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Status Updates posted by Hibari

  1. Looking forward to it.

  2. Sounds good. Let me know how it turns out.

  3. I've heard of her but I never read any of her work. Is it good?

  4. School stuff and playing DS. What're you reading?

  5. Same...bored out of my mind.

  6. *chuckles*

    I see. So what've your been up to?

  7. Hey Cym, what's up?

  8. Not much, you?

  9. *Points to reply I sent you*

  10. Nothin' really. Gotta restart the pirate chapter cause of Erk. Ah well Eliwood's stats sucked anyway.

  11. Same ol' same ol'?

  12. That... may have been...the most epic chapter ever in the history of One Piece!

  13. Did you read One Piece?

  14. Alright, so what else have you been up to?

  15. Yeah, you get used to it I guess.

  16. It's pretty nice. Pretty nice. Had a bit of a mini-storm earlier but it's passed.

  17. That was more out of whim than boredom, but yeah.

  18. Bored. I'm just surfing random sites now.

  19. Hey, what's up?

  20. Yeah. That was a good one.

  21. Dunno. We sorta went through a motivator phase as you saw...maybe, maybe not.

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