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Status Updates posted by Hibari

  1. What're you watching?

  2. Not much. Just checking on Serenes Emblem and whatnot. You?

  3. That'll be good stress release, actually.

  4. At least wait till the game's over. By then someone else would've made one and you'll seem like less of a douche.

  5. I know. But if you keep telling yourself that maybe you'll start to believe it.

  6. Yeah...well...

    *shrugs* Just keep telling yourself it'll all pay off in the end.

  7. Hey Princess. Howsit goin'?

  8. Slow day, huh?

  9. I'm about to get some dinner and then I'm gonna finish some schoolwork. So who's sprite are you doing?

  10. What's up, Princess.

  11. Not much. Except my computer's acting up so it took a while to respond. How're you?

  12. Nothing really. Just some math homework.

  13. Cool. Everything ready?

  14. That's good. What've you been up to?

  15. Meh, okay I guess.

  16. Hey. How're you?

  17. Gonna go get lunch. Let me know what I miss, okay.

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