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Everything posted by The_antithesis

  1. Marvel. Much less risk of dying horribly. WYR be a Disney villain or a final boss?
  2. We don't have anywhere near enough computing power for general intelligence!
  3. FIngers. Noses is way too intimate, and getting kicked every time I greet someone will hurt! If you were employed by the police, WYR deal with serious cases or minor ones?
  4. Green Ants A house dedicated to commoners who have shown exceptional talent while acting for good. The name is inspired by how ants achieve extraordinary feats of engineering, society and strength despite their small size, while doing so in the calm realms of nature. As such, all the members of this house are commoners. The main statistical gimmick with this house is that all the units are heavily specialised for certain stats and classes (as they already have some abilities trained). Crests are a rarity, though there are some "lost bloodlines" that aren't actually as lost as first thought.
  5. 1. Increase the Mt of Saggitae by 1 (so it's not just a worse Cutting Gale) 2. Make it so that the Mount/Dismount command can't be used at the start of the turn (so if you dismount, your Mov gets nerfed for 1 turn) 3. Increase Mortal Savant's class Spd from 1 to 4. Mortal Savants already have the pain of reduced Atk due to using both physical and magical attacks, don't make them also take bad Spd!
  6. Somewhat, in Dedue's paralogue. It only gets properly resolved in Dimitri and Dedue's paired ending. Basically, although Dimitri has seen the light, the people of Faerghus are still badly racist.
  7. Mana measuring device A portable metal box that can detect the presence and behaviour of magic in the area. Belongs to someone with a great interest in the laws of nature.
  8. >Felix is to refrain from using magic to power up his sword strikes. The sparks are hurting friend and foe alike.
  9. Flat Earth. At least flat Earthers don't kill children. WYR have telekinesis or telepathy?
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