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Status Updates posted by Hibari

  1. What're you up to?

  2. Yeah. I thought it was pretty...interesting. Mizore seems a lot more fucked up than I thought background wise.

  3. Not really. Same stuff, different day. I should probably go to sleep too. G'night.

  4. Just give me the jist of it then.

  5. By the way, what's the prompt?

  6. I should try watching that from episode 1.

  7. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo boooooooooooooooooooooooooored.

  8. I like the new name Ace.

  9. The guy with the shades?

  10. ...Okay. What guy? And I don't mind the fillers.

  11. Meh. I guess.

  12. I wish I knew.


  13. Hey. What's up?

  14. Hey. How're you?

  15. Nice. Any of 'em good?

  16. Okay then. So what else is goin' on?

  17. Cool. What episode?

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