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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Because these are joke shippings. As in they won't happen.
  2. Friggin' hate Eliwood. He's 20 and none of his stats are over 15.

  3. I see. That's rough.

  4. True. But if you got mad about it and hit her, it would be considered spousal abuse. That's just the way it is.
  5. Howsit goin'?

  6. Y'know, having a name that means "Sighing Death" or "Sighing Shadows" is actually pretty cool as it is.
  7. Name: Branded Class: ...Hero/Vanguard I guess. Appearance: see avatar. Personality: Quiet, sarcastic, irritable...pretty much the opposite of MS. Can be very blunt and to the point. Good intentions, evil intentions, or neutral?: Whichever side interests me more. Any special notes/ background information (any special weapons/attacks you have, if you want to die or not, who else on here you have a special bond with, if you want to be someone's love interest 8D, etc.): Weapon: Bastard Sword called "Obsidian" Death: As long as it's not pathetic or cliche I'm fine with dying Bonds: MaSu, Song
  8. Agreed. Hammerspace it is then.

  9. Well the player should never lose to the CPU so I'll endure it. It just means I'll have to get a copy.
  10. Well, I have no complaints. But I gotta ask, where is all my Sprite coming from? It seems like I just pull it out at the most random moments. That actually sounds pretty funny, like if Taboo shows up and he's about to attack us, all the sudden I start sipping Sprite.

  11. Yeah. It seems right. Why?

  12. Which one are we supposed to click?
  13. Y'know I'm not sure. I've never really looked into the whole horror genre. I'd probably find one or two that I liked if I gave it a shot. Any recommendations?

  14. That's not really a mistake on your part.
  15. ...Wow. Glad I was never like that.
  16. That bugged me too. Especially after I got Rolf and Mist's A Support. Got my hopes up for nothing.
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