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Status Updates posted by Hibari

  1. That...may have come out weird. I just wanted to know what kind if any advice I could give you before school starts for you.

  2. Nothing really. So what grade are you going into?

  3. So what's keeping you so busy lately?

  4. Sounds like you're pretty busy these days. I'm just getting into the swing of college, which is just like high school really except you can control your schedule more. So what have you been up to?

  5. Hey. Howsit goin', Song?

  6. Well that'll be interesting. It might be worth reading. At any rate I'm going to sleep now. G'night.

  7. No. But it's quieted down. I think I'm gonna go to bed now. Night.

  8. No, I'm perfectly-

    *falls asleep on keyboard*zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-

    *wakes up* fine.

  9. I bet when this is all over, either you, Hika, or Serene will make a "And I am NEVER working with you people again" topic.

  10. Quarter to 1...am.

  11. No it was from FMA. The song had three different versions but only two were released. Guess which one we wanted.

  12. Alright, just making sure you don't send me a comment about how you can't find the right version. It happened to me and my brother and it still haunts us.

  13. By the way...you do know that was two versions put together, right?

  14. No problem. I'm looking for it myself.

  15. Guess it's cause it's getting late. I'd go to sleep but my roommates have a friend here and I can't sleep when company's over.

  16. Really? Didn't notice.

  17. Nothing really. And nice work on the sig. I may have to ask you for one someday.

  18. So what've you been up to?

  19. Are you at your house?

  20. Yeah just the NDS file.

  21. Wait I see what you meant, but the answer's still yes.

  22. Yeah. I went to systems and put the files on the SD card.

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