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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Sephiran. The only person besides him to own my Ike was the Black Knight. And he commands the Black Knight so add that ownage and well... Not to mention he was in the most mind raping scene in the game and was a badass doing it.
  2. Sounds like you're pretty busy these days. I'm just getting into the swing of college, which is just like high school really except you can control your schedule more. So what have you been up to?

  3. Hey. Howsit goin', Song?

  4. Yeah, Tibarn tried to kill Zelgius, Dheginsea tries to kill Tibarn (if you bring 'em), and Zelgius...well he tries to kill everyone.
  5. So, you've tried to kill yourself before...emo.
  6. So I guess that makes Lyle Naesala...but that would make him Princess' dad which would in turn make him MS' dad but MS is Reyson so...he's dating his...niece? ...so wrong. And who would be Tibarn in all this?
  7. It does look nice though.
  8. I know. I just love digging through old topics. Although, being the same person doesn't help, really. Just look at all the SoraxRoxas and AschexLuke shippers. They won't care as long as they think both of you are hot.
  9. There was also this I noticed something today
  10. Yeah, someone, I think Lyle, made a list of forest pairings to be used as a reference when writing stories and of course NightmarexSongbird and FiremanxSongbird came up and then you pretty much posted the first part of your calculations to deter Fireman from accepting.
  11. No I mean how did this get brought up again?
  12. Well that'll be interesting. It might be worth reading. At any rate I'm going to sleep now. G'night.

  13. No. But it's quieted down. I think I'm gonna go to bed now. Night.

  14. No, I'm perfectly-

    *falls asleep on keyboard*zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-

    *wakes up* fine.

  15. I bet when this is all over, either you, Hika, or Serene will make a "And I am NEVER working with you people again" topic.

  16. Quarter to 1...am.

  17. No it was from FMA. The song had three different versions but only two were released. Guess which one we wanted.

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