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Status Updates posted by Hibari

  1. Just doing some math homework. What movie?

  2. Hey. What's up?

  3. Well...maybe he lives. And I wanna see the Hibari fight already. Genshiki needs to get owned.

  4. Read the new D. Gray Man and Reborn yet?

  5. Alright. Well I'm about to get breakfast. See ya in a bit.

  6. Hey, what's up? I see you got your new orders.

  7. Hey. What's up?

  8. Drangaroo...bird?

    *sucks at naming*

  9. I'm intrigued...yet afraid.

  10. What did you have in mind?

  11. *chuckles*

    No need to apologize.

  12. I've been alright. So what've you been up to lately? More OniCon prep?

  13. So far. I was busy watching it.

  14. Sounds interesting. Glad you enjoy it.

  15. Watching the Incredible.

  16. C-C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! (couldn't resist)

  17. That's good. What're up to?

  18. I'm doing well. You?

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