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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. I'm just letting you know that I'm staying out of this. If this is what you want, do as you will.
  2. No he posts. There's a post three above yours actually.
  3. I was just watching that scene a little while ago too.
  4. ...??? Are you sure you meant to post that here?
  5. Oh yeah...forgot about her. Yeah I brought her too, of course. I still don't get why, though.
  6. Yes...and no. I'll spare you the details, it was this whole...annoyance. Let's leave it at that.
  7. Great, it's the Ike/Marth Carol...Carell...Carl...whatever the other dance thing all over again.
  8. So you were skipped, then. ...Is it still the bloated Soren?
  9. Arc said everyone who "posted trollish responses" got warned.
  10. Actually that's kinda what happened.
  11. I see. I had that for a little while, too.
  12. Wierd. On my end it's the pic Princess drew of me. Anyone else?
  13. ...I see. Thanks for the update.
  14. If we ever needed more proof that you're related to Princess, this would be it.
  15. Nah, this stuff is pretty harmless.
  16. That usually means they're gonna die. Boyd got three Colossuses in a row before he was brutally raped by dragons once.

  17. Can't catch a break, huh? Maybe your just not good with swords.

  18. Wow...chapter one...that's just...fail.

  19. Hey. Just got back from English, what's up?

  20. Hibari


    Someguy, huh? Well welcome to the forest. If you have any questions at all...ask MaSu or Lyle.
  21. Hey, what's up?

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