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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. I see. Well that works out great for us then.

  2. I can't complain. So what're you up to?

  3. I'm doing alright. Just procrastinating on Algebra homework as usual.

  4. Would you rather I use Riev's? I know. I'm trying to fix it. When I save it in Paint it's a bitmap but when I put in on Photobucket it's a jpeg. I was kinda thinking the same thing myself to be honest. And even if you're not a spriter I appreciate the input.
  5. Howsit goin'?

  6. My first three-person fusion.
  7. In responce to the "Berserker vs Swordmaster" topic: Why not have both?
  8. By the time you read this I'll have already left.
  9. I should just walk away right now.
  10. By the way, this is driving me crazy:


    Doesn't that sound like Kyle?

  11. Check out my mugs.

  12. "Father of Sothe's babies." I was just throwing names out. Meh. Apparently they see something in you that attracts them. I don't really get what draws people to each other so I can't really give sound advice on it, but I will say it's whatever that factor is in you that people are drawn to that makes you popular, so just accept it. It's a part of who you are they like, so there should be no problem.
  13. Not until people shout how your the mother of Lyle/Fireman/MS' babies. For some reason that doesn't seem as funny. He used to be Sothe...in name.
  14. ...I see what you did there.
  15. It's not a bad thing. I just can't add much to a straightforward "yes."
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