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Status Updates posted by Hibari

  1. Hey howsit goin'

  2. Thanks, I only have two a day, so I think I can manage.

  3. My dorms officially set up and I start classes tomorrow.

  4. So what have you been up to?

  5. Listening to random anime openings.

  6. Hey Song, how are you?

  7. Just had lunch/dinner. How's everything?

  8. Yeah I should...I gotta step out to get something, though.

  9. No not since...11 or so...not sure.

  10. Lunch...should probably get some too...

  11. Too bad I missed it. Ah well there's always veoh.

  12. ...You do know Micaiah's death quote changes like every chapter, right?

  13. Leonardo was awesome for me.

  14. After the fact that, I dunno, a THIEF was killed by an axe I'm starting to reconsider bringing him.

  15. I brought the three lords, Raven, Lucius, Prisilla, Erk, Serra and Mathew. But then Mathew took a 39% hit from a Silver Axe so now I have a fresh start.

  16. Yeah. I'm on the side quest where you get Canas.

  17. Nice sig. So true, just look at Yumichika.

  18. I am now official unpacked in my dorm.

  19. It's pretty nice. I got a mini fridge and a small tv put in it.

  20. I'm actually in my new dorm room. School starts Monday for me.

  21. Hey Song. How've you been?

  22. Usual. You?

  23. I did read it. That was wrong and Oda knows it. Why does he like screwing his own characters over so much? Seriously.

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