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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. He means the fact that guys think your drawing's hot. But I'm sure you were laughing about the kendama part, right?
  2. mine was a half-joke.

  3. ...as Katara once said, "we're gonna keep trying but that is a good back-up."

  4. Oh right...need to post those. I'll get on it later, and I don't really have and ending off the top of my head. Give me a little time and I'll think up one.

  5. That's good to hear.

  6. Same old Jill.

  7. That makes sense.

  8. ...I see. How did we on to the topic of teeth?

  9. Nice pics. Do you think you could put up O'Conell's old sprite so we can see what's different? For some reason that pic of you and Lyle makes me want to either: Watch Aladdin Sing Listen to "Whole New World" Play any Legend of Zelda.
  10. Ouch. Sounds like a lot of work for teeth.

  11. Wouldn't know, I've never had 'em. I had a filling once and it made just biting down on things weird.

  12. As long as your enjoying yourself.

  13. I can imagine. I used to play recorder when I was little and it was pretty tough.

  14. Sounds good. Having any problems?

  15. I see. I just figured since there are so many different teams you two could split 'em up is all. But alternating chapters sounds fun too.

  16. Sounds interesting. Are you any good with a flute?

  17. I'll probably do it later tonight. So what's up?

  18. Well, good luck. Say do you two ever try to play together? Like splitting up the units and that sort of stuff?

  19. THAT just made my day. To answer your question I don't even know if Lucius really is gay for Raven. Lucius served Raven's family until it fell then he traveled with Raven and...wait doesn't this sound familiar? A mercenary and his feminine-looking magic using friend that may or may not be gay?
  20. I'm alright. Still haven't gotten the brawl card fixed. I think I'm just gonna make a new one later.

  21. That was a funny one for me.

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