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Status Updates posted by Hibari

  1. You're welcome. Did you have fun?

  2. That was awesome. And Tsuna's badass level is rising in my opinion.

  3. No...should he?

  4. I know. They finally realized how retarded that was. And Garwin would probably do a great job of it...maybe too great.

  5. Excellent. I do a great Bel and Hibari. My Mukuro's not bad either. Who would be the girls though?

  6. The question is what?

  7. That was the best part:

    daughter:As soon as I find a man I'm leaving.

    kanda: Move.

    daughter: SCORE!

    dad: Shit.

  8. Yeah, that was pretty funny.

  9. Y'know I was just thinking, we should get some of the guys and fandub something someday, just for the experience.

  10. I saw. I think I may have made a spark.

  11. What're you up to?

  12. Yeah...did not think they'd go there.

  13. New Reborn's out. Hibari's gonna kick ass.

  14. Dunno. New Reborn came out. Genshiki's gonna get his.

  15. True. It's a fun way to pass time here...usually.

  16. I had a feeling this day would come. Any reason?

  17. Hey. Mornin'.

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