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Status Updates posted by Hibari

  1. What's up?

    *just woke up*

  2. Good night then.

  3. Same here. I should probably go to bed soon...

  4. Yeah. So what's new with you?

  5. Yeah. It's an old episode but a good one.

  6. For the love of-he's on Chapter 8!

  7. Tat makes sense.

    And I'm watching Venture Bros.

  8. I'm alright. What're you up to?

  9. *is doing the same*

  10. What're you watching?

  11. Hey Des, what's up?

  12. He fucking has chapter 7 up already.

  13. Yeah. And they all have steel swords too. He hasn't died yet but it's annoying.

  14. The arena hates Hector. Nothing but sword users.

  15. Dunno. As long as it gets done and your satisfied with it, it should be fine.

  16. Yeah. I'll just look at the assignment and all of a sudden I lose all my energy. It's a pain isn't it?

  17. I always do stuff like that to be honest. If I can get into the project I have trouble doing it.

  18. And in a final act of defiant fail, Eliwood caps nothing...fuckin' hate him.

  19. ...blow it off till the last minute and do a half-assed job on it?

  20. He's...actually owning in the arena...I don't know what to say...

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