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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. So I've been told. But I keep forgetting.
  2. Actually...the neck didn't quite fit so I had to fill the space. It looks off to me too but...
  3. My first attempt at FE9 Spritework. Tell me what you think. By the way spoilers if you have never been in the PoR or RM forums.
  4. Part One: Endgame Stage: That wasn't too bad. The only real difficulty was getting the thieves and dealing with the smug Fire Mage who kept doing just enough to kill Volug. Mounting Tormod, Aran, Laura and Leoardo on the wall held the pursuers at bay and having the Black Knight pummel the gate was rather therapeutic. Jarod went down in one turn after robbing him blind. All in all things went well.
  5. Is it strange that my first thought was "I want that?"
  6. Hibari


    So...did anyone read the latest chapter or did we all decide to drop the series entirely?
  7. I don't know what to say except...you put some thought into this huh?
  8. Huh? That was more of a general example.
  9. It is kind of a stretch to believe that the medallion would be left in her hands, to be fair. Considering what it is and all.
  10. Can't say I have. Can't say I will. But I can't say I won't either.
  11. I'm pretty sure the dragon tribes were meant to seem more...exotic than the others? Which was kind of made apparent when you sit down and think about there names. Even for a fictional land I've always felt that they sounded and looked rather...arabic in a sense. Mainly Nasir and Kurth.
  12. Define "brag." Saying something like "I kicked your ass" only once may be fine. Or is it excessive?
  13. Probably not. Close, but no.
  14. Thanks. I'll do what I can and see what happens.
  15. I knew you or MS would bring that up. The only time I hate bragging is when the person doesn't shut the hell up about it and then loses and begins to make excuses or complains.
  16. Yeah...when I play late at night I tend to make...not so sound decisions. Edward and Leonardo-12 Aran and Laura-10 Nolan-15 or 16 I forget.
  17. Haha, point in case.

  18. No need to apologize. As you can see I'm guilty of the same thing. And I'm fine. You?

  19. I used to have a motto that went "I never try to tell the future. If I did I'd probably suck at it." Well thanks to BEXP that motto was proven right. As you'll see in a moment: Part One: Chapter Seven Stage: I hate prison missions. Really I do. It actually went well it was just a pain since nearly everything had a ranged weapon. Part One: Chapter Eight Stage: I never wanted to use Jill so badly...which is kinda strange for me. Part One: Chapter Nine Stage: Took everything I had not to go "Screw this" and have the Black Knight carry Micaiah. Now for my Endgame Team: Micaiah-Lv19 Light Mage HP: 25 Str: 5 Mag: [b]20[/b] Skll: 12 Spd: 13 Lck: 23 Def: 4 Res: [b]20[/b] Comments: Thank God Rafiel carried a Seraph Robe. Sothe-Lv 5 Rogue HP: 37 Str: 21 Mag: 5 Skl: 23 Spd: 23 Lck:16 Def: 16 Res: 12 Comments: Not good at finding treasure oddly enough. Volug-Lv15 Wolf HP: 49 Str: 11 Mag: 2 Skl: 12 Spd: 13 Lck: 13 Def: 9 Res:5 Comments: ...No comment. Black Knight-Lv 20...Black...Knight...heh. HP: 70 Str: 38 Mag: 18 Skl: [b]40[/b] Spd: 30 Lck: 20 Def: 35+5 Res: 25 Comments: I'm getting that memory scene, dammit. Edward-Lv 1 Swordmaster HP: 27 Str: 13 Mag: 3 Skl: 15 Spd: 16 Lck: 12 Def: 10 Res: 3 Comments: Just promoted. Leonardo-Lv1 Sniper HP: 22 Str: 12 Mag: 2 Skl: 19 Spd: 14 Lck: 14 Def: 9 Res: 9 Comments: Same. Tormod-Lv5 Fire Sage HP: 34 Str: 13 Mag: 17 Skl: 16 Spd: 20 Lck: 14 Def: 12 Res: 14 Comments: MS can get him to work. I'm hit or miss. Muarim-Lv19 Tiger HP: 58 Str: 18 Mag: 3 Skl: 14 Spd: 11 Lck: 12 Def: 15 Res: 9 Comments: I gotta ask: Where's his Demi Band? Laura-Lv1 Bishop HP: 21 Str: 8 Mag: 14 Skl: 13 Spd:14 Lck: 14 Def: 6 Res: 13 Comments: Also just promoted. Aran-Lv1 Halberdier HP: 29 Str: 13 Mag: 2 Skl: 15 Spd: 12 Lck: 7 Def: 14 Res: 4 Comments: What do you think? Rafiel-Lv12 Heron HP: 31 Str: 1 Mag: 6 Skl: 1 Spd: 6 Lck: 31 Def: 3 Res: 13 Comments: Nailah-Lv33 Wolf Queen HP: 66 Str: 17 Mag: 5 Skl: 23 Spd: 19 Lck: 35 Def: 16 Res: 13 Comments: I may use her in the Endgame. I may use a lot more Royals this time around. Wish me luck.
  20. Hibari


    It'd be hilarious if he was some sort of Zeroth Espada and ended up owning everyone once they somehow kill Ulquiorra.
  21. What if it's a woman?
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