" Lead Sign: "Deathly Anger at the End of Decay" Bismuth Sign: "Fecal Cure of a Thousand Bullets" Polonium Sign: "Radiation Burst" Astatine Sign: "Nuclear Blaze" Radon Sign: "Noble Killer" Francium Sign: "Big Bang from the Electron and Nucleus" Radium Sign: "Radioluminescent Carcinogen" Actinium Sign: "Irresistible Bane of Star Signs" Thorium Sign: "Untapped Energy that Shall not Blast" Protactinium Sign: "Powerful Annoyance" Uranium Sign: "End of Nature" Neptunium Sign: "Perennial Source of Great Power" Plutonium Sign: "Power in Every Meaning" Americium Sign: "Alpha Throwing Finder of Smoke" Curium Sign: "Critical Spirit of Curious Opportunity" Berkelium Sign: "Locked Safe of Annual Loss" Californium Sign: "First Link" Einsteinium Sign: "Stellar Ashes" Fermium Sign: "Oklo's Finale" Mendelevium Sign: "The Great Table" Nobelium Sign: "Everyone's Discovery" Lawrencium Sign: "Strange Figure of Eight" Rutherfordium Sign: "Elemental Foundation" Dubnium Sign: "Collective Poverty" Seaborgium Sign: "Name of the Living" Bohrium Sign: "An Uncertain Present" Hassium Sign: "Ten Second Erasure" Meitnerium Sign: "Nuclear Fission" Darmstadtium Sign: "Industrial Heart" Roentgenium Sign: "Inner Exposure" Copperncium Sign: "Solar Gravity" Nihonium Sign: "Element of Gensokyo" Flerovium Sign: "Spontaneous Destruction" Moscovium Sign: "Eternal Winter" Livermorium Sign: "Unscientific Enigma" Tennesine Sign: "Island of Stability" Oganesson Sign: "Relative Solid" Ultimate Elemental Sign: "Neutron Star"
  2. Granted. The 3DS games are fully voice acted, at IS's expense. This makes Fire Emblem financially nonviable. I wish more minor characters were story relevant (like Joshua)
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