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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Hibari


    Why is Hika trying to kill you?

  2. Spite sucks. Don't worry about it.
  3. What's up?

  4. Hibari



  5. Hibari


    True, but taking advantage of an opponent's oversight is part of success in battle. And yeah, that finishing part was a bit unnecessary on his part. I always thought Kira would just immobilize the enemy and leave or something, he didn't seem like the type to play executioner.
  6. Clemen Rogers...I see what you did there. Nice Work.
  7. Yeah, that's how I'd imagine the scene going. Where'd you find that picture. It's really good.
  8. Hibari


    I must say this. I have new respect for Kira.
  9. In other words, you plead the Fifth, huh? *Sips Sprite*
  10. Whatever you do is alright with me.
  11. Sprite. *sees no one around* I'll just leave the money hear and help myself.
  12. He means "this" as in "^this," but in his...I don't know what to call it, he typed "THIS" several times nearly destroying the meaning.
  13. Well, not much...I went to classes as usual. One of my books came in. I'll pick it up tomorrow or sometime around then. I made a new topic and downloaded some soundtracks. Not very interesting to be honest. Ah well, good night.

  14. True, unless you read or watch for yourself you'll never know if what we're saying is true. *claps like Mao* You figured it out, Lulu.
  15. In the rematch he let them and us two toys and final smashes and since we're using two toys as well, I assumed we got the final smash, too.
  16. I think he means do you know where he is, Princess.
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