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Everything posted by The_antithesis

  1. Refuse. I have allergies. WWYDI you got a 1-UP in real life.
  2. >Byleth, do not use the Sword of the Creator as a fishing rod! >I need to practice using it. The fish are moving targets, and small enough to let me train with precise strikes. Those skills may save my life in battle. ~Byleth >The above rule change is hereby revoked.
  3. Sothis with full control over Byleth's body. I like the idea of being the main character. WYR fight a bear or a wolf?
  4. Take the option. WWYDI you were attacked and a tutorial textbox showed up in front of you?
  5. >Lysithea will be allowed to take dark mage exams, whether the higher-ups like it or not.
  6. >Ingrid, we all know it's you raiding the pantry. At least Raphael has the decency to ask first.# >Professor Eisner is to be reminded that the students are allowed to use the Heroes' Relics. >I'll use them when they're needed, and no earlier. ~Byleth
  7. Wonder how on Earth they got into our world, then let them in because it seems like it would be a fun conversation! WWYDI you wound up in the Officers Academy as a Golden Deer student?
  8. >The orchestra is not to stand outside the greenhouse waiting for Bernadetta and Annette to start singing so they can play backup. Although the music was very nice in the moment, the pair of them fainting into a week-long coma was not.~Seteth >On a similar note, Performing operas inspired by Bernadetta's works is not allowed without her explicit consent.~Hanneman >Ooh, "explicit consent"~Sylvain >You continue to disgust me.~Ingrid
  9. Join the Wholesome Deer WWYDI you tried to save Lysithea by marrying her to Linhardt, only for Linhardt to marry Bernadetta instead?
  10. Blue Skies and a Battle WYR pick a fight with Caspar (physical pain) or Ashe (emotional pain)?
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