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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Does the word "Pein" mean anything to you?
  2. They weren't giant and the thing scrolled down.
  3. I just skipped over the red lines, so when I saw you going on about near and dear friends and hearts I thought that Sailor Moon was in the background and it affected your typing.
  4. Oh...well...sorry for the spoilers, then.
  5. Naruto hasn't been awesome since...well 4-tails, and that really only applies to the manga...the anime was just crap.
  6. ...you do know one of those dudes is Naruto, right?
  7. By the way, how much do you wanna bet, Nightmare? 20 or 40 good?
  8. Oh, he is...anyway...that would actually be kind of funny: "Are you on a Wii right now?" "...No" "Well then you're banned" "I mean yes" "Oh, then you're not banned"
  9. "Lie with the dogs, wake up with fleas." And once again I am NOT insulting anyone by calling them a dog, it's just an expression.
  10. Then 50 (Lucario's HP)-(40(Marth's Magic) +10 (Dancing Blades Strength))-20 (Lucario's Resistance)= 30 damage...from the first strike. In other words Marth dealt a total of 90 damage if my calculations are correct, feel free to correct them if they're not. Sorry this took so long, I had to do a lot of rifling. EDIT: I'll take next.
  11. TLS, am I right to assume that Dancing Blade is three consecutive hits?
  12. Well there was Ion...waitnevermind.
  13. *calculates damage* ...damn. That was anti-climatic.
  14. I see. I saw the quote from the "hey guys" topic and thought you got mixed up somehow.
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