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Status Updates posted by Hibari

  1. Cool. What chapter are you on?

  2. ...I see...

  3. Hibari

    I see...why's that?

  4. Hibari


    Why is Hika trying to kill you?

  5. What's up?

  6. Hibari



  7. Well, not much...I went to classes as usual. One of my books came in. I'll pick it up tomorrow or sometime around then. I made a new topic and downloaded some soundtracks. Not very interesting to be honest. Ah well, good night.

  8. That usually means they're gonna die. Boyd got three Colossuses in a row before he was brutally raped by dragons once.

  9. Can't catch a break, huh? Maybe your just not good with swords.

  10. Wow...chapter one...that's just...fail.

  11. Hey. Just got back from English, what's up?

  12. Hey, what's up?

  13. mine was a half-joke.

  14. ...as Katara once said, "we're gonna keep trying but that is a good back-up."

  15. Oh right...need to post those. I'll get on it later, and I don't really have and ending off the top of my head. Give me a little time and I'll think up one.

  16. That's good to hear.

  17. Same old Jill.

  18. That makes sense.

  19. ...I see. How did we on to the topic of teeth?

  20. Ouch. Sounds like a lot of work for teeth.

  21. Wouldn't know, I've never had 'em. I had a filling once and it made just biting down on things weird.

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